brain and behavior
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2022 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Meghan L. Donovan ◽  
Eileen K. Chun ◽  
Yan Liu ◽  
Zuoxin Wang

The socially monogamous prairie vole (Microtus ochrogaster) offers a unique opportunity to examine the impacts of adolescent social isolation on the brain, immune system, and behavior. In the current study, male and female prairie voles were randomly assigned to be housed alone or with a same-sex cagemate after weaning (i.e., on postnatal day 21–22) for a 6-week period. Thereafter, subjects were tested for anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviors using the elevated plus maze (EPM) and Forced Swim Test (FST), respectively. Blood was collected to measure peripheral cytokine levels, and brain tissue was processed for microglial density in various brain regions, including the Nucleus Accumbens (NAcc), Medial Amygdala (MeA), Central Amygdala (CeA), Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis (BNST), and Paraventricular Nucleus of the Hypothalamus (PVN). Sex differences were found in EPM and FST behaviors, where male voles had significantly lower total arm entries in the EPM as well as lower latency to immobility in the FST compared to females. A sex by treatment effect was found in peripheral IL-1β levels, where isolated males had a lower level of IL-1β compared to cohoused females. Post-weaning social isolation also altered microglial density in a brain region-specific manner. Isolated voles had higher microglial density in the NAcc, MeA, and CeA, but lower microglial density in the dorsal BNST. Cohoused male voles also had higher microglial density in the PVN compared to cohoused females. Taken together, these data suggest that post-weaning social housing environments can alter peripheral and central immune systems in prairie voles, highlighting a potential role for the immune system in shaping isolation-induced alterations to the brain and behavior.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 442
Anna Herman ◽  
Andrzej Przemysław Herman

The purpose of this review is to summarize the current acquiredknowledge of Candida overgrowth in the intestine as a possible etiology of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The influence of Candida sp. on the immune system, brain, and behavior of children with ASD isdescribed. The benefits of interventions such as a carbohydrates-exclusion diet, probiotic supplementation, antifungal agents, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT), and microbiota transfer therapy (MTT) will be also discussed. Our literature query showed that the results of most studies do not fully support the hypothesis that Candida overgrowth is correlated with gastrointestinal (GI) problems and contributes to autism behavioral symptoms occurrence. On the one hand, it was reported that the modulation of microbiota composition in the gut may decrease Candida overgrowth, help reduce GI problems and autism symptoms. On the other hand, studies on humans suggesting the beneficial effects of a sugar-free diet, probiotic supplementation, FMT and MTT treatment in ASD are limited and inconclusive. Due to the increasing prevalence of ASD, studies on the etiology of this disorder are extremely needed and valuable. However, to elucidate the possible involvement of Candida in the pathophysiology of ASD, more reliable and well-designed research is certainly required.

2022 ◽  
Michelle Martinez ◽  
Kevin P. Uribe ◽  
Valeria Garcia ◽  
Omar Lira ◽  
Felix Matos-Ocasio ◽  

In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in nicotine vapor consumption via electronic nicotine delivery systems (i.e., e-cigarettes), particularly in adolescents. While recent work has focused on the health effects of nicotine vapor exposure, its effects on the brain and behavior remain unclear. In this study, we assessed the effects that cessation from repeated nicotine vapor exposure had on behavioral and neuronal measures of withdrawal. For Experiment 1, fifty-six adult male rats were tested for plasma cotinine levels, somatic withdrawal signs, and anxiety-like behavior in the elevated plus maze, immediately following precipitated withdrawal from repeated exposure to 12 or 24 mg/mL nicotine vapor. In Experiment 2, twelve adult male rats were tested for intracranial self-stimulation (ICSS) across 14 days of exposure to 24 mg/mL nicotine vapor and across the 14 days immediately following nicotine exposure. Results revealed that plasma cotinine, somatic signs, anxiety-like behavior, and ICSS stimulation thresholds were all observed to be elevated during withdrawal in the 24 mg/mL nicotine group, when compared to vehicle controls (50/50 vegetable glycerin/propylene glycol). The data suggest that cessation from repeated nicotine vapor exposure using our preclinical model leads to nicotine dependence and withdrawal, and demonstrates that the vapor system described in these experiments is a viable pre-clinical model of e-cigarette use in humans. Further characterization of the mechanisms driving nicotine vapor abuse and dependence is needed to improve policies and educational campaigns related to e-cigarette use.

