writing standards
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2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (30) ◽  
pp. e2102061118
Johan Bollen ◽  
Marijn ten Thij ◽  
Fritz Breithaupt ◽  
Alexander T. J. Barron ◽  
Lauren A. Rutter ◽  

Individuals with depression are prone to maladaptive patterns of thinking, known as cognitive distortions, whereby they think about themselves, the world, and the future in overly negative and inaccurate ways. These distortions are associated with marked changes in an individual’s mood, behavior, and language. We hypothesize that societies can undergo similar changes in their collective psychology that are reflected in historical records of language use. Here, we investigate the prevalence of textual markers of cognitive distortions in over 14 million books for the past 125 y and observe a surge of their prevalence since the 1980s, to levels exceeding those of the Great Depression and both World Wars. This pattern does not seem to be driven by changes in word meaning, publishing and writing standards, or the Google Books sample. Our results suggest a recent societal shift toward language associated with cognitive distortions and internalizing disorders.

Putra Pratama Saputra ◽  
Nurvita Wijayanti ◽  
Panggio Restu Wilujeng

Announcement board in the city is somehow disturbing because of the illogical linguistic rules therefore it does not support the development of the smart city.The banned boards are indicated to have less educative meaning because they contain elements of swearing, diatribe, bad prayer, and spelling and writing errors. The role of the government in this matter that is responsible for making writing standards and the contents of prohibition boards and notice boards must be in line with the standard rules of language. Therefore, the researcher wants to collaborate with the City Planning Office, which in this case is responsible for arranging the prohibition and announcement boards in the municipal, regency, and sub-district cities in the Bangka Belitung Islands Province. Therefore, the view of Sociology studies is needed to recommend the concept of an ecology city based on smart city. The research method used is mixed method, namely qualitative research conducted  by interviewing the local community and quantitative research by conducting a questionnaire and counting the prohibition boards and announcements that are indicated not in accordance with the language rules.

2021 ◽  
pp. 004005992110051
Elizabeth A. Lam ◽  
Amy K. Kunkel ◽  
Nicole M. McKevett ◽  
Kristen L. McMaster

With over 70% of fourth-, eighth-, and twelfth-grade students in the United States scoring below proficiency levels in writing (NCES, 2009), teachers must provide early and effective writing intervention to accelerate students’ writing skills to meet grade-level standards. In this paper, we provide teachers with a theoretical framework to conceptualize the writing process, link evidenced-based writing interventions to each component of writing, and discuss how to create a writing instructional plan to individualize instruction. Then, we outline a data-based decision making process for intervention delivery. Our aim is to provide educators with steps to identify students’ writing needs, translate these needs into actionable teaching strategies, and accelerate writing progress for students who struggle to meet grade-level writing standards.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-141
Sakir Ahmed ◽  
Benzeeta Pinto

Peer reviewers are the custodians of sciences and scientific publishing. Previously regarded as a purely altruistic work, with the advent of Publons and Peer Review Week initiatives, reviewers can now get scholarly credits for their accomplishments. The number of skilled peer reviewers is limited. The sheer volume of published literature in today’s world calls for active involvement of a large corpus of reviewers. Asia has a growing workforce of biomedical researchers and scientific authors who are inadequately exposed to the global research reporting and English writing standards. Several global initiatives are underway to groom the next generation of peer reviewers and credit them for their efforts. These need to be expanded and made more accessible to scholars in Asia. Ultimately, this untapped potential may provide quality services to international peer-reviewed journals and create informed researchers and skilled authors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
Damien J. Drury ◽  
Anjana Kaur ◽  
Tom Dobbs ◽  
Iain S. Whitaker

Emily Howell ◽  
Alicia D. Kelley

This chapter discusses a formative experiment studying professional development given to fourth- and fifth-grade teachers to help improve their integration of digital tools and writing instruction. The authors focus on the need for teachers to study and integrate both the Common Core writing standards and new media literacies. The authors discuss which new media literacies elementary teachers of writing seemed to identify with most and why. Subsequently, the authors discuss where the new media literacies were implemented through digital storytelling. The authors focus here on narratives at the elementary level and give teachers practical suggestions not only for how they might make these stories digital, but also discuss the underlying skills that their students might gain from engaging in such practices.

2020 ◽  
pp. 54-60
Rupert Haigh

Johannes Reckel ◽  

Introduction. The Oirats are Western Mongols, today living between the Altai mountains, the river Volga, the Kukunor Area, the Ili River and Kyrgyzstan. In 1648, Zaya Pandita from the Hoshut (Hoshud) tribe of the Oirats created the ‘Clear Script’ (Oir. Todo Bičig), nowadays also known as Oirat Script. This script was originally meant to be used as a reformed script by all Mongols, but it caught on with the Western Mongols, the Dzungars (Oirats, Kalmyks), only. The 20th century witnessed the introduction of new writing standards for individual groups of Oirats/Kalmyks in the Soviet Union (Russia), China and Mongolia, which led to a weakening of the West Mongolian identity. Three of the most influential Kalmyk scholars, who worked on the reform of the written language and who were active as teachers and researchers in Tashkent, Sinkiang and Western Mongolia in the 1920s and 1930s, were Aksen Suseev, Iǰil Čürüm and Ceren Dorži Nominhanov. Goals. The study aims to investigate the connection between ethnic identity and (written) language against the background of global political upheavals. The work focuses on the change of the Oirat written language in Sinkiang (Xinjiang) in a multi-ethnic region compared to the Kalmyk written language in Russia, as well as the Oirat language in Mongolia over the past 100 years. Materials. The research project, given as an outline in the following article, analyzes schoolbooks, dictionaries, grammars and other printed materials of the 20th and 21st centuries in the West Mongolian Oirat script collected in Sinkiang Kalmykia since 1986. Results. Since the 1940s, the Oirats in Sinkiang have been taking up a development in their reformed written language that was originally initiated in Kalmykia by Kalmyk scholars during the period of 1915–1938, but was not carried on there due to the political conditions which resulted in the deportation of the Kalmyks to Siberia in 1943. After the return of the Kalmyks to Kalmykia since 1957/58 the old traditions were broken, and the development of the written language focused solely on the use of a modified Cyrillic alphabet. The community based on a common script of the Kalmyks and Oirats – in China, Russia (Kalmykia) and Western Mongolia – broke up, and the three or four groups went their separate ways. For example, the orthography and grammar of the Oirat written language in reformed Todo Bičig in Sinkiang is not standardized until today. The Oirats in Mongolia, like the Oirats in Kyrgyzstan, no longer have their own written language in which they can express themselves in writing. Another desideratum is a textbook of modern Kalmyk and modern Sinkiang Oirat for Western students and scholars. Although some institutions and scholars have some Oirat language archives, like the State and University Library Goettingen has good collection of Kalmyk-Oirat and Mongolian literature, there are a lot of aspects to deal with.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 402
Abdul Aziz ◽  
Hartono Hartono ◽  
Abdul Rohman ◽  
Danartomo Kusumoaji

The aircraft design is required to carry out the functions of the Design Organization Approval (DOA), in which there are several positions involved, namely Design Engineer (DE), Compliance Verification Engineer (CVE) and Airworthiness Officer (AWO). In the process, DE makes aircraft designs, CVE will correct the designs that have been made, and AWO will make corrections based on document writing standards. The current problem is that the document checking process takes a long time and requires excessive costs for the use of paper and ink. The solution to solve this problem is by building a web-based system. The system was built using the CodeIgniter framework and PostgreSQL as its database. As for the development of the system itself using the Prototype method. Through this system, the DOA function process will be faster and paperless.

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