genomic relationship
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2021 ◽  
Adam R Festa ◽  
Ross Whetten

Computer simulations of breeding strategies are an essential resource for tree breeders because they allow exploratory analyses into potential long-term impacts on genetic gain and inbreeding consequences without bearing the cost, time, or resource requirements of field experiments. Previous work has modeled the potential long-term implications on inbreeding and genetic gain using random mating and phenotypic selection. Reduction in sequencing costs has enabled the use of DNA marker-based relationship matrices in addition to or in place of pedigree-based allele sharing estimates; this has been shown to provide a significant increase in the accuracy of progeny breeding value prediction. A potential pitfall of genomic selection using genetic relationship matrices is increased coancestry among selections, leading to the accumulation of deleterious alleles and inbreeding depression. We used simulation to compare the relative genetic gain and risk of inbreeding depression within a breeding program similar to loblolly pine, utilizing pedigree-based or marker-based relationships over ten generations. We saw a faster rate of purging deleterious alleles when using a genomic relationship matrix based on markers that track identity-by-descent of segments of the genome. Additionally, we observed an increase in the rate of genetic gain when using a genomic relationship matrix instead of a pedigree-based relationship matrix. While the genetic variance of populations decreased more rapidly when using genomic-based relationship matrices as opposed to pedigree-based, there appeared to be no long-term consequences on the accumulation of deleterious alleles within the simulated breeding strategy.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 3234
José Cortes-Hernández ◽  
Adriana García-Ruiz ◽  
Carlos Gustavo Vásquez-Peláez ◽  
Felipe de Jesus Ruiz-Lopez

This study aimed to identify inbreeding coefficient (F) estimators useful for improvement programs in a small Holstein population through the evaluation of different methodologies in the Mexican Holstein population. F was estimated as follows: (a) from pedigree information (Fped); (b) through runs of homozygosity (Froh); (c) from the number of observed and expected homozygotic SNP in the individuals (Fgeno); (d) through the genomic relationship matrix (Fmg). The study included information from 4277 animals with pedigree records and 100,806 SNP. The average and standard deviation values of F were 3.11 ± 2.30 for Fped, −0.02 ± 3.55 for Fgeno, 2.77 ± 0.71 for Froh and 3.03 ± 3.05 for Fmg. The correlations between coefficients varied from 0.30 between Fped and Froh, to 0.96 between Fgeno and Fmg. Differences in the level of inbreeding among the parent’s country of origin were found regardless of the method used. The correlations among genomic inbreeding coefficients were high; however, they were low with Fped, so further research on this topic is required.

2021 ◽  
Mitchell J. Feldmann ◽  
Hans-Peter Piepho ◽  
Steven J. Knapp

Many important traits in plants, animals, and microbes are polygenic and are therefore difficult to improve through traditional marker?assisted selection. Genomic prediction addresses this by enabling the inclusion of all genetic data in a mixed model framework. The main method for predicting breeding values is genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP), which uses the realized genomic relationship or kinship matrix (K) to connect genotype to phenotype. The use of relationship matrices allows information to be shared for estimating the genetic values for observed entries and predicting genetic values for unobserved entries. One of the key parameters of such models is genomic heritability (h2g), or the variance of a trait associated with a genome-wide sample of DNA polymorphisms. Here we discuss the relationship between several common methods for calculating the genomic relationship matrix and propose a new matrix based on the average semivariance that yields accurate estimates of genomic variance in the observed population regardless of the focal population quality as well as accurate breeding value predictions in unobserved samples. Notably, our proposed method is highly similar to the approach presented by Legarra (2016) despite different mathematical derivations and statistical perspectives and only deviates from the classic approach presented in VanRaden (2008) by a scaling factor. With current approaches, we found that the genomic heritability tends to be either over- or underestimated depending on the scaling and centering applied to the marker matrix (Z), the value of the average diagonal element of K, and the assortment of alleles and heterozygosity (H) in the observed population and that, unlike its predecessors, our newly proposed kinship matrix KASV yields accurate estimates of h2g in the observed population, generalizes to larger populations, and produces BLUPs equivalent to common methods in plants and animals.

2021 ◽  
Magdalena Ksiezarek ◽  
Angela Novais ◽  
Luisa Peixe

Since the discovery of the urinary microbiome, including identification of Escherichia coli in healthy host, its involvement in UTI development is a subject of high interest. We explored population diversity and antimicrobial resistance of E. coli from urogenital microbiome of asymptomatic and recurrent UTI (rUTI) women. We also evaluated the genomic relationship between extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) strains from healthy and diseased host, particularly of the ST131 lineage. E. coli was highly prevalent in asymptomatic women (48%) with slightly higher prevalence in vaginal samples comparing to urine, and occasionally with multiclonal population in the same individual. B2 was the most frequent phylogenetic group, with most strains classified as ExPEC. We demonstrated that virulence associated genes profile does not allow to distinguish strains isolated from healthy and rUTI host. We identified E. coli widespread lineages e.g., sequence types (ST) 127, ST131 (asymptomatic cohort) and ST73, ST131 (rUTI), frequently resistant to at least one antibiotic. Phylogenomics of ST131 and other ExPEC lineages revealed close relatedness between healthy and diseased host. These findings demonstrate that healthy urogenital microbiome is a source of potentially pathogenic and antibiotic resistant E. coli strains, including globally spread E. coli lineages causing UTI including ST131.

