oceanic water
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Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (12) ◽  
pp. 675
Anna Panasiuk ◽  
Marcin Kalarus

Appendicularians are important but remain poorly studied groups of zooplankton in polar regions. The present research is based on samples collected in Admiralty Bay (King George Island) during a year-long period. Six larvacean species were noted, among which Fritillaria borealis and Oikopleura gaussica were found to be the most numerous, while the other species were relatively rare. Fritillaria borealis was a dominant part of the late summer (warm water) community, while O. gaussica had the highest presence in the winter (cold water) community. The abundance of appendicularians recorded in the bay was less numerous than that described by other authors. The most important factors influencing annual changes in the larvaceans in the bay was season, but only in the case of the two species. These facts were probably linked to the very dynamic changes in the abiotic conditions in the fjord, and the influx of specific masses of water.

2021 ◽  
Francesco Cicala ◽  
María Clara Arteaga ◽  
Sharon Z. Herzka ◽  
Clara María Hereu C ◽  
Sylvia P. A. Jimenez‐Rosenberg ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Haruka Sakuraba ◽  
Hiroyuki Kurokawa ◽  
Hidenori Genda ◽  
Kenji Ohta

AbstractEarth’s surface environment is largely influenced by its budget of major volatile elements: carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and hydrogen (H). Although the volatiles on Earth are thought to have been delivered by chondritic materials, the elemental composition of the bulk silicate Earth (BSE) shows depletion in the order of N, C, and H. Previous studies have concluded that non-chondritic materials are needed for this depletion pattern. Here, we model the evolution of the volatile abundances in the atmosphere, oceans, crust, mantle, and core through the accretion history by considering elemental partitioning and impact erosion. We show that the BSE depletion pattern can be reproduced from continuous accretion of chondritic bodies by the partitioning of C into the core and H storage in the magma ocean in the main accretion stage and atmospheric erosion of N in the late accretion stage. This scenario requires a relatively oxidized magma ocean ($$\log _{10} f_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}$$ log 10 f O 2 $$\gtrsim$$ ≳ $${\mathrm{IW}}$$ IW $$-2$$ - 2 , where $$f_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}$$ f O 2 is the oxygen fugacity, $$\mathrm{IW}$$ IW is $$\log _{10} f_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}^{\mathrm{IW}}$$ log 10 f O 2 IW , and $$f_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}^{\mathrm{IW}}$$ f O 2 IW is $$f_{{\mathrm{O}}_2}$$ f O 2 at the iron-wüstite buffer), the dominance of small impactors in the late accretion, and the storage of H and C in oceanic water and carbonate rocks in the late accretion stage, all of which are naturally expected from the formation of an Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Weiwei Liu ◽  
George B. McManus ◽  
Xiaofeng Lin ◽  
Honghui Huang ◽  
Wenjing Zhang ◽  

Ciliates are abundant microplankton that are widely distributed in the ocean. In this paper, the distribution patterns of ciliate diversity in the South China Sea (SCS) were analyzed by compiling community data from previous publications. Based on morphological identification, a total of 592 ciliate species have been recorded in the SCS. The ciliate communities in intertidal, neritic and oceanic water areas were compared in terms of taxonomy, motility and feeding habit composition, respectively. Significant community variation was revealed among the three areas, but the difference between the intertidal area and the other two areas was more significant than that between neritic and oceanic areas. The distributions of ciliates within each of the three areas were also analyzed. In the intertidal water, the community was not significantly different among sites but did differ among habitat types. In neritic and oceanic areas, the spatial variation of communities among different sites was clearly observed. Comparison of communities by taxonomic and ecological traits (motility and feeding habit) indicated that these traits similarly revealed the geographical pattern of ciliates on a large scale in the SCS, but to distinguish the community variation on a local scale, taxonomic traits has higher resolution than ecological traits. In addition, we assessed the relative influences of environmental and spatial factors on assembly of ciliate communities in the SCS and found that environmental selection is the major process structuring the taxonomic composition in intertidal water, while spatial processes played significant roles in influencing the taxonomic composition in neritic and oceanic water. Among ecological traits, environmental selection had the most important impact on distributions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 690
Katherine Salazar Alekseyeva ◽  
Barbara Mähnert ◽  
Franz Berthiller ◽  
Eva Breyer ◽  
Gerhard J. Herndl ◽  

