variational integrators
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 7837
Odysseas Kosmas ◽  
Pieter Boom ◽  
Andrey P. Jivkov

We investigated the derivation of numerical methods for solving partial differential equations, focusing on those that preserve physical properties of Hamiltonian systems. The formulation of these properties via symplectic forms gives rise to multisymplectic variational schemes. By using analogy with the smooth case, we defined a discrete Lagrangian density through the use of exponential functions, and derived its Hamiltonian by Legendre transform. This led to a discrete Hamiltonian system, the symplectic forms of which obey the conservation laws. The integration schemes derived in this work were tested on hyperbolic-type PDEs, such as the linear wave equations and the non-linear seismic wave equations, and were assessed for their accuracy and the effectiveness by comparing them with those of standard multisymplectic ones. Our error analysis and the convergence plots show significant improvements over the standard schemes.

2021 ◽  
Lin He ◽  
Chunqiu Wei ◽  
Jiang Sha ◽  
Delong Mao ◽  
Kangshuo Wang

Abstract This paper deals with the optimal control of fractional Birkhof-fian systems based on the numerical method of variational integrators. Firstly, the fractional forced Birkhoff equations within Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives are derived from the fractional Pfaff–Birkhoff–d'Alembert principle. Secondly, by directly discretizing the fractional Pfaff–Birkhoff–d'Alembert principle, we develop the equivalent discrete fractional forced Birkhoff equations, which are served as the equality constraints of the optimization problem. Together with the initial and final state constraints on the configuration space, the original optimal control problem is converted into a nonlinear optimization problem subjected to a system of algebraic constraints, which can be solved by the existing methods such as sequential quadratic programming. Finally, an example is given to show the efficiency and simplicity of the proposed method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 431-441
Odysseas Kosmas

In previous works we developed a methodology of deriving variational integrators to provide numerical solutions of systems having oscillatory behavior. These schemes use exponential functions to approximate the intermediate configurations and velocities, which are then placed into the discrete Lagrangian function characterizing the physical system. We afterwards proved that, higher order schemes can be obtained through the corresponding discrete Euler–Lagrange equations and the definition of a weighted sum of “continuous intermediate Lagrangians” each of them evaluated at an intermediate time node. In the present article, we extend these methods so as to include Lagrangians of split potential systems, namely, to address cases when the potential function can be decomposed into several components. Rather than using many intermediate points for the complete Lagrangian, in this work we introduce different numbers of intermediate points, resulting within the context of various reliable quadrature rules, for the various potentials. Finally, we assess the accuracy, convergence and computational time of the proposed technique by testing and comparing them with well known standards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (19) ◽  
pp. 327-333
Sina Ober-Blöbaum ◽  
Mats Vermeeren

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