mapping study
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2022 ◽  
Misael C. Júnior ◽  
Domenico Amalfitano ◽  
Lina Garcés ◽  
Anna Rita Fasolino ◽  
Stevão A. Andrade ◽  

Context: The mobile app market is continually growing offering solutions to almost all aspects of people’s lives, e.g., healthcare, business, entertainment, as well as the stakeholders’ demand for apps that are more secure, portable, easy to use, among other non-functional requirements (NFRs). Therefore, manufacturers should guarantee that their mobile apps achieve high-quality levels. A good strategy is to include software testing and quality assurance activities during the whole life cycle of such solutions. Problem: Systematically warranting NFRs is not an easy task for any software product. Software engineers must take important decisions before adopting testing techniques and automation tools to support such endeavors. Proposal: To provide to the software engineers with a broad overview of existing dynamic techniques and automation tools for testing mobile apps regarding NFRs. Methods: We planned and conducted a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) following well-established guidelines for executing secondary studies in software engineering. Results: We found 56 primary studies and characterized their contributions based on testing strategies, testing approaches, explored mobile platforms, and the proposed tools. Conclusions: The characterization allowed us to identify and discuss important trends and opportunities that can benefit both academics and practitioners.

IEEE Access ◽  
2022 ◽  
pp. 1-1
Achraf Haibi ◽  
Kenza Oufaska ◽  
Khalid El Yassini ◽  
Mohammed Boulmalf ◽  
Mohsine Bouya

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-40
Eline M. Roordink ◽  
Ingrid H.M. Steenhuis ◽  
Willemieke Kroeze ◽  
Mai J.M. Chinapaw ◽  
Maartje M. van Stralen

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Philip Shine ◽  
Michael D. Murphy

Machine learning applications are becoming more ubiquitous in dairy farming decision support applications in areas such as feeding, animal husbandry, healthcare, animal behavior, milking and resource management. Thus, the objective of this mapping study was to collate and assess studies published in journals and conference proceedings between 1999 and 2021, which applied machine learning algorithms to dairy farming-related problems to identify trends in the geographical origins of data, as well as the algorithms, features and evaluation metrics and methods used. This mapping study was carried out in line with PRISMA guidelines, with six pre-defined research questions (RQ) and a broad and unbiased search strategy that explored five databases. In total, 129 publications passed the pre-defined selection criteria, from which relevant data required to answer each RQ were extracted and analyzed. This study found that Europe (43% of studies) produced the largest number of publications (RQ1), while the largest number of articles were published in the Computers and Electronics in Agriculture journal (21%) (RQ2). The largest number of studies addressed problems related to the physiology and health of dairy cows (32%) (RQ3), while the most frequently employed feature data were derived from sensors (48%) (RQ4). The largest number of studies employed tree-based algorithms (54%) (RQ5), while RMSE (56%) (regression) and accuracy (77%) (classification) were the most frequently employed metrics used, and hold-out cross-validation (39%) was the most frequently employed evaluation method (RQ6). Since 2018, there has been more than a sevenfold increase in the number of studies that focused on the physiology and health of dairy cows, compared to almost a threefold increase in the overall number of publications, suggesting an increased focus on this subdomain. In addition, a fivefold increase in the number of publications that employed neural network algorithms was identified since 2018, in comparison to a threefold increase in the use of both tree-based algorithms and statistical regression algorithms, suggesting an increasing utilization of neural network-based algorithms.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Boštjan Šumak ◽  
Saša Brdnik ◽  
Maja Pušnik

To equip computers with human communication skills and to enable natural interaction between the computer and a human, intelligent solutions are required based on artificial intelligence (AI) methods, algorithms, and sensor technology. This study aimed at identifying and analyzing the state-of-the-art AI methods and algorithms and sensors technology in existing human–computer intelligent interaction (HCII) research to explore trends in HCII research, categorize existing evidence, and identify potential directions for future research. We conduct a systematic mapping study of the HCII body of research. Four hundred fifty-four studies published in various journals and conferences between 2010 and 2021 were identified and analyzed. Studies in the HCII and IUI fields have primarily been focused on intelligent recognition of emotion, gestures, and facial expressions using sensors technology, such as the camera, EEG, Kinect, wearable sensors, eye tracker, gyroscope, and others. Researchers most often apply deep-learning and instance-based AI methods and algorithms. The support sector machine (SVM) is the most widely used algorithm for various kinds of recognition, primarily an emotion, facial expression, and gesture. The convolutional neural network (CNN) is the often-used deep-learning algorithm for emotion recognition, facial recognition, and gesture recognition solutions.

Henrique Neves Silva ◽  
Jackson Prado Lima ◽  
Silvia Regina Vergilio ◽  
Andre Takeshi Endo

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