transpiration rate
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2022 ◽  
pp. 127417
Guangyao Gao ◽  
Di Wang ◽  
Tianshan Zha ◽  
Lixin Wang ◽  
Bojie Fu

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-218
Amjad Saeed ◽  
Tanveer Hussain ◽  
Anum Choudry ◽  
Muhammad Umair ◽  
Muhammad Altaf ◽  

In Pakistan, arid and semi-arid areas are more prone to limited rainfall, extensive evapo-transpiration and higher temperatures. For better understandings of current situation, a field experiment was carried out to study the morphological characteristics, biochemical responses and ionic composition of Conocarpus species (Conocarpus erectus and Conocarpus lancifolius) under saline soil conditions in Lal Suhanra National Park, Bahawalpur during 2019-21. Three sites one at normal soil (S.I) and two at different salinity levels (Medium and High Salinity) were observed in order to assess their effect on plant growth and other parameters. The data regarding physiological and biochemical parameters were recorded. Conocarpus lancifolius and Conocarpus erectus has maximum (233) mmol m-2sec-1 and (162) mmol m-2sec-1 stomatal conductance respectively. Maximum transpiration rate (4.57 MMOL M-2S-1) was observed at site-I in case of C. lancifolius, while maximum transpiration rate in case of C. erectus was (2.94 MMOL M-2S-1) at site-I. At control level, maximum photosynthetic rate was measured as (8.76 µmol m-2sec-1) in C. lancifolius and (5.59 µmol m-2sec-1) in case of C. erectus. Conocarpus species; Conocarpus lancifolius and Conocarpus erectus has maximum SOD (13.29 and 19.62) and CAT (16.48 and 42.05), and POD (14.81 and 8.81 U/mg protein) respectively. Maximum values of Na+K+ ratio in leaves (3.08), shoots (5.98) and roots (9.84) were detected at site-I in C. lancifolius. Based on statistically analyzed data, it is revealed that Conocarpus lancifolius can tolerate better salt stress as compared to Conocarpus erectus. Both species of Conocarpus can tolerate salinity up to 40 dSm-1 but growth of Conocarpus erectus is affected more as compared to Conocarpus lancifolius.  

Shakila Yasmeen ◽  
Muhammad Mumtaz Khan ◽  
Saeed Ahmad ◽  
Mazhar Abbas ◽  
Bushra Sadia ◽  

Citrus is one of the most important fruit crop in the world and is usually grown through grafting technique. Rootstock is one of the significant part in grafted plants and has crutial effect on production, including yield, fruit quality, tree size, tolerance to salts and diseases, and scion compatibility. Citrus is susceptible to several fungal pathogens causing incalculable losses to the crop. Among all soil-borne fungal pathogens, Phytophthora and Fusarium cause the most severe damage to the nursery or orchards plants. This research was planned to evaluate the effectiveness of fungicides as soil drenching and root dipping to control Phytophthora and Fusarium attacking citrus rootstock seedlings at the nursery stage. Different physiological and morphological parameters were studied in the infected plants and data were compared with that of control. The data were recorded and compared concerning rootstock seed and seeding response using standard measures and statistical analysis. The results showed that plants inoculated with Phytophthora and Fusarium root rot spp.when treated with Aliette and Ridomil Gold showed maximum root shoot ratio, fresh dry weight ratio, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, water potential and transpiration rate as compared to untreated plants. The results also depicted that plants treated with Aliette and Ridomil Gold through soil drenching have maximum root shoot ratio, fresh dry weight ratio, photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance and transpiration rate as compared to root dipped plants. Keywords: Fungal diseases, pathogens, root rot, nursery plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anna Lintunen ◽  
Yakir Preisler ◽  
Itay Oz ◽  
Dan Yakir ◽  
Timo Vesala ◽  

Drought can cause tree mortality through hydraulic failure and carbon starvation. To prevent excess water loss, plants typically close their stomata before massive embolism formation occurs. However, unregulated water loss through leaf cuticles and bark continues after stomatal closure. Here, we studied the diurnal and seasonal dynamics of bark transpiration and how it is affected by tree water availability. We measured continuously for six months water loss and CO2 efflux from branch segments and needle-bearing shoots in Pinus halepensis growing in a control and an irrigation plot in a semi-arid forest in Israel. Our aim was to find out how much passive bark transpiration is affected by tree water status in comparison with shoot transpiration and bark CO2 emission that involve active plant processes, and what is the role of bark transpiration in total tree water use during dry summer conditions. Maximum daily water loss rate per bark area was 0.03–0.14 mmol m−2 s−1, which was typically ~76% of the shoot transpiration rate (on leaf area basis) but could even surpass the shoot transpiration rate during the highest evaporative demand in the control plot. Irrigation did not affect bark transpiration rate. Bark transpiration was estimated to account for 64–78% of total water loss in drought-stressed trees, but only for 6–11% of the irrigated trees, due to differences in stomatal control between the treatments. Water uptake through bark was observed during most nights, but it was not high enough to replenish the lost water during the day. Unlike bark transpiration, branch CO2 efflux decreased during drought due to decreased metabolic activity. Our results demonstrate that although bark transpiration represents a small fraction of the total water loss through transpiration from foliage in non-stressed trees, it may have a large impact during drought.

