production functions
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2022 ◽  
Vol 259 ◽  
pp. 107248
Francesco Sapino ◽  
C. Dionisio Pérez-Blanco ◽  
Carlos Gutiérrez-Martín ◽  
Alberto García-Prats ◽  
Manuel Pulido-Velazquez

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Nesma Elsalamony ◽  
Shmoaa Mohamed ◽  
Mohamed ElSayed ◽  
Ragab Hefny

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (71) ◽  
pp. 147-163
أد. مشارك غالب صالح مشبب ◽  
أ.د مشارك عيسى احمد حنوم

This study aimed to estimate and analyze the productivity of a sample of commercial banks in Yemen, and the technical relationship and its substitution between the inputs on the one hand, and between them and the outputs on the other hand, with an indication of the efficiency of these banks, where the focus was placed on the two production functions with fixed substitution elasticity by approximating a potential, and a function Cobb-Duclas production based on balanced cross-sectional time-series data during the period (2000-2014); The number of views of the study was 90 views. The results of the study showed that the production function (Cobb-Duclas) is the most appropriate in estimating and explaining the behavior of the production process of the commercial banks in the study sample. and that the productive share of the capital component is greater than that of the labor component. Finally, the results showed that it is possible to replace and exchange between production elements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-42
Ivan Burtnyak ◽  
Anna Malytska

The analysis of models of activity of banking structures in the conditions of perfect and imperfect competition is carried out. Production functions for financial companies are considered. Models of the bank's work as an institution of delegated monitoring are described. Models of dynamics of financial resources are analyzed, allow to describe processes of evolution of own capital of bank depending on dynamics of the involved resources and the policy of accumulation realized by it. The considered models and methods are based on the definition of a bank (a financial company) as some abstract object, which is characterized by input and output parameters, as well as the function that connects them. This approach to some extent allows adapting traditional models of research of industrial enterprises and organizations to the analysis of the activities of banking structures. Therefore, one of the main tasks is to optimize internal functioning. Under such conditions, it is especially important to consider the bank as a holistic complex dynamic system operating in an unstable transition economy and the use of economic and mathematical methods and models to study the processes taking place in the bank, assess its effectiveness, identify areas and ways to improve management banking activities. Based on the analysis of the main economic and mathematical models of behavior of financial companies in a monopolistic market, we can conclude that each model characterizes a certain aspect of financial market development by the situation. Production functions for a bank (financial firm) are built, where the problem of classification of these factors into input and output is significant. A wide class of economic and mathematical models is considered, in which the activity of financial and banking institutions is treated as financial intermediaries. The theory of delegated monitoring is generalized, which in the general case assumes that in conditions when there is an effect of the growth of income from scale, individual lenders prefer to delegate functions of control (monitoring) of the behavior of entrepreneurs in whose projects they have invested to special intermediary firms. banks. The analysis of the development of the banking sector of Ukraine showed that a further gradual slowdown in its pace is expected due to changes in conditions in global financial markets and market saturation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 100058
Swamy A.V.B. Paravastu ◽  
Peter von zur Muehlen ◽  
I-Lok Chang

Andrej Vyacheslavovich Mikheev

The article considers a probabilistic method for determining production functions. The method consists in finding the expected value of the function that determines the economic and mathematical principle of production. It is assumed that the factors of production and/or their specific values included in this function are random variables. It is shown that depending on the principle of production such averaging gives different probabilistic classes of production functions. Functions that are elements of the same class differ from each other in the probability distribution of the relations of production factors to their specific values. Two probabilistic classes of produc-tion functions are constructed. The first class is generated by the Leontief production principle, the second – by generalization of this principle for the case of partially or completely fungible factors of production. There are established the laws of probability distribution and the conditions, under which the linear combination of the AK-model and the Cobb-Douglas production function, as well as the CES production function, are elements of the class of Leontief production functions. It is shown that the linear production function belongs to the class of generalized Leontief production functions. The probability density functions of the products number for these two classes of pro-duction functions are found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
Kjell Hausken

AbstractA rent seeking model is axiomatized where players exert multiple additive efforts which are substitutable in the contest success function. The axioms assume the sufficiency of exerting one effort, and that adding an amount to one effort and subtracting the same amount from a second equivalent substitutable effort keeps the winning probabilities unchanged. In contrast, the multiplicative Cobb–Douglas production function in the earlier literature requires players to exert all their complementary efforts. The requirement follows from assuming a homogeneity axiom where an equiproportionate change in two players’ matched efforts does not affect the winning probabilities. This article abandons the homogeneity axiom and assumes an alternative axiom where the winning probabilities remain unchanged when a fixed positive amount is added to all players’ efforts. This article also assumes a so-called summation axiom where the winning probabilities remain unchanged when a player substitutes an amount of effort from one effort into another effort. The summation axiom excludes multiplicative production functions, and furnishes a foundation for additive production functions.

Elena Basovskaya ◽  
Leonid Basovskiy

The aim of the work was to identify the problems of transition to a new post-industrial - information economy. To analyze and identify problems, the construction of econometric models of extended production functions was used. The main most com-mon reason for the contradictory influence of new information and digital technologies on the economy in the country is the failure of institutions to meet the requirements of the new economic system. Another important reason is the widely used outdated admin-istrative and control style of management, characteristic of the industrial economy, the difficulties in mastering the use of digital technologies by management personnel.

Yawei Du ◽  
Yu Fu ◽  
Xiaoshu Wang

Historically, the minimality of surfaces is extremely important in mathematics and the study of minimal surfaces is a central problem, which has been widely concerned by mathematicians. Meanwhile, the study of the shape and the properties of the production models is a great interest subject in economic analysis. The aim of this paper is to study the minimality of quasi-sum production functions as graphs in a Euclidean space. We obtain minimal characterizations of quasi-sum production functions with two or three factors as hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces. As a result, our results also give a classification of minimal quasi-sum hypersurfaces in dimensions two and three.

2021 ◽  
pp. 110118
Zhanyu Dong ◽  
Hongqi Ma ◽  
Guangjun Shen

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