nature studies
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2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 118-124
Dr O. T. Poongodi

One of the sparkling stars in the galaxy of Indian writers, Gita Mehta is the brightest. Her novels are written with Indian perspectives and they are explorations of the tension generated by the east-west encounters. Her novel A River Sutra is a colourful fictional account of India that mirrors Indian history and culture. It connects Indian mythology with various depictions of love in its many aspects. It told through a pen-pusher and his encounter with six pilgrims on the banks of the Narmada. In Western Feminist studies, the woman is always portrayed with a quest for freedom from the urban exploitative society to nature. It is appealing to determine that this concept receives a new dimension in a different cultural context. In this novel, Mehta has shifted her focus from the interactions between India and the west to exploring the diversity of cultures within India. Gita Mehta uses the Narmada as the thread, which holds together the main story and the six sub-stories. The present paper discusses in detail the theory of eco-criticism and it aims at highlighting an understanding of various terms like green studies and nature studies, as well as describes in fair detail, the different subfields of eco-criticism, namely, Cultural ecology, Eco-feminism and Gyno-Ecology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 1242-1248
Prasanna Kumar Nayak ◽  
Bikash Ranjan Dash ◽  
Manoj Mahapatra ◽  

Beach flora along the maritime ecosystem is very sensitive and fragile in nature. Studies on floral species composition and their ecological role in the sensitive coastal and marine ecosystem of Indian coast in general and coast of Odisha in particular are scanty. Keeping in view, a detailed survey along the coast of Gahirmatha beach in Kendrapara district, Odisha was conducted. A total of 67 species under 62 genera belonging to 36 families of flowering plants were collected and identified at different localities from the shoreline towards inland of the coastline. The floral composition of sandy beach of Gahirmatha coast was found to be rich and diverse. The sensitive ecosystem need to be protected from habitat degradation in order to provide congenial niche for the diverse beach elements that caters the ecological functioning and also supporting the associated floral as well as faunal assemblages in the area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-63
Sevgi Günes-Durak

Microplastics are less than 5 mm in length and are polymer chains containing carbon and hydrogen atoms. It poses a direct and indirect danger to all living things in the ecosystem. It is found in products such as microplastics, synthetic clothes, plastic bags and bottles, some cleaners, health and beauty products, toothpaste and causes both soil and water pollution from wastewater systems and solid waste. This situation not only threatens the life of creatures living in aquatic ecosystems such as rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans but also penetrates the human body through the food chain, causing various health problems, especially cancer. As with all environmental pollutants, microplastics need to reduce pollution at the source. In this research, treatment methods applied to remove microplastics that cannot be prevented at source from the water ecosystem were investigated and evaluated. According to the results, in wastewater treatment plants, the highest efficiency of microplastic removal is provided by membrane bioreactors. However, by imitating the microplastic removal capabilities and structures of living things in nature, studies on the discovery of new methods of microplastic removal can also be conducted.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Beata Bednarczuk

<p>Montessori claimed that love is a key concept that cannot be defined, but nevertheless treated it as central to life and education and therefore wrote a lot about its nature. Studies conducted by the Italian researcher facilitated finding the source of love, which is the child Consequently, the didactic system she developed is focused on the child Feelings and emotions are a kind of ability to reflect, an element of a wider system of information processing. Attributing emotional value to specific events is a specific process of creating meanings For research purposes, the knowledge was obtained that allowed to determine a profile of 24 feelings for school experiences as well as general and ideal feelings of Montessori class graduates, expressed as valuations. It was established whether the school as well as general and ideal experiences have a positive, negative or ambivalent value for the respondents</p>

2020 ◽  
S. Zamora-Terol ◽  
A. Novotny ◽  
M. Winder

AbstractAlthough parasitism is one of the most prevalent interactions in nature, studies of aquatic food webs rarely include parasites. Syndiniales (Dinophyceae, Alveolata) is a diverse parasitic group of dinoflagellates, common in all marine environments, and are described as dominant components of pelagic ecosystems. However, their temporal dynamics, prevalence, and host-specificity are poorly known. Using DNA metabarcoding to explore trophic interactions of zooplankton, we found a high proportion of Syndiniales sequence reads associated with the targeted consumers. We observed the occurrence of Syndiniales in copepods, cladocerans, appendicularians, and polychaete larvae, ranging between 11 and 36% relative read abundance, encompassing 11 main putative clades. Zooplankton–Syndiniales interactions showed variability in occurrence across the taxa, but also certain host-specificity. The study suggests that the observed copepod–Syndiniales interactions can be both direct parasitic infections and the result of trophic transmission through potentially infected prey by Syndiniales. Given the quantitative importance of Syndiniales and zooplankton in marine environments, our findings emphasize that their interactions should be recognized as key players in the structure and connectivity of plankton food webs.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (01) ◽  
pp. 331-351
Ivamauro Ailton de Sousa Silva

