reconstruction problem
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Automatica ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 136 ◽  
pp. 110083
Yanwen Mao ◽  
Aritra Mitra ◽  
Shreyas Sundaram ◽  
Paulo Tabuada

Algorithms ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Farrukh Mukhamedov

In this paper, we consider the λ-model for an arbitrary-order Cayley tree that has a disordered phase. Such a phase corresponds to a splitting Gibbs measure with free boundary conditions. In communication theory, such a measure appears naturally, and its extremality is related to the solvability of the non-reconstruction problem. In general, the disordered phase is not extreme; hence, it is natural to find a condition for their extremality. In the present paper, we present certain conditions for the extremality of the disordered phase of the λ-model.

Radu Ioan Boţ ◽  
Minh N. Dao ◽  
Guoyin Li

In this paper, we consider a broad class of nonsmooth and nonconvex fractional programs, which encompass many important modern optimization problems arising from diverse areas such as the recently proposed scale-invariant sparse signal reconstruction problem in signal processing. We propose a proximal subgradient algorithm with extrapolations for solving this optimization model and show that the iterated sequence generated by the algorithm is bounded and that any one of its limit points is a stationary point of the model problem. The choice of our extrapolation parameter is flexible and includes the popular extrapolation parameter adopted in the restarted fast iterative shrinking-threshold algorithm (FISTA). By providing a unified analysis framework of descent methods, we establish the convergence of the full sequence under the assumption that a suitable merit function satisfies the Kurdyka–Łojasiewicz property. Our algorithm exhibits linear convergence for the scale-invariant sparse signal reconstruction problem and the Rayleigh quotient problem over spherical constraint. When the denominator is the maximum of finitely many continuously differentiable weakly convex functions, we also propose another extrapolated proximal subgradient algorithm with guaranteed convergence to a stronger notion of stationary points of the model problem. Finally, we illustrate the proposed methods by both analytical and simulated numerical examples.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (73) ◽  
pp. 59-61
M. Ulyanov

The article considers the formulation of the problem of reconstruction of two-dimensional words by a given multiset of subwords, under the hypothesis that this subset is generated by the displacement of a two-dimensional window of fixed size by an unknown two-dimensional word with a shift 1. A variant of the combinatorial solution of this reconstruction problem is proposed, based on a two-fold application of the one-dimensional word reconstruction method using the search for Eulerian paths or cycles in the de Bruyne multiorgraph. The efficiency of the method is discussed under the conditions of a square two-dimensional shift window one having a large linear size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 191
Christos Dimas ◽  
Vassilis Alimisis ◽  
Nikolaos Uzunoglu ◽  
Paul P. Sotiriadis

Dynamic lung imaging is a major application of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) due to EIT’s exceptional temporal resolution, low cost and absence of radiation. EIT however lacks in spatial resolution and the image reconstruction is very sensitive to mismatches between the actual object’s and the reconstruction domain’s geometries, as well as to the signal noise. The non-linear nature of the reconstruction problem may also be a concern, since the lungs’ significant conductivity changes due to inhalation and exhalation. In this paper, a recently introduced method of moment is combined with a sparse Bayesian learning approach to address the non-linearity issue, provide robustness to the reconstruction problem and reduce image artefacts. To evaluate the proposed methodology, we construct three CT-based time-variant 3D thoracic structures including the basic thoracic tissues and considering 5 different breath states from end-expiration to end-inspiration. The Graz consensus reconstruction algorithm for EIT (GREIT), the correlation coefficient (CC), the root mean square error (RMSE) and the full-reference (FR) metrics are applied for the image quality assessment. Qualitative and quantitative comparison with traditional and more advanced reconstruction techniques reveals that the proposed method shows improved performance in the majority of cases and metrics. Finally, the approach is applied to single-breath online in-vivo data to qualitatively verify its applicability.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (22) ◽  
pp. 2960
Stéphane Chrétien ◽  
Camille Giampiccolo ◽  
Wenjuan Sun ◽  
Jessica Talbott

