skin conductance
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Wojciech Walas ◽  
Zenon P. Halaba ◽  
Tomasz Szczapa ◽  
Julita Latka-Grot ◽  
Iwona Maroszyńska ◽  

Objective: New technologies to measure pain responses, such as heart rate variability and skin conductance hold promise in the development of tools that can be reliable and quantifiable of detecting pain. The main objective of this study was to assess the capability of two monitors i.e., Newborn Infant Parasympathetic Evaluation (NIPE) and Skin Conductance Algesimeter for detecting procedural pain in non-anesthetized infants.Materials and Methods: Thirty-three non-anesthetized infants were enrolled to the study. To detect pain caused by heel stick, NIPE, and Skin Conductance monitors and behavioral pain scales were used. Three minutes before and just after heel stick, pain was evaluated by behavioral scales, and simultaneously over the whole period by NIPE and SCA.Results: A statistically significant decrease of NIPE Index and an increase of SCA values were found after the HS procedure. There were no statistically significant differences between the decrease in NIPEi values and the increase in PPS values between subgroups based on pain assessment by behavioral-scale scores.Conclusion: Both NIPE and SCA can be useful for detection of procedural pain and may constitue an additional valuable tool for better handling of pain among patients treated in NICUs. More studies on larger groups of patients are needed.

Kostas A. Fanti ◽  
Ioannis Mavrommatis ◽  
Giorgos Georgiou ◽  
Melina Nicole Kyranides ◽  
Henrik Andershed ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 104036
Charis N. Wiltshire ◽  
Cassandra P. Wanna ◽  
Anaïs F. Stenson ◽  
Sean T. Minton ◽  
Mariam H. Reda ◽  

Luna C. M. Centifanti ◽  
Steven M. Gillespie ◽  
Nicholas D. Thomson

AbstractPeople with high levels of psychopathic traits are often described as fearless and lacking in emotional depth, particularly when evaluating threats in their environments. Skin conductance responsivity (SCR) to negative emotional stimuli represents a robust autonomic correlate of conduct problem behavior in children (Fanti et al., in Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 100, 98–107, 2019). However, studies that have examined threat-related processing in youth with conduct problems have tended to use a variety of negative stimuli that might induce various and unspecific negative emotions. Few studies have taken in to account the moderating effects of anxiety on the relationship of distinct psychopathic traits (e.g., narcissism, callousness, impulsivity) with SCR to a fear inducing stimulus. In this study, we examined SCR to a virtual reality rollercoaster drop – that is, a discrete fear inducing event – in a sample of 75 youths (61 males; M = 14 years, SD = 1.4) enrolled in a non-mainstream school. The rollercoaster drop was used to more clearly examine an event-related response to a discrete threat, rather than examining SCR throughout the rollercoaster ride. We used the teacher-reported Antisocial Process Screening Device (Frick & Hare, in Antisocial process screening device: APSD. Toronto: Multi-Health Systems, 2001) to examine the relations of distinct psychopathic traits with SCR and self-reported anxiety. Lower anxiety was associated with higher callousness, but only in youths with low SCR to discrete threat. These findings suggest that fear and anxiety show complex and interactive relations with distinct psychopathic traits.

2021 ◽  
Julia Wendt ◽  
Jayne Morriss

Individuals who score high in self-reported Intolerance of Uncertainty (IU) tend to find uncertainty aversive. Prior research has demonstrated that under uncertainty individuals with high IU display difficulties in updating learned threat associations to safety associations. Importantly, recent research has shown that providing contingency instructions about threat and safety contingencies (i.e. reducing uncertainty) to individuals with high IU promotes the updating of learned threat associations to safety associations. Here we aimed to conceptually replicate IU and contingency instruction-based effects by conducting a secondary analysis of self-reported IU, ratings, skin conductance, and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data recorded during uninstructed/instructed blocks of threat acquisition and threat extinction training (n = 48). Self-reported IU was not associated with differential responding to learned threat and safety cues for any measure during uninstructed/instructed blocks of threat acquisition and threat extinction training. There was some tentative evidence that higher IU was associated with greater ratings of unpleasantness and arousal to the safety cue after the experiment and greater skin conductance response to the safety cue during extinction generally. Potential explanations for these null effects and directions for future research are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Louis Klein ◽  
Frances L. Doyle ◽  
Jaimie C. Northam ◽  
Valsamma Eapen ◽  
Paul J. Frick ◽  

Abstract Contemporary theories of early development and emerging child psychopathology all posit a major, if not central role for physiological responsiveness. To understand infants’ potential risk for emergent psychopathology, consideration is needed to both autonomic reactivity and environmental contexts (e.g., parent–child interactions). The current study maps infants’ arousal during the face-to-face still-face paradigm using skin conductance (n = 255 ethnically-diverse mother–infant dyads; 52.5% girls, mean infant age = 7.4 months; SD = 0.9 months). A novel statistical approach was designed to model the potential build-up of nonlinear counter electromotive force over the course of the task. Results showed a significant increase in infants’ skin conductance between the Baseline Free-play and the Still-Face phase, and a significant decrease in skin conductance during the Reunion Play when compared to the Still-Face phase. Skin conductance during the Reunion Play phase remained significantly higher than during the Baseline Play phase; indicating that infants had not fully recovered from the mild social stressor. These results further our understanding of infant arousal during dyadic interactions, and the role of caregivers in the development of emotion regulation during infancy.

