bedding material
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2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Jenni Mönki ◽  
Markku Saastamoinen ◽  
Ninja Karikoski ◽  
Marianna Norring ◽  
Minna Rajamäki ◽  

The effects of bedding material on air quality are important amongst horses worldwide. Respiratory diseases, especially equine asthma, are highly prevalent with air hygiene playing a major role on the pathophysiology of these diseases. The objective of our study was to investigate the effects of four bedding materials on the respiratory signs, tracheal mucus score, and tracheal wash (TW) and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cytology in healthy adult horses. The study design was a prospective controlled cross-over study, and the subjects were healthy adult riding school horses (n = 32) from a single stable. Wood pellet, straw pellet, and loosely stored peat (Peat 3) were compared to peat packed in plastic-covered bales (Peat 2). Lower airway endoscopy and sampling (TW and BALF) for cytological examination were performed after each 35-day bedding period. The tracheal mucus scores (P = 0.014) and respiratory rate (P = 0.026) were higher during the straw pellet period compared to the Peat 2 period. The respiratory rate was lower during the wood pellet period compared to the Peat 2 period (P = 0.004). The TW neutrophil percentage during the straw pellet period was higher compared to the Peat 2 period (P = 0.0003). The BALF neutrophil percentage was higher during the straw pellet period (P = 0.005) and during the Peat 3 period compared to the Peat 2 period (P = 0.04). We conclude that baled peat (Peat 2) caused lower neutrophil percentages in the airway samples compared to straw pellet and loosely stored peat (Peat 3). No difference was observed between Peat 2 and wood pellet. The information gained from this study may assist veterinarians and horse owners in selecting appropriate bedding materials, especially for horses with equine asthma.

2021 ◽  
Vol 73 (6) ◽  
pp. 1361-1370
L.C. Sampaio ◽  
M.S.M. Peixoto ◽  
J.A.D. Barbosa Filho ◽  
F.A. Damasceno ◽  
N.A.F. Machado ◽  

ABSTRACT The replacement of bedding in compost dairy barns (CB) comprises a recurrent management practice, but bedding materials are often not readily available in all regions and the choice of alternative materials is necessary. The objective was to evaluate the thermal attributes of carnauba straw (CS) bedding in compost dairy barn facilities. Environmental monitoring operations were performed at a commercial farm located in Northeast Brazil. Mini weather stations were used to evaluate environmental variables. The THI was evaluated as one of the comfort parameters. Analysis of the spatial distribution of bed surface temperature (BST) in the CB was performed using geostatistical techniques. The cows remained out of the comfort zone according to THI results. The BST indicated satisfactory performance and from the thermal point of view can be used as alternative bedding material in CB facilities. However, it was observed that the CS showed fast biomass degradation compared to conventional materials, widely known. In addition, inadequate temperature values (< 45°C) were found in the deeper of the CS bed, signaling higher risks of pathogenic microbial activity. Additional studies are needed for searching the proper management plans that increase the life span of the bed formed by carnauba straw.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (23) ◽  
pp. 13035
Haiyan Duan ◽  
Minghua Ji ◽  
Yukang Xie ◽  
Jiping Shi ◽  
Li Liu ◽  

The present study investigated the effects of bedding material (BM) waste on physicochemical properties, organic matter (OM) degradation, microbial community structure and metabolic function during composting. The results showed that bedding material (CK-0, S1-40%, S2-25%) optimized the composting conditions for lignocellulose and OM biodegradation. The highest OM degradation and humic substance (HS) synthesis rates were observed in the 40% BM addition group. Firmicutes was more abundant in the bedding material addition groups, whereas Proteobacteria was more abundant in the group without bedding material. Functional prediction showed higher carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism in the BM groups than that in control group. Animal and plant pathogens were almost eliminated, and saprotrophs were the dominant fungal trophic modes after 40% BM addition composting. Cellulose, hemicellulose, and organic matter had strong associations with microbial communities, such as Lysinibacillus and Corynebacterium (bacteria), compared to the associations of Aspergillus, Candida, and Sordariomycetes (fungi) (p value < 0.05). Network analysis revealed closer microbial community interactions in 40% BM addition group than in other groups. These findings provide detailed information about the coupling of material conversion, of bacterial and fungal succession during composting, and that bedding materials waste can also be used as an effective compost amendment.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2890
Isabella J. Giambra ◽  
Yeasmin Jahan ◽  
Tong Yin ◽  
Petra Engel ◽  
Christina Weimann ◽  

Compost-bedded pack barns (CBP) are of increasing interest in dairy farming due to their positive effect on animal welfare. The temperature and the moisture content of the bedding material characterising the composting process can promote the growth of thermophilic aerobic sporeformers (TAS). Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine CBP bedding material characteristics, such as moisture content and temperature, and to determine TAS species. The dilution, the heat inactivation of all non-TAS species and the incubation of 13 bedding samples from four CBP groups resulted in a mean TAS amount over all samples of 4.11 log10 cfu/g bedding material. Based on the subsequent sequencing of parts of the 16S rRNA-gene of 99 TAS colonies, the TAS species Aneurinibacillus thermoaerophilus, Bacillus licheniformis, Geobacillus thermodenitrificans, Laceyella sacchari, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris and Ureibacillus thermosphaericus were identified. The moisture content of the bedding material, the relative humidity above the bedding material and the sampling season significantly affected the amount of TAS. The moisture content or relative humidity above the bedding material significantly influenced the concentration of Ureibacillus thermophaericus or Laceyella sacchari. Consequently, an optimal CBP management including a dry lying surface and an optimal composting process will contribute to a moderate microbial, especially TAS amount, and TAS species distribution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (18) ◽  
pp. 8503
Flávio A. Damasceno ◽  
Joseph L. Taraba ◽  
George B. Day ◽  
Randi A. Black ◽  
Jeffrey M. Bewley ◽  