2022 ◽  
Carol A. Dannenhoffer ◽  
Alex Gómez-A ◽  
Victoria Macht ◽  
Rayyanoor Jawad ◽  
E. Blake Sutherland ◽  

Background: Binge alcohol exposure during adolescence results in long-lasting alterations in brain and behavior. For example, adolescent intermittent ethanol (AIE) exposure in rodents results in long-term loss of functional connectivity among prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatal regions as well as a variety of neurochemical, molecular, and epigenetic alterations. Interneurons in the PFC and striatum play critical roles in behavioral flexibility and functional connectivity. For example, parvalbumin (PV) interneurons are known to contribute to neural synchrony, and cholinergic interneurons contribute to strategy selection. Furthermore, extracellular perineuronal nets (PNNs) surround some interneurons, particularly PV+ interneurons, to further regulate cellular plasticity. The effect of AIE exposure on expression of these markers within the PFC is not well understood. Methods: The present study tested the hypothesis that AIE exposure reduces expression of PV+ and ChAT+ interneurons in the adult PFC and striatum and increases related expression of PNNs (marked by binding of Wisteria Floribunda agglutinin lectin; WFA) in adulthood. Male rats were exposed to AIE (5 g/kg/day, 2-days-on/2-days-off, i.g., P25-P54) or water (CON), and brain tissue was harvested in adulthood (> P80). Immunohistochemistry and co-immunofluorescence were used to assess expression of ChAT, PV, and WFA labeling within the adult PFC and striatum following AIE exposure. Results: ChAT and PV interneuron numbers in the striatum and PFC were unchanged after AIE exposure. However, WFA labeling in the PFC of AIE-exposed rats was increased compared to CON rats. Moreover, significantly more PV neurons were surrounded by WFA labeling in AIE-exposed subjects relative to controls in both PFC subregions assessed: the orbitofrontal cortex (CON = 34%; AIE = 40%) and the medial PFC (CON = 10%; AIE = 14%). Conclusions: These findings indicate that while PV interneuron expression in the adult PFC and striatum is unaltered following AIE exposure, PNNs surrounding these neurons (indicated by extracellular WFA binding) are increased. This increase in PNNs may restrict plasticity of the ensheathed neurons, thus contributing to impaired microcircuitry in frontostriatal connectivity and related behavioral impairments.

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Sandra Racionero-Plaza ◽  
Lídia Puigvert ◽  
Marta Soler-Gallart ◽  
Ramon Flecha

Neuroscience has well evidenced that the environment and, more specifically, social experience, shapes and transforms the architecture and functioning of the brain and even its genes. However, in order to understand how that happens, which types of social interactions lead to different results in brain and behavior, neurosciences require the social sciences. The social sciences have already made important contributions to neuroscience, among which the behaviorist explanations of human learning are prominent and acknowledged by the most well-known neuroscientists today. Yet neurosciences require more inputs from the social sciences to make meaning of new findings about the brain that deal with some of the most profound human questions. However, when we look at the scientific and theoretical production throughout the history of social sciences, a great fragmentation can be observed, having little interdisciplinarity and little connection between what authors in the different disciplines are contributing. This can be well seen in the field of communicative interaction. Nonetheless, this fragmentation has been overcome via the theory of communicative acts, which integrates knowledge from language and interaction theories but goes one step further in incorporating other aspects of human communication and the role of context. The theory of communicative acts is very informative to neuroscience, and a central contribution in socioneuroscience that makes possible deepening of our understanding of most pressing social problems, such as free and coerced sexual-affective desire, and achieving social and political impact toward their solution. This manuscript shows that socioneuroscience is an interdisciplinary frontier in which the dialogue between all social sciences and all natural sciences opens up an opportunity to integrate different levels of analysis in several sciences to ultimately achieve social impact regarding the most urgent human problems.

Anne E. Urai ◽  
Brent Doiron ◽  
Andrew M. Leifer ◽  
Anne K. Churchland

2022 ◽  
pp. 67-146
Tamas L. Horváth ◽  
Joy Hirsch ◽  
Zoltán Molnár

2021 ◽  
pp. 111-135
David F. Sherry

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