food banks
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Foods ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Josemi G. Penalver ◽  
Maite M. Aldaya

In the year 2011, the FAO estimated that food loss and waste reached one third of the total food produced worldwide. Since then, numerous studies have been published characterizing this problem and reflecting on its repercussions, not only social, but also environmental. Food wastage triggers unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation or loss of biodiversity. This study aims to quantify the water-related benefits associated with food loss and waste reduction by studying the Food Bank of Navarra (FBN). For this purpose, the water footprint assessment manual has been followed. First, the water footprint of the activities of the FBN has been analysed for the year 2018 (scenario with the FBN). A comparative analysis has been carried out between the scenario with the FBN and a theoretical scenario without the action of the FBN. This has allowed us to highlight the benefits associated with the activity of this entity. The FBN not only avoided the waste of 2.7 thousand tons of food suitable for consumption in 2018, but also avoided the unnecessary use of more than 3.2 million m3 of freshwater. As a result of the present investigation, it can be stated that promoting food banks, which avoid food waste, would be an effective way to contribute to the protection and conservation of water resources.

2022 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-24
David Himmelgreen ◽  
Jacquelyn Heuer

How Food Banks Help Americans Who Have Trouble Getting Enough to Eat was previously published on The Conversation and is reprinted here with permission from the authors and The Conversation. The original article (with additional links) can be accessed at URL:<>.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Gloria Nkhoma ◽  
Chiao Xin Lim ◽  
Gerard Kennedy ◽  
Ieva Stupans

Purpose This paper aims to identify health-care entitlements that exist for asylum seekers with chronic non-communicable disease (CNCD) that promote their health and self-care, and to explore health policies, initiatives and programmes with the potential to foster self-care in this populace. Design/methodology/approach Narrative review of literature conducted by searching EMBASE, CINAHL, WEB OF SCIENCE and PSYCINFO databases for articles published from 2010 to 2021. Included articles focussed on policies, programmes or initiatives with the potential to promote health in adult asylum seekers residing in high-income countries. Studies inclusive of other migrant groups such as undocumented migrants and those with mental health conditions were excluded. Eleven studies fitting the inclusion criteria were assessed against the study objectives. Findings Free access to health-care services and pharmaceutical products, free access to food banks and supermarket model food banks, English and cooking lessons, community integration training sessions and culturally competent health-care workers were found to promote health and self-care. There is little research on self-care and health promotion in adult asylum seekers with CNCD. CNCDs represent high burden of disease in asylum seekers but have a low priority in reported research. Originality/value This narrative review is the first to explicitly focus on asylum seekers in high-income countries with CNCD, excluding mental health conditions, and to explore initiatives, programmes and policies that enhance health promotion to facilitate self-care in this populace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 841-841
Phyllis Greenberg ◽  
Jessica VanderWerf

Abstract A gerontology course related to policies /programs each year researches, develops and designs a service-learning project related to an issue/concern for older adults and their quality of life. Students wanted to work with vulnerable older adults and after research and discussion decided on tackling the issue of food insecurity in older adults. Food insecurity is a growing issue for older adults which has been exasperated by COVID-19. According to Meals on Wheels America (2020) there has been a 22% increase in the number of older adults needing food assistance. In addition, while the need for food banks has increased donations have declined (Next Avenue, 2020). Students partnered with RSVP, which had previously conducted a food donation project.. Students took on the responsibility for advertising, soliciting grocery stores to allow us to set up and engage shoppers in purchasing items for the project. In addition, they reached out to the university community and set up food donation stations. RSVP sent out emails to their constituents to encourage them to volunteer and do their shopping on the date of the project. Students were paired with RSVP volunteers at two stores and provided shopping lists and information about food insecurity in older adults to shoppers. Students collected 566 pounds of food. The food was distributed equally between Catholic Charities, which has a senior shopping program and the Somali Elder Community. Students sorted the food by categories and removed any foods with pork/gelatin products for the Somali Community.

