basic pattern
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2021 ◽  
pp. 159101992110630
Takahiro Ota ◽  
Masaki Komiyama

The basic pattern of arterial vascularization is highly conserved across vertebrates and develops under neuromeric rules. The hindbrain has an angioarchitecture that is homologous to that of the spinal cord, and the hindbrain vascular system can be analyzed at the longitudinal and axial structures. During development, there are two main longitudinal arteries: the longitudinal neural artery and primitive lateral basilovertebral anastomosis. This review discusses the basic pattern of the blood supply of the hindbrain, the development of vascularization, and the anatomical variations, with a special reference to the embryological point of view of two main longitudinal anastomoses (longitudinal neural artery and primitive lateral basilovertebral anastomosis). The formation of commonly observed variations, such as fenestration and duplication of the vertebrobasilar artery, or primitive trigeminal artery variant, can be explained by the partial persistence of the primitive lateral basilovertebral anastomosis. Understanding the pattern and the development of the blood supply of the hindbrain provides useful information of the various anomalies of the vertebrobasilar junction and cerebellar arteries.

Rudy Trisno ◽  
Fermanto Lianto ◽  
Mieke Choandi

Architecture trends are continuously searching for a new design alternative. If architecture is dominated by a permanent structure in the last decades, the latest trend suggests temporal, ephemeral, and informal architecture to emerge as the other alternative. While the world becomes complex, these other spatial forms are in demand, resulting in various installations, pop-up stores, container architecture, and portable, temporal architecture constructed throughout the cityscape. Its portability, elasticity, and fluidity have offered different human activity transformations compared to permanent architecture. Tent, one of the most popular portable architecture, has been used for myriad human activities, although fewer researches are found regarding the typology of the tent, which is considered beneficial to understand its transformation. The qualitative interpretive method is used to understand the typology of the contemporary tent. The diagram is utilized as a tool to investigate its form, structure, and physical appearance. The research steps are drawing a diagram, pattern extraction, and pattern interpretation. The phases are elimination of tent’s elaboration and decoration, pattern structure extraction, pattern illustration. The result is tent typology diagram. The novelty is tent basic pattern extraction. Keywords: Architecture; Portable; Tend; Type; Typology. AbstrakLatar belakang penelitian adalah fenomena tren arsitektur dunia yang mulai mempertanyakan alternatif lain keruangan. Permasalahannya pada dekade terakhir arsitektur dunia didominasi oleh pemahaman ruang permanen pada makna arsitektur yang seolah bersifat absolut, padahal belakangan konsep-konsep keruangan temporal, ephemeral dan informal semakin dibutuhkan untuk mengisi stagnansi arsitektur permanen. Kebutuhan ruang portabel meningkat; hal ini terbukti dari tingginya permintaan akan: instalasi, paviliun, pop-up store, kontainer dan jenis keruangan lain yang lebih ringan, cair dan mudah dimodifikasi. Tenda adalah salah satu alternatif keruangan temporal yang telah berkembang sejak dulu kala, keunggulannya sebagai arsitektur portabel masih relevan di saat ini. Meski demikian, belum banyak perkembangan dan penelitian tenda yang berfokus pada tipe dan struktur untuk gaya hidup masa depan, sementara dominasi pengembangan tenda adalah untuk kebutuhan berkemah atau liburan saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi tipologi tenda sebagai arsitektur portabel Metode penelitian adalah tipologi arsitektur untuk mengangkat kualitas arsitektur tenda. Diagram arsitektur digunakan untuk menghasilkan ilustrasi yang dapat diinterpretasikan dalam memahami pola struktur tenda, Langkah penelitian sebagai berikut: 1) menggambar diagram keruangan; 2) mengekstraksi pola; 3) menginterpretasi pola. Tahapan penelitian disusun sebagai berikut: 1) Mengeliminasi elaborasi dan dekorasi tenda, 2) Mengekstraksi struktur tenda, 3) Menggambar pola. Hasilnya adalah diagram arsitektur tipologi tenda. Kebaruannya adalah ekstraksi pola dasar tenda sebagai arsitektur portabel.

2021 ◽  
pp. 104259
Qing Pan ◽  
Weida Feng ◽  
Ruofan Wang ◽  
Arata Tabuchi ◽  
Peilun Li ◽  

Irfan Yahya ◽  
M Tahir Kasnawi ◽  
Suparman Abdullah ◽  
Hasbi Hasbi

The values of the Systematic of Revelation as the basic -/pattern according to what the Hidayatullah - understands, believes, and practices in carrying out the process of social creation of a miniature Islamic Civilization are the topic of this study. The purpose of this research is to examine the process of externalizing Systematic Wahyu ideals like the Hidayatullah -' - in carrying out social construction activities in a tiny Islamic civilisation. This research looks at the reality of the Hidayatullah - congregation's consciousness, which reveals things about reality and the interpretation of the Systematic of Revelation as a -/archetype that is employed as a social construction reference. The process of externalizing the values of Systematic Revelation is a conscious, structured, and systematic effort by Hidayatullah actors to create humans as abdullah (servants of Allah) and caliph (representatives) of Allah SWT on earth, based on revelation's guidance, in order to build Islamic civilization. The Islamic boarding School Campus is employed as a model of Islamic civilisation, with all cadres, members of the congregation, and their students demonstrating faith in all parts of everyday life. Internalized Hidayatullah players objected to the values that are consistently presented and then generate cadres capable of providing enormous advantages to society. This corresponds to Berger's notion that human selfhood cannot possibly remain silent within itself, in a closed sphere, before moving outside to express itself in the world around it. Externalization is essentially what human selfhood is accomplishing.

