advanced manufacturing technology
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Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3282
Guibai Xie ◽  
Hongwu Bai ◽  
Guanghui Miao ◽  
Guobao Feng ◽  
Jing Yang ◽  

With the development of industrial civilization, advanced manufacturing technology has attracted widespread concern, including in the aerospace industry. In this paper, we report the applications of ultra-thin atomic layer deposition nanofilm in the advanced aerospace manufacturing industry, including aluminum anti-oxidation and secondary electron suppression, which are critical in high-power and miniaturization development. The compact and uniform aluminum oxide film, which is formed by thermal atomic layer deposition (ALD), can prevent the deep surface oxidation of aluminum during storage, avoiding the waste of material and energy in repetitive production. The total secondary electron yield of the C/TiN component nanofilm, deposited through plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition, decreases 25% compared with an uncoated surface. The suppression of secondary electron emission is of great importance in solving the multipactor for high-power microwave components in space. Moreover, the controllable, ultra-thin uniform composite nanofilm can be deposited directly on the complex surface of devices without any transfer process, which is critical for many different applications. The ALD nanofilm shows potential for promoting system performance and resource consumption in the advanced aerospace manufacturing industry.

2021 ◽  
Xiaobei Shen ◽  
Yimin Yu ◽  
Woonghee Tim Huh

Analyzing Capacitated Two-Echelon Systems with Permutation-Dependent Separability Capacitated multiechelon systems are common in practice due to the escalating costs of labor and advanced manufacturing technology. However, identifying the optimal replenishment policies for such systems is a largely open area of research due to the intrinsic complexity, especially when there is an upstream bottleneck. In “A Permutation-Dependent Separability Approach for Capacitated Two-Echelon Inventory Systems”, Shen, Yu, and Huh propose a new approach, that is, permutation-dependent separability, to tackle a capacitated two-echelon system in which the capacity of upstream stage can be the bottleneck. They show that the value function for the capacitated two-echelon system in each period is permutation-dependent separable, and that for each echelon, a permutation-dependent echelon base stock policy is optimal. The authors also develop efficient solution procedures on how to obtain the optimal policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 5997-6006
Andersson Alexander Diaz Solarte ◽  
Jhon Hamilton Urrego Holguin ◽  
Diego Alejandro Ruiz Alzate ◽  
Fernando García Lopez ◽  
Julian Andres Estrada Zapata

In this article, the apprentices of the IDAMA Research Seedbed (Research in Automotive Development and the Environment) of the SENA Automotive Mechatronics Maintenance Technology training program of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center of the Antioquia Region, intend to outline the project of noise measurement in a service center of the automotive sector  with the purpose of qualifying  the operating environment of the technicians involved in the corrective and preventive maintenance processes of vehicles of all types.   En este artículo,  los aprendices  integrantes del semillero  de investigación IDAMA (Investigación en Desarrollo Automotriz y Medio Ambiente) del programa de formación de Tecnología en Mantenimiento Mecatrónico de Automotores del SENA del Centro de Tecnología de la Manufactura Avanzada de la Regional Antioquia, pretenden esbozar el proyecto de medición de ruido en un centro de servicios del sector automotriz con el propósito de cualificar el ambiente de operaciones de los técnicos involucrados en los procesos de mantenimiento correctivo y preventivo de vehículos de todo tipo.  

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohammed Ali Suleiman ◽  
Baofeng Huo ◽  
Yuxiao Ye

PurposeImplementing just-in-time (JIT) practices on the supplier side is a common practice to streamline procurement and production planning in realization of cost efficiency and lead time reduction. However, it is little known how supplier JIT is related to firm flexibility performance and what factors may facilitate the relationship. This study aims to investigate the effects of supplier JIT on flexibility performance and explore the moderating impacts of advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and human resource empowerment (EMP).Design/methodology/approachThis study applies hierarchical linear regression analysis to test the proposed model based on data collected from 213 manufacturing firms in China.FindingsThe results revealed a negative influence of supplier JIT on flexibility performance. However, the adoption of AMT and EMP reconciles the conflict between supplier JIT and flexibility performance. Besides, the results indicate the positive effects of AMT and EMP on flexibility performance.Originality/valueThis study contributes to supply chain JIT literature by providing a holistic view to understand the structural relationships between supplier JIT, AMT, EMP and flexibility performance.