Ergosterol has traditionally been used as a proxy to estimate fungal biomass as it is almost exclusively found in fungal lipid membranes. Ergosterol determination has been mostly used for fungal samples from terrestrial, freshwater, salt marsh- and mangrove-dominated environments or to describe fungal degradation of plant matter. In the open ocean, however, the expected concentrations of ergosterol are orders of magnitude lower than in terrestrial or macrophyte-dominated coastal systems. Consequently, the fungal biomass in the open ocean remains largely unknown. Recent evidence based on microscopy and -omics techniques suggests, however, that fungi contribute substantially to the microbial biomass in the oceanic water column, highlighting the need to accurately determine fungal biomass in the open ocean. We performed ergosterol extractions of an oceanic fungal isolate (Rhodotorula sphaerocarpa) with biomass concentrations varying over nine orders of magnitude. While after the initial chloroform-methanol extraction ~87% of the ergosterol was recovered, a second extraction recovered an additional ~10%. Testing this extraction method on samples collected from the open Atlantic Ocean, we successfully determined ergosterol concentrations as low as 0.12 pM. Thus, this highly sensitive method is well suited for measuring fungal biomass from open ocean waters, including deep-sea environments.

2021 ◽  
John Shiga

This article traces the development of acoustic navigation media, or “sonar,” in the first half of the twentieth century, focusing on the relationships forged between underwater sound, electric media, and new techniques of listening. The central argument is that sonar shaped, and was shaped by, the expansion of warfare and capital underwater, and that this expansion came to be conceptualized by nautical organizations as dependent upon the control of underwater sound. Through analysis of key episodes in the conquest of subsea space, the author explores scientific, military, and commercial efforts to sense underwater objects and demonstrates how these efforts helped reconceptualize oceanic water as a component of undersea acoustic media and led to the material reorganization of the ocean’s acoustic field. Cet article retrace le développement de médias acoustiques de navigation ou <> dans la première moitié du vingtième siècle en mettant l’accent sur les rapports créés entre les sons sous-marins, les médias électriques et les nouvelles techniques d’écoute. L’argument central de l’article est qu’il y a eu une influence réciproque entre le sonar et l’expansion sous-marine de la guerre et du capital, et que les organisations nautiques ont commencé à concevoir cette expansion comme nécessitant le contrôle des sons sous-marins. Au moyen d’une analyse d’épisodes clés dans la conquête de l’espace sous-marin, l’auteur explore les efforts scientifiques, militaires et commerciaux pour repérer les objets sous l’eau et démontre comment ces efforts ont aidé à réaliser une nouvelle conception de l’eau océanique comme composante des médias acoustiques sous-marins, menant à une réorganisation matérielle du champ acoustique de l’océan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 566 ◽  
pp. 120083
Jiayi Ai ◽  
Ningning Zhong ◽  
Tonggang Zhang ◽  
Yu Zhang ◽  
Tieguan Wang ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 224 (5) ◽  
pp. jeb241414
Matthew Edwards ◽  
Coleman M. Sheehy ◽  
Matthew T. Fedler ◽  
Harvey B. Lillywhite

ABSTRACTWe quantified drinking behavior in three species of North American watersnakes: Nerodia clarkii, which is a marine or brackish water amphibious species, and Nerodiafasciata and Nerodiataxispilota, both freshwater amphibious species. All three species have relatively small and similar thresholds of dehydration (TH, approximately −4% loss of body mass) that elicit thirst and drinking of fresh water. These species have higher thirst sensitivity than several species of hydrophiine and laticaudine sea snakes, which are characterized by much lower TH (greater dehydration, −9% to <−20%). Nerodia clarkii, which is often found in coastal oceanic water, refused to drink seawater, but drank fresh water when dehydrated. In separate trials involving dehydration of N. clarkii and N. fasciata that were concurrently fed fish at regular intervals, snakes eventually refused to eat at TH of approximately −12% of original body mass, but resumed eating after they were allowed to drink fresh water and rehydrate. The drinking behaviors of Nerodia corroborate previous data on the importance of fresh water for drinking, and they complement growing evidence that dietary water does not itself mitigate dehydration in snakes. These new data increase understanding of water relationships in the context of evolutionary transitions from land to sea, and they emphasize the importance of fresh water resources in the conservation of coastal and marine species of reptiles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 299 ◽  
pp. 03013
Kaicheng Zhu ◽  
Chang Gao ◽  
Jiahui Li ◽  
Dengjuan Ren ◽  
Jie Zhu

The propagation behaviours of a sin-Gaussian beam (SiGB) with astigmatism in oceanic water is analysed. The analytical expressions for the average intensity of such a beam are derived by using the extended Huygens-Fresnel integral. Its average intensity and on-axial intensity distributions in oceanic water are numerically examined. Then, we mainly focus on the effect of the beam parameters and the medium structure constant on the propagation behaviours for the astigmatic SiGBs in oceanic water, revealing that the evolutions of the intensity distributions can be effectively modulated by adjusting the astigmatic parameter, coherence length and the atmosphere turbulence strength.

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