test instrumentation
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2021 ◽  
David M. Wright ◽  
Dan C. Ward

Abstract Across all industries, material specifications are tightening beyond previously understood process capabilities. Slight shifts in material grade, microstructure, heat treatment, or alloy composition can significantly impact long term material integrity. This study examines the feasibility of non-contact, 100% inline magneto-inductive testing on material/components destined for the automotive, aerospace, agricultural, and medical markets to ensure proper material quality standards. To test the hypothesis that material grade, carbon content, density, and alloy composition can be accurately tested in real time during production, an experiment was conducted utilizing magneto-inductive test instrumentation and encircling coil. Throughout this experiment, and proposed future state of manufacturing, 100% of material was tested. Results yielded clear confirmation in accordance with the hypothesis. This data driven subjective approach provided the ability to accurately, efficiently, and autonomously verify proper material grade had been used for the designated product. Ensuring proper material composition and material properties without slowing production using this testing method should be considered when improved quality is desired.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0249470
Mauro Contini ◽  
Antonio Sarmento ◽  
Paola Gugliandolo ◽  
Alessandra Leonardi ◽  
Gianluigi Longinotti-Buitoni ◽  

Background Ventilation monitoring during sleep is performed by sleep test instrumentation that is uncomfortable for the patients due to the presence of the flowmeter. The objective of this study was to evaluate if an innovative type 3 wearable system, the X10X and X10Y, is able to correctly detect events of apnea and hypopnea and to classify the severity of sleep apnea without the use of a flowmeter. Methods 40 patients with sleep disordered breathing were analyzed by continuous and simultaneous recording of X10X and X10Y and another certified type 3 system, SOMNOtouch, used for comparison. Evaluation was performed in terms of quality of respiratory signals (scores from 1, lowest, to 5, highest), duration and classification of apneas, as well as identification and duration of hypopneas. Results 580 periods were evaluated. Mean quality assigned score was 3.37±1.42 and 3.25±1.35 for X10X and X10Y and SOMNOtouch, respectively. The agreement between the two systems was evaluated with grades 4 and 5 in 383 out of 580 cases. A high correlation (r2 = 0.921; p<0.001) was found between the AHI indexes obtained from the two systems. X10X and X10Y devices were able to correctly classify 72.3% of the obstructive apneas, 81% of the central apneas, 61.3% of the hypopneas, and 64.6% of the mixed apneas when compared to SOMNOtouch device. Conclusion The X10X and X10Y devices are able to provide a correct grading of sleep respiratory disorders without the need of a nasal cannula for respiratory flow measurement and can be considered as a type 3 sleep test device for screening tests.

Vinícius Leite de Morais Véras ◽  
Luiz Carlos Sandoval Góes

2021 ◽  
pp. 400-405
Ş. Tambova ◽  
A. Aybar

Network based data acquisition system is a system which allows a data exchange using Ethernet technology. One of the main usage areas of this type of system is Flight Test Instrumentation (FTI) applications. There exists some complexity in analysis and synthesis of the entire system. Colored Petri Net (CPN) is a compact modelling method for Discrete Event Systems (DES). A model of a FTI network fabric is considered in this work in order to reduce related complexities. A CPN model for network based FTI system is presented and all states for this model are obtained in this work.

Technologic ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Try K. W ◽  
Fuad S. P. ◽  
Gunta A.

Abstrak--Pesawat terbang tanpa awak (PTTA) yang dikembangkan oleh LAPAN memiliki maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) yang bervariasi. PTTA ini memiliki sistem kendali (SK) yang menjadikannya dapat terbang secara auotonomous. Salah satu sub sistem inti yang ada di dalam SK adalah flight control law (FCL), dimana pengembangannya dimulai dari tahap penentuan requirement dilanjutkan dengan tahap desain SK. Dalam desain SK, tahapan metode yang digunakan adalah software in the loop simulation, hardware in the loop simulation dan uji terbang. Untuk mengetahui apakah FCL yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi requirement awal yang didefinisikan, perlu sebuah alat yang mampu merekam parameter-parameter penting selama uji terbang, yang dinamakan dengan flight test instrumentation (FTI). Pada penelitian ini, akan dibahas mengenai requirement awal yang harus dipenuhi oleh FTI, mulai dari dimensi, berat, jumlah parameter yang direkam, serta kemampuan hardware & sensor. Tahapan selanjutnya adalah melakukan market study pemilihan hardware dengan metode pembobotan dan diakhiri dengan desain arsitektur serta wiring diagram FTI. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, diperoleh desain awal FTI yang memiliki berat total kurang dari 1.5Kg dan dimensi yang bisa dimasukkan ke dalam PTTA dengan MTOW 10Kg. FTI ini juga dilengkapi dengan baterai dan sensor yang independen, sehingga tidak tergantung dan membebani system elektronik yang terdapat pada PTTA Kata Kunci : FTI, Identifikasi Parameter, PTTA

EduKimia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 106-111
Ade Wahyuni ◽  
Eka Yusmaita

Designing chemical literacy test instrumentation of acid and base topic is carried out to help develop student’s chemical literacy abilities that are beneficial to life. The purposed of this research is to describe the stages of designing questions using Model of Educational Reconstruction and describing the value of the content validity of chemical literacy questions on acid and base topic. The research’s type is to development with MER design. The content validity test conducted by 3 validates. The research instrument used was a question of chemical literacy in acid and base topic totaling 9 discourse questions which were elaborated in 15 item questions. The data obtained were processed using the Aiken’s V formula. Based on the results of research, the average value of content validity in the questions was 0.804 with a valid category.

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