Divanshu Gupta ◽  

Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) is becoming a paronomasia in a scenario of today’s manufacturing striding towards Manufacturing 4.0 paradigm. While achieving such objectives, the initial impetus is to be given to reduce the waste arising out of motion and transportation using both hard and soft technologies by management. Right time delivery of product is also enhanced by these strategies, however the research is still lacking in such domains in local enterprises. To check the performance of various tools and strategies in manufacturing organizations, an investigative research was considered necessary using a two-step analysis viz. the organizational imperatives and the competency analysis of the tools deployed towards improvement of former. It was noted that Robotics and Computer-aided design/ computer-aided manufacturing are being fruitfully utilized in manufacturing industry of Punjab. The analysis deployed Reliability analysis including measuring of reliability coefficient, testing of mean difference using ANOVA, descriptive testing and student t-test for the analysis of filled questionnaires. From the investigation, it emerges out that clarity in goals of AMTs is essential for every employee in the organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1107 (1) ◽  
pp. 012115
T. C. Akintayo ◽  
S. A. Akinlabi ◽  
I. P. Okokpujie ◽  
F. Ishola ◽  
E. T. Akinlabi

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Robert Gorevi Sanjaya ◽  
Carunia Mulya Firdausy

The development of the manufacturing nowadays has become very dynamic, as companies are required to be more flexible in order to maintain the sustainability of their business. However, this requirement has not been fulfilled by PT XYZ. Due to this reason, this study aims at examining whether 1) the Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) has a positive effect on Flexible Manufacturing Competency (FMC); 2) the Operations Improvement Practices (OIP) has a positive effect on Flexible Manufacturing Competency (FMC); 3) the AMT can mediate the effect between OIP and FMC; and 4) the OIP can moderate the influence between AMT and FMC. Primary data were obtained from distributing questionnaires to 112 head of department and senior staff of PT XYZ, which were selected by purposive sampling to employees who were directly related to the production process. Data processing techniques used was partial least square (PLS) analysis which processed through the smartPLS 3 program. The results showed that 1) the AMT variable had a positive effect on FMC 2) the OIP variable had a positive effect on FMC 3) the AMT variable mediated the effect between OIP and FMC, and 4) the OIP variable moderated the effect between AMT and FMC. Perkembangan dunia manufaktur saat ini sudah menjadi sangat dinamis. Akibatnya perusahaan dituntut untuk dapat lebih fleksibel agar dapat menjaga keberlangsungan bisnisnya. PT XYZ merupakan perusahaan otomotif (roda dua) yang belum sepenuhnya memperhatikan kompetensi fleksibilitas manufaktur (FMC). Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan menguji apakah 1) Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) berpengaruh positif terhadap FMC; 2) Operations Improvement Practices (OIP) berpengaruh positif terhadap FMC; 3) AMT dapat memediasi pengaruh antara OIP dan FMC; serta 4) OIP dapat memoderasi pengaruh antara AMT dan FMC. Data primer diperoleh dari pembagian kuesioner kepada 112 kepala bagian dan staff senior PT XYZ, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling yaitu kepada karyawan yang berkaitan langsung dengan proses produksi. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan analisa partial least square (PLS) yang diproses melalui program smartPLS 3. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) variabel AMT berpengaruh positif terhadap FMC 2) variabel OIP berpengaruh positif terhadap FMC 3) variabel AMT memediasi pengaruh antara OIP dan FMC, serta 4) variabel OIP memoderasi pengaruh antara AMT dan FMC.

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