critical probability
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-226
Rifani Akbar Sulbahri

This study aims to examine the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm value. The analysis technique used is regression analysis Simple Based on the test results, the conclusions that can be drawn from this research arethat the results of the study indicate that the Corporate social responsibility variable has a significant effect on the value of the company with a value of prob. Corporate social responsibility variable < critical probability value (a = 5%) of 0.027 <0.05, so that the Corporate social responsibility variable has a significant effect on firm value. The conclusion is that corporate social responsibility has a significant effect on firm value in companies in the banking sub-sectoryears 2017-2019. The results show that partially Corporate social responsibility has a significant effect on firm value with a prob value. Corporate social responsibility variable < critical probability value (a = 5%) of 0.027 <0.05, so that the Corporate social responsibility variable has a significant effect on firm value. The conclusion in the study accepts the hypothesis that corporate social responsibility has a significant effect on firm value.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. e0250268
Xiaozhu Jian ◽  
Dai Buyun ◽  
Deng Yuanping

The three-parameter Logistic model (3PLM) and the four-parameter Logistic model (4PLM) have been proposed to reduce biases in cases of response disturbances, including random guessing and carelessness. However, they could also influence the examinees who do not guess or make careless errors. This paper proposes a new approach to solve this problem, which is a robust estimation based on the 4PLM (4PLM-Robust), involving a critical-probability guessing parameter and a carelessness parameter. This approach is compared with the 2PLM-MLE(two-parameter Logistic model and a maximum likelihood estimator), the 3PLM-MLE, the 4PLM-MLE, the Biweight estimation and the Huber estimation in terms of bias using an example and three simulation studies. The results show that the 4PLM-Robust is an effective method for robust estimation, and its calculation is simpler than the Biweight estimation and the Huber estimation.

MBIA ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-217
Rifani Akbar Sulbahri

The company always wants its business to grow. These developments will occur if supported by the ability of management to establish policies in planning, obtaining, and utilizing funds to maximize corporate values. It cannot be denied that profit growth cannot be separated from the company's financial performance. One of the most commonly used financial analysis tools is financial ratios. This research was conducted to reexamine the relationship of Sales and financial ratios with profit growth. The inconsistency of the results from previous studies caused this issue to be interesting to be examined again. This study aims to provide evidence that the variable Sales (Sales) and Debt to Equity Ratio, affect the profit growth. The conclusion in this study obtained Sales significant effect on earnings changes with the value of prob. sales variable <critical probability value (α = 5%) of 0.0043 <0.05, so that the sales variable has a significant effect on earnings changes.DER has a significant effect on earnings changes on prob. DER variable <critical probability value (α = 5%) of 0.0000 <0.05, so that the DER variable has a significant effect on earnings changes.   Abstrak Perusahaan senantiasa menginginkan usahanya berkembang. Perkembangan tersebut akan terjadi apabila didukung oleh adanya kemampuan manajemen dalam menetapkan kebijaksanaan dalam merencanakan, mendapatkan, dan memanfaatkan dana-dana untuk memaksimumkan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Tidak dapat dipungkiri bahwa pertumbuhan laba tidak bisa terlepas dari kinerja keuangan perusahaan. Salah satu alat analisis keuangan yang paling sering digunakan adalah rasio keuangan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji kembali hubungan Sales (Penjualan) dan rasio keuangan dengan pertumbuhan laba.Adanya ketidak konsistenan hasil dari penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya menyebabkan isu ini menarik untuk diteliti kembali. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan bukti bahwa variabel Sales (Penjualan) dan Debt to Equity Ratio,berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan laba. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini didapat Sales berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Perubahan laba dengan Nilai prob. variabel sales < nilai probabilitas kritis (α = 5%) sebesar 0.0043 < 0,05, sehingga variabel sales berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perubahan laba.DER berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Perubahan laba Nilai prob. variabel DER < nilai probabilitas kritis (α = 5%) sebesar 0.0000 < 0.05, sehingga variabel DER berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perubahan laba. Kata Kunci : Pertumbuhan Laba, Penjualan, DER

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (3 May-Jun) ◽  
pp. 315
G. Medina ◽  
Y. Y. Calderón ◽  
G. Burlak ◽  
J. A. Hernández

We numerically study the percolation in 3D porous materials, populated by pores with random sizes at 3D grid of variable sizes. We identify the clusters for each grid as well the infinite cluster that is defined by the critical probability through the neighborhood hybrid structure method. Also we determine the characteristic size of each cluster in the material as well the volume of the infinite cluster that allows optimizing the percolation step at our simulation. In this work several tests were performed by variation the size of the grid. This allows us to determine the optimal size and how it affects the percolation by the simulating grids. Our main results show that in systems with pores having random radius the critical probability increases when size of grid L>40 (that correspond to typical size system about 4000 nm) with respect of the inform pores case.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (06) ◽  
pp. 936-960
Andrew J. Uzzell

AbstractIn r-neighbour bootstrap percolation on the vertex set of a graph G, a set A of initially infected vertices spreads by infecting, at each time step, all uninfected vertices with at least r previously infected neighbours. When the elements of A are chosen independently with some probability p, it is natural to study the critical probability pc(G, r) at which it becomes likely that all of V(G) will eventually become infected. Improving a result of Balogh, Bollobás and Morris, we give a bound on the second term in the expansion of the critical probability when G = [n]d and d ⩾ r ⩾ 2. We show that for all d ⩾ r ⩾ 2 there exists a constant cd,r &gt; 0 such that if n is sufficiently large, then $$p_c (\left[ n \right]^d ,{\rm{ }}r){\rm{\le }}\left( {\frac{{\lambda (d,r)}}{{\log _{(r - 1)} (n)}} - \frac{{c_{d,r} }}{{(\log _{(r - 1)} (n))^{3/2} }}} \right)^{d - r + 1} ,$$where λ(d, r) is an exact constant and log(k) (n) denotes the k-times iterated natural logarithm of n.

A. A. Monakov

Introduction:The development of biological and social systems is largely determined by the utility level of the elite group which stands out from the main population, being characterized by a high status. An elite group development process is random due to unavoidable errors in selection. The degree of influence of these errors on the utility level of an elite group can differ depending on the selection rules.Purpose:Evaluation of the influence of selection rules on the dynamics of the mean level of an elite group utility.Results:We have studied the dynamically changing probabilistic characteristics of an average elite group utility level, following two different selection scenarios: with a fixed threshold, and with a threshold determined by the mean level of the group utility achieved by the moment of the selection. It has been found out that in the first scenario the mean level of the elite group utility tends to a level whose value, even when the selection error probability is high, is greater than the mean utility level for the whole population. However, if it is unacceptable to reduce the mean level of the elite utility below the selection threshold, the error probability should be less than or equal to the square of the probability that a population member is selected for the elite group. It is proved that in the second scenario the mean level of the elite group utility tends to the mean value of this parameter for the whole population, regardless of the selection error probability. The latter affects only the duration of the transition process during which the elite «dissolves» in the population and its representatives cease to differ on average from the other members of the population in terms of their utility. The concept of critical probability of selection errors is introduced, at which the mean level of the elite group utility is equal to the lowest permissible boundary.Practical relevance:It is proved that correct elite development requires a selection scenario with a fixed high threshold. The calculated value of the critical probability of selection errors can be used to control the development of an elite group.

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