Rasmitadila Rasmitadila ◽  
Anna Riana Suryanti Tambunan ◽  
Reza Achmadtullah ◽  
Yeni Nuraeni ◽  
Achmad Samsudin ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the categories of instructional interaction, the basic patterns of instructional interactions, and the functions of the basic model of instructional interaction that occurs between the English teacher (ET) and the special assistant teacher (SAT) to help the slow learner student (SLS), in terms of instructional interaction that occurs between two teachers in an English lesson. The researchers used single-case study method research. Data were collected through observation, as well as through semi-structured interviews with the two teachers. Findings from this study indicate that the category of instructional interaction that occurs between the two consists of academic and non-academic interactions. The instructional interaction basic patterns that are formed between ET and SAT in academic interaction are initiate-response-follow-up (IRF) and initiate-response (IR). The function of the basic pattern of academic interactions is to inform delegation of academic tasks from ET to SAT and to help SLS perform academic assignments. The instructional interaction basic pattern of non-academic interaction is initiate-response (IR). The function of the basic pattern of non-academic interactions is to enhance the provision of non-academic assistance from SAT to SLS, such as motivating, and focusing on learning. If instructional interactions between ET and SAT have not been carried out optimally, then the collaboration has not been well planned.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Hernita Pasongli ◽  
Fatma Hamid ◽  
Eva Marthinu ◽  
Naomi Atua

Collaboration in learning is often carried out by students, but often the teacher does not evaluate it, the teacher assumes that the collaboration carried out by students in learning is just an ordinary interaction and rarely gives students the opportunity to ask questions, differentiates abilities and reduces learning opportunities together, so students do not learn from peers and do not have the opportunity to provide input and respect the opinions of others. This problem then becomes the objective of implementing Lesson Study learning to find out how much collaborative activity between students in learning.  The main purpose of implementing Lesson Study in these subjects is to increase collaboration activities among students. The research team is interested in implementing learning through lesson study. The basic pattern of lesson study is the heterogeneous grouping of students in small groups with four members. The members are expected to share knowledge each other through sharing tasks given by the teacher. The task is continued with jumping tasks. That is, giving tasks / questions that increase without giving examples first. If a third of students can work on the question, then the jumping task is successful. The method used is descriptive. The data collection techniques were documentation and observation. The data analysis used was descriptive. The results showed that there was an increase in student collaboration activities when implementing lesson study, it was 25%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Ingka Maris ◽  
Kosala Dwidja Purnomo ◽  
Bagus Juliyanto

Woven is one of art thats very close to life. Woven has a pattern consisting of  two-dimensional (2D) and has a basic pattern. Along with the development times, technology is also growing including computer technology. Computer can be used for mathematical calculation process, one of them is fractal. Fractal Sierpinski carpet is formed from a square that use Iterated Function System (IFS) method. This method is exact self-similar resulting in the same fractal with the original constituent object. The writer want to get woven pattern using computer technology, that is GUI application in Matlab that utilizes the IFS method on fractal. Woven patterns formed from woven that have a grid size of  n x n and are given a few iterations. So, that it can make it easier for craftsmen to make woven pattern that are interesting and varied.

Shariffah Eqlima Muhamil ◽  
Zaliza Hanapi ◽  
Ummu Sakinah Subri ◽  
Suriani Mohamed ◽  
Tee Tze Kiong

2021 ◽  
Birgit Panke-Kochinke

It remains undisputed that the concept of "love of home" in the novel for hire and staple novel is fictional and also trivial. And it is precisely this triviality that provides an example of a basic pattern that explains the almost unbroken impact of the concept of home in other contexts right up to the present day: The construction of a place of longing where security and love flow together in a form reminiscent of child-hood. Having a home represents an essential basis for security in life. The novels thus reproduce this basic model of life in an exemplary manner in an endless abundance of narratives that always come down to one core statement: Every human being needs a home.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 09009
Neil Nadyrshine ◽  
Lilia Nadyrshine ◽  
Rafik Khafizov ◽  
Nailia Ibragimova ◽  
Karine Mkhitarian

The article discusses the method of algorithmic construction of Islamic ornaments, which can be used as a decorative element in architectural design. Two necessary stages are highlighted in the generation of an ornamental motif by means of algorithmic design – the first includes operations on a base mesh consisting of a combination of regular or semiregular cells, for example, drawing rays from the centers of the edges of the original lattice or rotating figures relative to its nodes; the second stage involves the creation of a basic pattern of the ornamental design that fits into a regular or semi-regular polygon, and the decorative motif in the figure is made up of a primitive that is symmetrically reflected relative to any lines, usually rays, emanating from opposite corners of the polygon. The paper analyses the traditional patterns of Islamic ornaments, on the basis of which new designs were built, using visual programming tools (Rhino and Grasshopper).

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