2021 ◽  
Irina A. Belyakova ◽  
Olga V. Filinyuk ◽  
Olga Y. Nikiforova ◽  
Olga A. Jafarova ◽  
Yurii N. Ponomarev ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Risto Halonen ◽  
Liisa Kuula ◽  
Tommi Makkonen ◽  
Jaakko Kauramäki ◽  
Anu-Katriina Pesonen

The neurophysiological properties of rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) are believed to tune down stressor-related emotional responses. While prior experimental findings are controversial, evidence suggests that affective habituation is hindered if REMS is fragmented. To elucidate the topic, we evoked self-conscious negative affect in the participants (N = 32) by exposing them to their own out-of-tune singing in the evening. Affective response to the stressor was measured with skin conductance response and subjectively reported embarrassment. To address possible inter-individual variance toward the stressor, we measured the shame-proneness of participants with an established questionnaire. The stressor was paired with a sound cue to pilot a targeted memory reactivation (TMR) protocol during the subsequent night's sleep. The sample was divided into three conditions: control (no TMR), TMR during slow-wave sleep, and TMR during REMS. We found that pre- to post-sleep change in affective response was not influenced by TMR. However, REMS percentage was associated negatively with overnight skin conductance response habituation, especially in those individuals whose REMS was fragmented. Moreover, shame-proneness interacted with REM fragmentation such that the higher the shame-proneness, the more the affective habituation was dependent on non-fragmented REMS. In summary, the potential of REMS in affective processing may depend on the quality of REMS as well as on individual vulnerability toward the stressor type.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Neal S. Hinvest ◽  
Muhamed Alsharman ◽  
Margot Roell ◽  
Richard Fairchild

Increasing financial trading performance is big business. A lingering question within academia and industry concerns whether emotions improve or degrade trading performance. In this study, 30 participants distributed hypothetical wealth between a share (a risk) and the bank (paying a small, sure, gain) within four trading games. Skin Conductance Response was measured while playing the games to measure anticipatory emotion, a covert emotion signal that impacts decision-making. Anticipatory emotion was significantly associated with trading performance but the direction of the correlation was dependent upon the share’s movement. Thus, anticipatory emotion is neither wholly “good” nor “bad” for trading; instead, the relationship is context-dependent. This is one of the first studies exploring the association between anticipatory emotion and trading behaviour using trading games within an experimentally rigorous environment. Our findings elucidate the relationship between anticipatory emotion and financial decision-making and have applications for improving trading performance in novice and expert traders.

2021 ◽  
Thomas Allen Scott-Smith

<p>Alcohol consumption attenuates both the behavioural adjustments and the heightened activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) which are normally observed following errors, leading to the hypothesis that alcohol disrupts the ability to effectively regulate the use of cognitive control. It has furthermore been theorized that these deficits may occur because alcohol reduces the negative affect elicited by unfavourable events, such as errors, thereby weakening the motivation to utilize cognitive control to improve performance. The aim of the current thesis was to provide an empirical test of this model. I carried out two studies in which I examined changes in two physiological indices of affective processing, skin conductance and heart rate, as well as behavioural and EEG responses, following errors on a flanker task. The first study was conducted on sober participants, in order to validate my experimental paradigm, while the second compared the physiological and behavioural effects of errors in participants given either alcohol or a placebo. In both experiments in both experiments, errors produced increased skin conductance responses and heart rate deceleration, and a typical error-related negativity in EEG. However, contrary to what would be expected if alcohol reduced the negative affect generated by errors, no difference in skin conductance or heart rate responses to errors were observed between alcohol and placebo participants in the second study. Furthermore, although intoxicated participants displayed an overall reduction in the use of cognitive control, based on both behavioural (flanker interference) and EEG (occipital alpha power) measures, groups did not differ in the degree to which this control was upregulated immediately after task errors. However, exploratory analyses of EEG indices (the feedback-related negativity and midfrontal theta power) of ACC activity following errors were significantly diminished in intoxicated participants. Overall, these findings suggest that alcohol does not reduce the immediate negative emotional consequences of errors but may instead disrupt brain networks needed for the sustained engagement of cognitive control and attention to task performance.</p>

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