Natalia Tenuta ◽  
Thaís Barros ◽  
Romero Alves Teixeira ◽  
Rômulo Paes-Sousa

In recent decades food banks have become a worldwide response to the contradicting the coexistence of food losses and waste, on the one hand, and hunger and food insecurity on the other. In Brazil, food banks had a rapid expansion, becoming the object of public policy on Food and Nutrition Security and of non-profit private institutions. Our study presents an unprecedented overview of all the food banks currently active in the Brazilian territory, discussing their performances and perspectives. We conducted descriptive research, aiming to characterize the number, spatial distribution, performance, and modalities of operation of the Brazilian food banks. We mapped 217 active food banks and they all participated in the study. The results revealed the important capillarity of the food banks, which exist in all 27 Brazilian federative units, but also demonstrate the potential and need for expansion. Most of the Brazilian food banks has commercial establishments as their largest donor partners and have fruits and vegetables as their most donated items. They mostly complement the feeding of families at social risk and children served by social institutions. Food and nutrition education actions are offered by all the studied units to donor partners and beneficiary institutions and families.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101187
Paula Capodistrias ◽  
Julia Szulecka ◽  
Matteo Corciolani ◽  
Nhat Strøm-Andersen

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Marina Schor ◽  
Alexandra Protopopova

Previous research has focused on the benefits and difficulties of pet ownership in people, who are experiencing homelessness. However, many pet services, such as pet food banks, serve a more varied population of people. Furthermore, the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has not been documented within the context of pet food banks. Vancouver's Downtown Eastside (DTES) population comprises a notable proportion of the city's overall population and has a high density of people who are experiencing financial hardships, but some of whom do not always experience homelessness. The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of the number of clients and pets that are being serviced by a pet food bank, whether that has changed over time, and if it was impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We analyzed available attendance and service records from The British Columbia Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals pet food bank between 2013 and 2020. We found that a median of 100 clients attended the food bank each week and that most of the companion animals serviced were cats (72.5%), then followed by dogs (25.2%), and rats (1.2%). Servicing was not consistent over time, with a weekly pattern of decreased attendance every fourth week of the month, which coincided with income assistance payments. This suggests that either servicing needs are decreased with income assistance or that the week of the month may present an access to care challenge. We also observed a decrease in the clientele attending in 2020 compared to previous years, suggesting an effect of COVID-19. Specifically, this trend was present for cats, rats, rabbits, and “other” companion animals, but not for dogs; the number of dog owners receiving services did not change in 2020, suggesting a difference between needed services in dog vs. other pet owners. The yearly trends shed light on the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations, highlighting the need for additional support through times of crisis. Overall, the data show a complex relationship between pet service provision and other community issues and highlight the need to consider pet food banks within the greater social services networks.

Audrey Immel ◽  
Yona Sipos ◽  
Amber Khan ◽  
Nicole Errett

The COVID-19 pandemic has threatened food availability, accessibility, and acceptability. Food banks are experiencing increased demand at the same time as operational challenges due to COVID-19. The objective of this study was to assess if and how food banks have utilized web and social media platforms to communicate dynamic information relevant to food security to a growing clientele amid a widespread emergency. We conducted a content analysis of web and social media communications made by 25 Seattle food banks in April and May 2020, which corresponded with the two full months of Washington Governor Inslee’s initial stay-at-home order (March 25–May 31, 2020). We developed and applied a codebook to assess if communications contained information related to food availability, accessibility, and acceptability in the context of COVID-19, as well as other descriptive information, such as changes to food bank operations. Our findings show that food banks in Seattle communicated the most on web and social media platforms about food avail¬ability and accessibility, while they communicated less commonly about food acceptability. Past disasters have exposed the need to include food acceptability in disaster planning to ensure that emergency food can be equitably distributed and consumed by diverse populations. Our results suggest that food banks may wish to periodically assess the main themes of their online communications and the reach of their different platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic as one strategy to facilitate community food security.

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