pathological anatomy
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2022 ◽  
pp. 5-9
M. M. Tcvetkova

The article presents historical information about the development of pediatrics and pediatric education in Primorsky Region. It started from the establishment of the pediatric faculty of the Vladivostok Medical Institute in 1969 to the present day. Main directions of scientific and pedagogical activities of pediatric profile departments are highlighted. The departments were reorganized in 2016 into the Institute of Pediatrics; departments of normal and pathological physiology, pathological anatomy, and foreign languages. The article also indicates those people who were at the origins of pediatrics and pediatric education in Primorye.

Lorena Ferreira Portugal ◽  
Letícia Ribeiro Escocard da Fonseca ◽  
Alessandra Oliveira Ferrari Gomes ◽  
Maria Auxiliadora Peixoto Peçanha ◽  
Luisa Aguirre Buexm

Each year about 272,610 new cases of cancer are diagnosed in Brazil, being cervical cancer the third most incident among women. Our country is among those that have made the most progress in consolidating the integrated cancer tracking and surveillance system. This article aims to collect sociodemographic and clinicopathological data from patients who underwent cervical cytopathological examinations at the Laboratory of Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology at the Hospital Escola Álvaro Alvim (HEAA) from 2014 to 2018, considering a retrospective and longitudinal observation of the data. Sociodemographic and clinicopathological data were collected from 121,044 patients, and it was observed that women from Campos dos Goytacazes (84.7%) over 40 years old (56.8%) were the most prevalent at the service. The following cytological characteristics that predominated in these patients were: absence of atrophy (83.6%) or metaplasia (92.6%) of the uterine epithelium, presence of microorganisms (96.4%) and inflammation (97.2%). The presence of cell atypia (6.5%), squamous intraepithelial lesion (2%) and malignant neoplasm (0.1%) was also observed. Therefore, it becomes possible to highlight the importance of cytological examination in the process of diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the uterine cervix, being essential for a better control and adequate screening, implementing an effective early diagnosis. It also demonstrates the profile of the patients examined at the Pathological Anatomy and Cytopathology Laboratory of HEAA, as well as the scope of this service for early diagnosis of cervical cancer in the North and Northwest Fluminense.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 228-229
D.D. Zerbino ◽  
Yu.B. Chaikovskyi ◽  
V.I. Chernii ◽  
T.V. Sviatenko ◽  
L.I. Volos ◽  

Professor V.G. Shlopov – an outstanding representative of domestic pathological anatomy (to the 80th birthday)

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
A. G. Filatova

In the clinic of tuberculosis of the larynx, one of the factors complicating the course of the process and worsening the prognosis is dysphagia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
B Magrupov ◽  
V Ubaydullayeva ◽  
T VervekinaRepublican

This article is dedicated to the work of the pathological department of the RRCEM and the formation of the pathological service in the emergency medical care system is shown. The analysis of the work was carried out, including autopsy, biopsy studies and the results of the scientific activity of the department.

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1482
Simone Gusmão Ramos ◽  
Giulia Ottaviani ◽  
Luiz Cesar Peres ◽  
Bruna Amanda Cruz Rattis ◽  
Patricia Santos Leão ◽  

At some point in history, medicine was integrated with pathology, more precisely, with pathological anatomy [...]

2021 ◽  
Vol XVIII (2) ◽  
pp. 515-520
V. K. Favorsky

The past year is the 19th year of the Society's life. By arranging scientific meetings and publishing a special journal "Neurological Bulletin", the Society contributed to the development of questions on anatomy, microscopic anatomy, nervous physiology, psychology, neuropathology and psychiatry with the pathological anatomy of the toxicity of nervous and mental and forensic disorders,

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 265-270
Gerardo Cazzato ◽  
Antonietta Cimmino ◽  
Anna Colagrande ◽  
Francesca Arezzo ◽  
Lucia Lospalluti ◽  

Trichoblastoma (TB) is a rare biphasic benign adnexal neoplasm originating from follicular germ cells but clinically, it can simulate basal cell carcinoma (BCC), making the diagnosis more difficult. There are several variants of Trichoblastoma and a good knowledge of these is essential for correct diagnosis and management. We report two new cases observed in the last year at our Pathological Anatomy Operative Unit, and conduct a careful review of the literature, from the first description of this lesion by Headington in 1970 to the most recent classifications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-103
O.V. Kanaplianik ◽  
N.V. Husakova ◽  
A.V. Hamaliaka ◽  
E.O. Kulchyk ◽  

In the given article by the example of a didactic board game, possible ways of its using and the importance of an interactive teaching method at «Pathological anatomy» practical classes are considered. The main requirements to the stages of design concept development, their detailed justification and description are presented. The role of a teacher as an organizer of this teaching method, as well as the use of situational modules of the didactic game for the better acquiring of new information by the students are analyzed. Objectives. To increase the efficiency of the process of teaching students at «Pathological anatomy» practical classes based on the use of an interactive game method by developing a design concept for a didactic board game. Material and methods. Retrospective analysis of the scientific and methodological literature on the investigated problem was made. The didactic board game consisting of an A3 format playing field and a set of cards was demonstrated. Results. The board game with a description of its advantages and features of use compared to traditional teaching methods was presented. A range of problems associated with the development of didactic material of this type were noted. Conclusions. A design concept of a didactic board game has been developed for conducting modular practical classes in pathological anatomy with the 3rd-year students of higher educational institutions in the specialties «General Medicine», «Medical Diagnostics».

Balaji Zacharia ◽  
Arun Prakas ◽  
Subramanian Vaidyanathan ◽  
Antony Roy ◽  
Mohammed Komalam Ayyub

AbstractInstability of the shoulder joint is common but most of the time it is unrecognized by the treating surgeon. The symptoms can vary from subtle pain to shoulder dislocation. In many cases, there is no history of trauma. The shoulder joint is stabilized by both static and dynamic factors, and treatment is complex, with recurrence more common in young athletic individuals. Open and arthroscopic techniques of stabilization are available with specific indications for each of these methods. In this narrative review of shoulder instability, we describe the pathological anatomy, evaluation, natural history, classification, and treatment of shoulder instability.

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