calibration system
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Jon Geist ◽  
Michael Gaitan

We simulated the effects of gimbal-alignment errors and rotational step-size errors on measurements of the sensitivity matrix and intrinsic properties of a triaxial accelerometer. We restricted the study to measurements carried out on a two-axis calibration system using a previously described measurement and analysis protocol. As well as imperfections in the calibration system, we simulated imperfect orthogonality of the accelerometer axes and non-identical sensitivity of the individual accelerometers in an otherwise perfect triaxial accelerometer, but we left characterization of other accelerometer imperfections such as non-linearity for future study. Within this framework, sensitivity-matrix errors are caused by imperfections in the construction and installation of the accelerometer calibration system, but not by the accelerometer imperfections included in the simulations. We use the results of this study to assign type B uncertainties to the components of the sensitivity matrix and related intrinsic properties due to imperfections in the measurement system. For calibrations using a reasonably well manufactured and installed multi-axis rotation stage such as that studied in this paper, we estimated upper bounds to the standard uncertainties of the order of 1 ×10−5 , 2 ×10−5 , 2 ×10−4 , and 5 ×10−5 for the intrinsic sensitivities, diagonal elements of the sensitivity matrix, off-diagonal elements of the sensitivity matrix, and zero-acceleration offsets, relative to a sensitivity-matrix element of 1, respectively, and 5 ×10−3 degrees for the intrinsic angles

2022 ◽  
Joseph B. Habeck ◽  
Christopher J. Hogan ◽  
James A. Flaten ◽  
Graham V. Candler

2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-98
M. K. GUPTA ◽  

A computer bast1d data acquisition system has been designed for the calibration of pressure sensors used in MK III Indian radiosondes. The system can calibrate 64 baroswitchesin one cycle and gives a tabular printout of pressure values at various contact numbers. This replaces the analog type of recording system, which was in use for the last few decades. The present system gives better accuracy and resolution and avoids human judgement and errors.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Krzysztof Dmytrów ◽  
Wojciech Kuźmiński

PurposeOur research aims in designation of a hybrid approach in the calibration of an attribute impact vector in order to guarantee its completeness in case when other approaches cannot ensure this.Design/methodology/approachReal estate mass appraisal aims at valuating a large number of properties by means of a specialised algorithm. We can apply various methods for this purpose. We present the Szczecin Algorithm of Real Estate Mass Appraisal (SAREMA) and the four methods of calibration of an attribute impact vector. Eventually, we present its application on the example of 318 residential properties in Szczecin, Poland.FindingsWe compare the results of appraisals obtained with the application of the hybrid approach with the appraisals obtained for the three remaining ones. If the database is complete and reliable, the econometric and statistical approaches could be recommended because they are based on quantitative measures of relationships between the values of attributes and properties' unit values. However, when the database is incomplete, the expert and, subsequently, hybrid approaches are used as supplementary ones.Originality/valueThe application of the hybrid approach ensures that the calibration system of an attribute impact vector is always complete. This is because it incorporates the expert approach that can be used even if the database excludes application of approaches that are based on quantitative measures of relationship between the unit real estate value and the value of attributes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100138
Tomofumi Shimoda ◽  
Wataru Kokuyama ◽  
Hideaki Nozato

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. C12011
V.A. Allakhverdyan ◽  
A.D. Avrorin ◽  
A.V. Avrorin ◽  
V.M. Aynutdinov ◽  
R. Bannasch ◽  

Abstract The Large-scale deep underwater Cherenkov neutrino telescopes like Baikal-GVD, ANTARES or KM3NeT, require calibration and testing methods of their optical modules. These methods usually include laser-based systems which allow us to check the telescope responses to the light and for real-time monitoring of the optical parameters of water such as absorption and scattering lengths, which show seasonal changes in natural reservoirs of water. We will present a testing method of a laser calibration system and a set of dedicated tools developed for Baikal-GVD, which includes a specially designed and built, compact, portable, and reconfigurable scanning station. This station is adapted to perform fast quality tests of the underwater laser sets just before their deployment in the telescope structure, even on ice, without a darkroom. The testing procedure includes the energy stability test of the laser device, 3D scan of the light emission from the diffuser and attenuation test of the optical elements of the laser calibration system. The test bench consists primarily of an automatic mechanical scanner with a movable Si detector, beam splitter with a reference Si detector and, optionally, Q-switched diode-pumped solid-state laser used for laboratory scans of the diffusers. The presented test bench enables a 3D scan of the light emission from diffusers, which are designed to obtain the isotropic distribution of photons around the point of emission. The results of the measurement can be easily shown on a 3D plot immediately after the test and may be also implemented to a dedicated program simulating photons propagation in water, which allows us to check the quality of the diffuser in the scale of the Baikal-GVD telescope geometry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100255
Alessandro Schiavi ◽  
Andrea Prato ◽  
Giulia Pejrani ◽  
Alessio Facello ◽  
Fabrizio Mazzoleni

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100140
Wataru Kokuyama ◽  
Tomofumi Shimoda ◽  
Hideaki Nozato

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 100216
Haldun Dizdar ◽  
Bulent Aydemir ◽  
Cemal Vatan

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