search engine optimization
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2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Antonio Carlos Picalho

No contexto atual da sociedade em que se insere as unidades informacionais e demais espaços de atuação do Bibliotecário, é necessário que este profissional desenvolva cada vez mais competências e busque se adequar ao meio e às inovações, principalmente tecnológicas. Pensando nas competências adquiridas durante a sua formação e nas atribuições inerentes ao cargo, é possível estabelecer correlações entre os principais requisitos necessários para atuar como especialista em Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Este artigo teve por objetivo trazer algumas reflexões sobre a atuação do Bibliotecário nessa área, a partir dos conhecimentos inerentes à profissão. Para isto descreveu-se o processo de uma pesquisa realizada no buscador Google e como o SEO funciona e interfere nesse meio. Na forma de uma revisão narrativa e pesquisa exploratória visando aumentar a familiaridade dos pesquisadores da área para com o tema, um quadro comparativo das atividades do profissional de biblioteconomia para com o profissional que atua com técnicas de SEO foi desenvolvido. Considera-se ao final do estudo que o Bibliotecário tem totais condições de se especializar na área e contribuir significativamente a partir do uso de habilidades inerentes a um profissional da informação.AbstractIn the current context of society in which informational units and other spaces ofactivity of the Librarian are inserted, it is necessary that these professionals develop more and more skills and seek to adapt to the environment and to innovations, especially technological ones. Thinking about the skills acquired during their training and the attributions inherent to the position, it is possible to establish correlations between the main requirements needed to act as a specialist in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). This article aimed to bring some reflections on the role of Librarians in this area, based on the knowledge inherent to the profession. For this, it was described the process of a search carried out in the Google search engine and how SEO works and interferes in this environment. In the form of a narrative review and exploratory research aimed at increasing the familiarity of researchers in the area with the subject, a comparative table of the activities of the librarianship professional with the professional who works with SEO techniques was developed. It is considered at the end of the study that the Librarian is fully able to specialize in the area and contribute significantly from the use of skills inherent to an informationprofessional. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-64
Kartini Rosmalah ◽  
Shinta Agustianingrum

Fenomena kemunculan  komunikasi  pemasaran secara digital  tentu  saja dapat dimanfaatkan oleh berbagi pihak yang menjalankan dunia bisnis. Salah satunya dilirik oleh industri kreatif pada bidang pendidikan yaitu Ruangguru. Salah satu media sosial yang populer dan dapat berperan dalam kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran digital yaitu media sosial Instagram. Instagram dinilai mampu untuk menampilkan pesan-pesan yang ingin disampaikan oleh pelaku bisnis.Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui efektifitas pesan gambar dan teks  pada  akun  instagram  @ruangguru  dalam  digital  marketing communication. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori digital marketing communication dan teori pesan yang efektif menurut Kotler. Metodelogi penelitian ini menggunakan metodelogi kuantitatif dengan metode analisis isi yang bersifat deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pesan gambar dan  teks  pada  akun  instagram  @ruangguru  pada  keseluruhan  memenuhi kriteria pesan gambar dan teks yang efektif. Dengan menerapkan pesan gambar dan teks yang efektif, peluang Ruangguru untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan konsumen untuk membeli semakin tinggi, serta semakin baik dari sisi search engine optimization (SEO), sehingga sangat penting untuk memahami isi dan bentuk pesan yang menjawab kebutuhan dan minat konsumennya. Saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya, agar lebih dapat memperluas penelitian dengan menggunakan teori strategi komunikasi pemasaran dengan metode kulitatif supaya dapat mencangkup aspek penelitian dalam persepktif pemilik akun instagram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2138 (1) ◽  
pp. 012023
Bixi Wang ◽  
Wenbin Wu ◽  
Wenfeng Zheng ◽  
Qilong Gong ◽  
Lirong Yin

Abstract This study proposes a method of keyword selection in search engine optimization to improve the accuracy of search engine and website rankings. To promote the development of scientific and technological innovation, this paper selects the innovation and entrepreneurship curriculum platform as the experimental object. By comparing different search engine optimization strategies, the keyword search volume data is analyzed based on “comprehensive index evaluation method”, which analyzes and calculates the change of keyword search comparison and the number of related keywords. Therefore, this paper will use the comprehensive index evaluation method for keyword selection, and establish a set of practical keyword selection method combined with the actual situation of innovation and enterprise curriculum platform. The results show that this program can improve search accuracy and website ranking.

Compiler ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Aris Wahyu Murdiyanto ◽  
Adri Priadana

Keyword research is one of the essential activities in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). One of the techniques in doing keyword research is to find out how many articles titles on a website indexed by the Google search engine contain a particular keyword or so-called "allintitle". Moreover, search engines are also able to provide keywords suggestion. Getting keywords suggestions and allintitle will not be effective, efficient, and economical if done manually for relatively extensive keyword research. It will take a long time to decide whether a keyword is needed to be optimized. Based on these problems, this study aimed to analyze the implementation of the web scraping technique to get relevant keyword suggestions from the Google search engine and the number of "allintitle" that are owned automatically. The data used as an experiment in this test consists of ten keywords, which each keyword would generate a maximum of ten keywords suggestion. Therefore, from ten keywords, it will produce at most 100 keywords suggestions and the number of allintitles. Based on the evaluation result, we got an accuracy of 100%. It indicated that the technique could be applied to get keywords suggestions and allintitle from Google search engines with outstanding accuracy values.