The reconstruction problem in X-ray computed tomography (XCT) is notoriously difficult in the case where only a small number of measurements are made. Based on the recently discovered Compressed Sensing paradigm, many methods have been proposed in order to address the reconstruction problem by leveraging inherent sparsity of the object’s decompositions in various appropriate bases or dictionaries. In practice, reconstruction is usually achieved by incorporating weighted sparsity enforcing penalisation functionals into the least-squares objective of the associated optimisation problem. One such penalisation functional is the Total Variation (TV) norm, which has been successfully employed since the early days of Compressed Sensing. Total Generalised Variation (TGV) is a recent improvement of this approach. One of the main advantages of such penalisation based approaches is that the resulting optimisation problem is convex and as such, cannot be affected by the possible existence of spurious solutions. Using the TGV penalisation nevertheless comes with the drawback of having to tune the two hyperparameters governing the TGV semi-norms. In this short note, we provide a simple and efficient recipe for fast hyperparameters tuning, based on the simple idea of virtually planting a mock image into the model. The proposed trick potentially applies to all linear inverse problems under the assumption that relevant prior information is available about the sought for solution, whilst being very different from the Bayesian method.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 949-969
Imen Kallel

This paper is concerned with the reconstruction of objects immersed in anisotropic media from boundary measurements. The aim of this paper is to propose an alternative approach based on the Kohn-Vogelius formulation and the topological sensitivity analysis method. The idea is to formulate the reconstruction problem as a topology optimization one minimizing an energy-like function. We derive a topological asymptotic expansion for the anisotropic Laplace operator. The unknown object is reconstructed using level-set curve of the topological gradient. We make finally some numerical examples proving the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed algorithm.

Genes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (11) ◽  
pp. 1757
Brandon Collins ◽  
Oluwatosin Oluwadare ◽  
Philip Brown

With the advent of Next Generation Sequencing and the Hi-C experiment, high quality genome-wide contact data are becoming increasingly available. These data represents an empirical measure of how a genome interacts inside the nucleus. Genome conformation is of particular interest as it has been experimentally shown to be a driving force for many genomic functions from regulation to transcription. Thus, the Three Dimensional-Genome Reconstruction Problem (3D-GRP) seeks to take Hi-C data and produces a complete physical genome structure as it appears in the nucleus for genomic analysis. We propose and develop a novel method to solve the Chromosome and Genome Reconstruction problem based on the Bat Algorithm (BA) which we called ChromeBat. We demonstrate on real Hi-C data that ChromeBat is capable of state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, the domain of Genome Reconstruction has been criticized for lacking algorithmic diversity, and the bio-inspired nature of ChromeBat contributes algorithmic diversity to the problem domain. ChromeBat is an effective approach for solving the Genome Reconstruction Problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2112 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
Xiaohang Liu ◽  
Sihao Ma ◽  
Sheng Zhong ◽  
Aocheng Su ◽  
Zhiwei Huang ◽  

Abstract Permissible region (PR) strategy has been used successfully to alleviate the ill-posedness of the X-ray luminescence computed tomography (XLCT) reconstruction problem. In the previous researches on the permissible region strategy, it is obvious that permissible region strategy can solve the reconstruction problem efficiently. This paper aims to research the performances of four types of permissible region extraction strategies, including a permissible region manually extraction strategy, a permissible region extraction strategy with a priori information of the surface nanophosphors distribution, a permissible region extraction strategy based on the first-time reconstruction result and a precise permissible region extraction strategy. In addition, some heuristic conclusions are provided for the future study in this paper. Fast iterative shrinkage-thresholding algorithm (FISTA) is used to reconstruct in this paper. The numerical simulation experiments and physical phantom experiments are setup to evaluate and illustrate the performances of the four different types of permissible region strategies.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 1687
Irene Sciriha

A spectral inverse problem concerns the reconstruction of parameters of a parent graph from prescribed spectral data of subgraphs. Also referred to as the P–NP Isomorphism Problem, Reconstruction or Exact Graph Matching, the aim is to seek sets of parameters to determine a graph uniquely. Other related inverse problems, including the Polynomial Reconstruction Problem (PRP), involve the recovery of graph invariants. The PRP seeks to extract the spectrum of a graph from the deck of cards each showing the spectrum of a vertex-deleted subgraph. We show how various algebraic methods join forces to reconstruct a graph or its invariants from a minimal set of restricted eigenvalue-eigenvector information of the parent graph or its subgraphs. We show how functions of the entries of eigenvectors of the adjacency matrix A of a graph can be retrieved from the spectrum of eigenvalues of A. We establish that there are two subclasses of disconnected graphs with each card of the deck showing a common eigenvalue. These could occur as possible counter examples to the positive solution of the PRP.

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