Among animal facilities, compost-bedded pack (CBP) barns have attracted a lot of attention from milk producers and the scientific community. Systematic investigation of the main thermal properties utilizing sawdust in CBP barns is of environmental and economic relevance. In this paper, the aim was to (a) develop predictive equations for the thermal conductivity (k) of compost bedding as a function of moisture content (MC), the degree of compaction (DCo), and particle size (PS); and (b) investigate the links between k and depth within bedding material. Samples of compost bedding materials were collected from 42 commercial CBP barns distributed throughout Kentucky (USA). From these predictive equations, it was possible to understand how the MC, DCo, and PS of the bedding materials may influence the behavior of k. These results are very useful for solving obstacles to simulate and predict the variable outcomes of the compost bedding materials process in CBP barns, allowing for its optimization, consequently reducing the time and energy spent on their optimization and allowing for simulation and assessment of compost bedding process modifications. The results of the current study may have important implications in the design and management of bedded pack barns.

V.G. Sofronov ◽  
R.N. Fayzrakhmanov ◽  
N.I. Danilova ◽  
E.L. Kuznetsova ◽  

The harmlessness of the new hygienic bedding material and the effect of broilers on the body have been studied. During the experiment, it was found that the new hygienic litter material, representing waste from the woodworking industry, treated with thermochemical and biotechnological methods, does not have an irritating effect on the skin, does not irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes and allergic reactions in rabbits, but, on the contrary, improves certain morphobiochemical and immunological parameters of the body’s blood are goslings. Ultimately, this was reflected in an increase in red blood cells by 7.04 %, hemoglobin – 5.20 %, total protein – 6.3 %, total calcium – 5.8 %, inorganic phosphorus – 5.1 %, glucose – 5,4 % compared with the control.

R.N. Fayzrakhmanov ◽  
N.I. Danilova ◽  
O.A. Beloglazova ◽  
P.V. Sofronov ◽  

The influence of a new hygienic bedding material made from woodworking waste and processed by thermochemical and biotechnological methods on the parameters of the microclimate in the barn has been studied. As a result of the experiments, it was found that the use of a new hygienic bedding material contributed to a decrease in humidity at the end of the study by 5.3 %, a significant decrease in the content of ammonia – 13.7 %, dust – 14.8 % and microorganisms – 17.0 %, compared to control, respectively.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 2430
Katriina Heinola ◽  
Tiina Kauppinen ◽  
Jarkko K. Niemi ◽  
Essi Wallenius ◽  
Satu Raussi

Animal welfare labeling schemes have been developed to respond to consumers’ expectations regarding farm animal welfare. They are designed to certify that labeled products comply with certain animal welfare standards. In this study, 12 pig welfare labeling schemes were reviewed, and their criteria related to pig welfare were compared. Information regarding farrowing criteria, space allowance, outdoor access, mutilations, and provision of enrichments and bedding material were gathered from the labels’ internet pages and documentation. The results indicated a substantial variation between the labels in terms of the level of animal welfare they ensure. While certain schemes barely exceeded the minimum standards for the protection of pigs in the European Union, more demanding tiers of the multitier schemes had the potential to improve animal welfare substantially. The most ambitious tiers of multistage schemes were often comparable to organic standards providing outdoor facilities and additional space. The heterogeneity of the labels’ standards complicates the comparison of labels.

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1144
Boris Boltianskyi ◽  
Radmila Sklyar ◽  
Natalia Boltyanska ◽  
Larysa Boltianska ◽  
Serhii Dereza ◽  

This article presents methods and results of experimental research to determine the power consumed when driving the working bodies of the straw bedding mobile spreader to cover cow stalls (boxes). Analysis of the design and mode parameters of the rotary finger working body influence on the energy consumption of the bedding material spreading process is carried out. Using the experimental data, it was established that the power consumed to drive the rotary finger working body of the mobile straw bedding spreader, at the tractor power take-off (PTO) shaft rotation speed of 540 min−1, the forward unit speed of 2 km/h, and performance of 1.5 kg/s, is equal to 7.633 kW. In this case, due to the installation of a rotary finger working body for spreading straw bedding, the power consumption increased by 9%. This increase will not have a significant impact on the overall energy consumption of the spreading bedding material working process, because this class tractor power reserve allows its use.

R.N. Fayzrakhmanov ◽  
V.G. Sofronov ◽  
N.I. Danilova ◽  
O.A. Beloglazova ◽  

The influence of the new hygienic bedding material on the microclimate parameters in the house and the productivity of broiler goslings was studied. During the experiment, it was found that the new hygienic litter material, representing waste from the woodworking industry, treated with thermochemical and biotechnological methods, improves individual microclimate parameters in the house, which ultimately contributes to an increase in average daily growth of 7.51 % and the safety of the livestock – 1.80 %, as well as a reduction in feed costs per 1 kg increase of 4.98 % compared with the control.

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