2021 ◽  
pp. 583
Julisar Julisar ◽  
Dicky Supriatna ◽  
Ian Nurpatria Suryawan

One of the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi is to do a dharma called Community Service (PKM). The purpose of PKM activities is to provide training and knowledge possessed by lecturers to the community. Digital Marketing is a science that is developing today in line with advances in information technology. With the development of information technology, people in Higher Education have a burden to be able to share Digital Marketing knowledge with the community according to the characteristics of the organization. The partner organization is the Indonesian Bible Institute (LAI), which is a non-profit organization. Even though as a non-profit organization, LAI should also carry out Digital Marketing activities, not only to sell goods or services but also LAI is still to be known by the public through Digital Marketing activities. This PKM activity consists of explaining the meaning of Digital Marketing, the stages carried out in Digital Marketing. To carry out Digital Marketing with Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, sub-module Keyword Planner, the System Development Life Cycle method is used, which consists of 5 (five) stages, namely Planning, Analyzing, Design, Implementation, and Maintenance. As a result of this PKM activity, the participants increasingly understand the importance of Digital Marketing and the methods that can be used to do Digital Marketing. As a non-profit organization, LAI should continue to carry out marketing activities using Information Technology (Digital Marketing). By carrying out Digital Marketing activities, it is hoped that the existence of LAI can still be known by the publicSalah satu Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi adalah melakukan dharma yang disebut Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM). Tujuan dilakukan kegiatan PKM adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki oleh dosen kepada masyarakat. Digital Marketing merupakan ilmu yang sedang berkembang dewasa ini sejalan dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi. Dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi, maka insan di Pendidikan Tinggi mempunyai suatu beban untuk dapat membagikan ilmu Digital Marketing kepada masyarakat sesuai dengan dengan karakteristik organisasi tersebut. Organisasi yang menjadi mitra adalah Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) yang merupakan organisasi nir-laba. Walaupun sebagai organisasi nir-laba, LAI sebaiknya juga melakukan kegiatan Digital Marketing, tidak semata untuk menjual barang atau jasa, tetapi supaya LAI tetap dikenal oleh masyarakat melalui kegiatan Digital Marketing. Kegiatan PKM ini terdiri dari penjelasan arti dari Digital Marketing, tahapan yang dilakukan di Digital Marketing. Untuk melakukan Digital Marketing dengan Teknik Search Engine Optimiazation (SEO) dengan sub-modul Keyword Planner dan dengan metode System Development Life Cycle, yang terdiri dari 5 (lima) tahap, yaitu Planning, Analyzing, Design, Implementation, dan Maintenance. Hasil dari kegiatan PKM ini, para peserta semakin memahami akan pentingnya Digital Marketing dan metode yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan Digital Marketing. Sebagai organisasi nir-laba, LAI sebaiknya tetap melakukan kegiatan marketing dengan menggunakan Teknologi Informasi (Digital Marketing) yang termasuk di dalam Digital Marketing adalah perencanaan strategis, analisa situasi untuk pemasaran digital, berinteraksi dengan masyarakat di pasar digital, memahami masyarakat digital, dan analisis serta wawasan masyarakat. Dengan melakukan kegiatan Digital Marketing, diharapkan  keberadaan LAI tetap dapat dikenal oleh masyarakat,

Alexandre Scherrer Tomé ◽  
Angela Molognoni

O presente artigo científico tem como objetivo geral apresentar as mudanças no comportamento do consumidor, que passou do mundo off-line para o digital nas últimas décadas, até alcançarmos a chamada Geração Z, os nascidos a partir da segunda metade da década de 1990. Essa geração de consumidores, que tem sido objeto de estudos de vários campos do conhecimento, como a psicologia, sociologia e marketing, irá ditar as regras do mercado nos próximos anos e é fundamental entender suas motivações e a forma como escolhe fazer suas compras. Nesse contexto, é de suma importância que as empresas estejam preparadas para atender esse público cada vez mais exigente, apresentando o conteúdo dos websites com todas as ferramentas necessárias para atender suas expectativas. E para que a gestão de conteúdo – uma das principais medidas para obter sucesso junto ao público consumidor – seja bem executada, os profissionais de comunicação devem se preparar para produzir textos que estejam alinhados com técnicas de SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Webdesing, Usabilidade, Arquitetura da Informação, Marketing de Conteúdo e ferramentas de CMS. Além de dominar a linguagem web, que está em constante transformação.

Gita Aryshandy ◽  
Yudi Fernando ◽  
Rayina Triningsih Dharmaputra ◽  
Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan ◽  
Ika Sari Wahyuni-TD

Evasaria Magdalena Sipayung ◽  
Cut Fiarni ◽  
Marchel Febrian

Akshay Raju Tandava ◽  
Ms. Vaishnavi Tiwadi ◽  
Mr. Raman Dayama

Digital marketing is the marketing of products or services using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital media. Digital marketing has gained full momentum due to technology revolution and sophisticated mobile technologies and as well as due to reasonable data prices. Marketers started different strategies like Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, Content Marketing, Data analytics to reach the customers in a better and speedy way. The present study mainly highlights about different digital marketing components taken care of by the marketers for better customer reach and influence. The study is purely conducted with the help of secondary data. KEYWORDS: Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing, search results

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