Srinivasan Gowsiga ◽  
Maduraimuthu Djanaguiraman ◽  
Nallasamy Thavaprakaash ◽  
Prabhakaran Jeyakumar ◽  
Govindaraj Mahalingam

Drought decreases grain yield of sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench], and understanding the mechanism(s) related to drought tolerance is critical for sustaining sorghum production. Variation in root and shoot traits associated with drought tolerance were analyzed to provide an integrated view of factors that underlie the drought tolerance of sorghum. The plants were grown in the root column up to the five-leaf stage, then exposed to either 0.9 fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) or 0.4 FTSW for five days. In another experiment, at the five-leaf stage, stress was imposed for 14 days. Various root and shoot traits associated with drought tolerance were recorded. The seminal root angle of IS13540 was lower (24.4) than IS23143 (42.6). Drought stress increased the maximum root length (40%) and total root length (58%) of IS13540 than its irrigated control. In contrast, the maximum root length and total root length were decreased in IS23143. Similarly, across the lines, drought stress decreased stomatal conductance (37%), transpiration rate (42%), photosynthetic rate (40%), photosystem II quantum yield (20%), photochemical quenching (44%), and total dry matter production (34%) than irrigated control. An increased transpiration rate was observed in IS23143 than IS13540 under irrigated and drought stress. In IS23143, the reduction in photosynthetic rate under drought may be a combination of stomatal and non-stomatal factors. However, in IS13540, the reduction is especially by the stomatal factors. It is evident that IS13540 is a drought-tolerant line, and tolerance is related to a deep prolific root system and reduced tran-spiration rate.

Crop Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Nahid Jafarikouhini ◽  
Thomas R. Sinclair ◽  
Marcio F. R. Resende

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ping Xiang ◽  
Qiufang Zhu ◽  
Marat Tukhvatshin ◽  
Bosi Cheng ◽  
Meng Tan ◽  

Abstract Background Catechins are crucial in determining the flavour and health benefits of tea, but it remains unclear that how the light intensity regulates catechins biosynthesis. Therefore, we cultivated tea plants in a phytotron to elucidate the response mechanism of catechins biosynthesis to light intensity changes. Results In the 250 μmol·m− 2·s− 1 treatment, the contents of epigallocatechin, epigallocatechin gallate and total catechins were increased by 98.94, 14.5 and 13.0% respectively, compared with those in the 550 μmol·m− 2·s− 1 treatment. Meanwhile, the photosynthetic capacity was enhanced in the 250 μmol·m− 2·s− 1 treatment, including the electron transport rate, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and expression of related genes (such as CspsbA, CspsbB, CspsbC, CspsbD, CsPsbR and CsGLK1). In contrast, the extremely low or high light intensity decreased the catechins accumulation and photosynthetic capacity of the tea plants. The comprehensive analysis revealed that the response of catechins biosynthesis to the light intensity was mediated by the photosynthetic capacity of the tea plants. Appropriately high light upregulated the expression of genes related to photosynthetic capacity to improve the net photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), and electron transfer rate (ETR), which enhanced the contents of substrates for non-esterified catechins biosynthesis (such as EGC). Meanwhile, these photosynthetic capacity-related genes and gallic acid (GA) biosynthesis-related genes (CsaroB, CsaroDE1, CsaroDE2 and CsaroDE3) co-regulated the response of GA accumulation to light intensity. Eventually, the epigallocatechin gallate content was enhanced by the increased contents of its precursors (EGC and GA) and the upregulation of the CsSCPL gene. Conclusions In this study, the catechin content and photosynthetic capacity of tea plants increased under appropriately high light intensities (250 μmol·m− 2·s− 1 and 350 μmol·m− 2·s− 1) but decreased under extremely low or high light intensities (150 μmol·m− 2·s− 1 or 550 μmol·m− 2·s− 1). We found that the control of catechin accumulation by light intensity in tea plants is mediated by the plant photosynthetic capacity. The research provided useful information for improving catechins content and its light-intensity regulation mechanism in tea plant.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (10) ◽  
pp. 2080
Fahad Alghabari ◽  
Zahid Hussain Shah ◽  
Abdalla Ahmed Elfeel ◽  
Jaber Hussain Alyami

Wheat is a globally important crop used as a main staple food in various countries of the world. The current study was conducted with the objective to evaluate the effect of a high temperature (HT) on osmolytes (starch, sucrose, total soluble sugars, total soluble proteins and proline), physiological parameters (Chl-a, Chl-b, photosynthesis rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance), antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, catalase and peroxidase) and agronomic traits (flag leaf area, spike length, and thousand grain weight) during the grain filling and anthesis stages of wheat cultivars (Fakhr-e-Bhakar, Raj-3765, Jimai-22 and Bayraktar-2000) collected from different regions of the world. Separate experiments for both stages were conducted in a glasshouse and treated with two different temperature regimes, i.e., optimum (OT) (24 °C day; 14 °C night) and high temperature (HT) (32 °C day; 22 °C night) in RCBD for two weeks. The data for osmolytes, antioxidant enzymes and physiological contents were collected at days 3, 5, 7, 9 and 13 after the start of plant stress, while the agronomic traits were collected at maturity. The data obtained were subjected to a statistical analysis using the statistix8.1 and R-program. HT stress significantly reduced all the traits except for the membrane damage, transpiration rate, proline and total soluble sugars, whose values increased considerably in the genotype Bayraktar-2000. However, under both regimes of temperature Fakhr-e-Bhakkar showed a high tolerance against HT stress, as revealed by physiological, biochemical and agronomic evaluations. Moreover, correlation, PCA and heat map analyses indicated that all types of traits are significantly interconnected in determining the crop potential to sustain its growth under HT stress.

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