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
Richard Bernstein ◽  
Manuel Du ◽  
Andreas Hoppe ◽  
Kaspar Bienefeld

Abstract Background With the completion of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) chip for honey bees, the technical basis of genomic selection is laid. However, for its application in practice, methods to estimate genomic breeding values need to be adapted to the specificities of the genetics and breeding infrastructure of this species. Drone-producing queens (DPQ) are used for mating control, and usually, they head non-phenotyped colonies that will be placed on mating stations. Breeding queens (BQ) head colonies that are intended to be phenotyped and used to produce new queens. Our aim was to evaluate different breeding program designs for the initiation of genomic selection in honey bees. Methods Stochastic simulations were conducted to evaluate the quality of the estimated breeding values. We developed a variation of the genomic relationship matrix to include genotypes of DPQ and tested different sizes of the reference population. The results were used to estimate genetic gain in the initial selection cycle of a genomic breeding program. This program was run over six years, and different numbers of genotyped queens per year were considered. Resources could be allocated to increase the reference population, or to perform genomic preselection of BQ and/or DPQ. Results Including the genotypes of 5000 phenotyped BQ increased the accuracy of predictions of breeding values by up to 173%, depending on the size of the reference population and the trait considered. To initiate a breeding program, genotyping a minimum number of 1000 queens per year is required. In this case, genetic gain was highest when genomic preselection of DPQ was coupled with the genotyping of 10–20% of the phenotyped BQ. For maximum genetic gain per used genotype, more than 2500 genotyped queens per year and preselection of all BQ and DPQ are required. Conclusions This study shows that the first priority in a breeding program is to genotype phenotyped BQ to obtain a sufficiently large reference population, which allows successful genomic preselection of queens. To maximize genetic gain, DPQ should be preselected, and their genotypes included in the genomic relationship matrix. We suggest, that the developed methods for genomic prediction are suitable for implementation in genomic honey bee breeding programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
João Gabriel Zanon Paludeto ◽  
Dario Grattapaglia ◽  
Regiane Abjaud Estopa ◽  
Evandro Vagner Tambarussi

Genome ◽  
2021 ◽  
Alejandra Maria Toro Ospina ◽  
Ignacio Aguilar ◽  
Matheus Henrique Vargas de Oliveira ◽  
Luiz eduardo Cruz dos Santos Correia ◽  
Anibal Eugenio Vercesi Filho ◽  

The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of imputation in a Gyr population using two medium density panels (Bos taurus - Bos indicus) and to test whether the inclusion of the Nellore breed increases the imputation accuracy in the Gyr population. The database consisted of 289 Gyr females from Brazil genotyped with the GGP Bovine LDv4 chip containing 30,000 SNPs and 158 Gyr females from Colombia genotyped with the GGP indicus chip containing 35,000 SNPs. A customized chip was created that contained the information of 9,109 SNPs (9K) to test the imputation accuracy in Gyr populations; 604 Nellore animals with information of LD SNPs tested in the scenarios were included in the reference population. Four scenarios were tested: LD9K_30KGIR, LD9K_35INDGIR, LD9K_30KGIR_NEL and LD9K_35INDGIR_NEL. Principal component analysis (PCA) was computed for the genomic matrix and sample-specific imputation accuracies were calculated using Pearson’s correlation (CS) and the concordance rate (CR) for imputed genotypes. The results of PCA of the Colombian and Brazilian Gyr populations demonstrated the genomic relationship between the two populations. The CS and CR ranged from 0.88 to 0.94 and from 0.93 to 0.96, respectively. Among the scenarios tested, the highest CS (0.94) was observed for the LD9K_30KGIR scenario.However, the variation in SNPs may reduce the imputation accuracy even when the chip of the Bos indicus subspecies is used

2021 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
Beatriz Villanueva ◽  
Almudena Fernández ◽  
María Saura ◽  
Armando Caballero ◽  
Jesús Fernández ◽  

Abstract Background Genomic relationship matrices are used to obtain genomic inbreeding coefficients. However, there are several methodologies to compute these matrices and there is still an unresolved debate on which one provides the best estimate of inbreeding. In this study, we investigated measures of inbreeding obtained from five genomic matrices, including the Nejati-Javaremi allelic relationship matrix (FNEJ), the Li and Horvitz matrix based on excess of homozygosity (FL&H), and the VanRaden (methods 1, FVR1, and 2, FVR2) and Yang (FYAN) genomic relationship matrices. We derived expectations for each inbreeding coefficient, assuming a single locus model, and used these expectations to explain the patterns of the coefficients that were computed from thousands of single nucleotide polymorphism genotypes in a population of Iberian pigs. Results Except for FNEJ, the evaluated measures of inbreeding do not match with the original definitions of inbreeding coefficient of Wright (correlation) or Malécot (probability). When inbreeding coefficients are interpreted as indicators of variability (heterozygosity) that was gained or lost relative to a base population, both FNEJ and FL&H led to sensible results but this was not the case for FVR1, FVR2 and FYAN. When variability has increased relative to the base, FVR1, FVR2 and FYAN can indicate that it decreased. In fact, based on FYAN, variability is not expected to increase. When variability has decreased, FVR1 and FVR2 can indicate that it has increased. Finally, these three coefficients can indicate that more variability than that present in the base population can be lost, which is also unreasonable. The patterns for these coefficients observed in the pig population were very different, following the derived expectations. As a consequence, the rate of inbreeding depression estimated based on these inbreeding coefficients differed not only in magnitude but also in sign. Conclusions Genomic inbreeding coefficients obtained from the diagonal elements of genomic matrices can lead to inconsistent results in terms of gain and loss of genetic variability and inbreeding depression estimates, and thus to misleading interpretations. Although these matrices have proven to be very efficient in increasing the accuracy of genomic predictions, they do not always provide a useful measure of inbreeding.

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