Esse texto apresenta as contribuições teóricas e metodológicas, desenvolvidas por Dirce Suertegaray, para os estudos sobre o processo de arenização. A finalidade é demostrar as trajetórias, a produção e a divulgação do conhecimento científico, conduzidas no âmbito da ciência geográfica brasileira e, em particular, nos estudos da natureza. O artigo foi construído, por meio de análise documental, de revisão bibliográfica e de análise comparativa entre as localidades pesquisadas: Quaraí (RS), Paranavaí (PR), Reserva do Cabaçal (MT), cerrado paulista, sudoeste de Goiás, Buritizeiro (MG), Gilbués (PI) e Manaus (AM). Com base nessas informações, procedeu-se à organização e à indicação dos aportes e dos itinerários metodológicos, instrumentos que desempenharam as discussões essenciais da pesquisa. Nas abordagens conduzidas pela autora, o enfoque, a partir dos estudos da natureza, foi utilizado como prioridade, para explicar a gênese e para interpretar as dinâmicas dos areais de Quaraí, no sudoeste do estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Os resultados da pesquisa demonstram que a natureza em movimento é responsável pela origem dos areais, mas as atividades sociais, realizadas de forma inadequada, promovem a intensificação do processo de arenização, em distintas localidades do território brasileiro. Nesse sentido, o papel desempenhado por Dirce Suertegaray revela a importância de uma geografia articulada, carregada de pluralidade e de conexões. Palavras-chave: Natureza. Contribuições. Geógrafa Dirce Suertegaray. Arenização.   NATURE IN MOVEMENT: investigations developed by Dirce Suertegaray for sandization studies ABSTRACT This text presents the theoretical and methodological contributions developed by Dirce Suertegaray for studies regarding the sandization process. The purpose is to demonstrate the trajectories, production and dissemination of scientific knowledge conducted within the scope of Brazilian geographic science and, in particular, in studies in the field of nature. The article was developed by means of a documentary analysis, bibliographic review and comparative analysis between the researched localities of Quaraí (RS), Paranavaí (PR), Reserva do Cabaçal (MT), cerrado paulista, southwest of Goiás, Buritizeiro (MG), Gilbués (PI) and Manaus (AM). Based on this information, the contribution and methodological itinerary organization and indications were carried out, instruments that accomplished the essential research discussions. In the approaches conducted by the aforementioned author, the focus based on nature studies was used as a priority to explain Quaraí sand genesis and interpret its dynamics in southwestern Rio Grande do Sul. The research results demonstrate that nature in motion it is responsible for the origin of the sands, but that social activities carried out inappropriately result in sandization process intensification in different locations in the Brazilian territory. The role played by Dirce Suertegaray reveals the importance of an articulated geography, charged with plurality and connections.  Keywords: Nature. Contributions. Geographer Dirce Suertegaray. Sandization.    NATURALEZA EN MOVIMIENTO: investigaciones desarrolladas por Dirce Suertegaray para estudios sobre arenización RESUMEN Este texto presenta las contribuciones teóricas y metodológicas, desarrolladas por Dirce Suertegaray, para estudios sobre el proceso de arenización. El propósito es demostrar las trayectorias, la producción y la difusión del conocimiento científico, realizado dentro del alcance de la ciencia geográfica brasileña y, en particular, de los estudios de la naturaleza. El artículo fue construido, mediante análisis documental, revisión bibliográfica y análisis comparativo entre los lugares investigados: Quaraí (RS), Paranavaí (PR), Reserva do Cabaçal (MT), cerrado paulista, suroeste de Goiás, Buritizeiro (MG), Gilbués (PI) y Manaus (AM). Con base en esta información, se llevaron a cabo la organización y la indicación de contribuciones e itinerarios metodológicos, instrumentos que realizaron las discusiones esenciales de la investigación. En las investigaciones realizadas por esta autora, el enfoque de los estudios de la naturaleza utilizó como prioridad, explicar la génesis e interpretar la dinámica de los arenales de Quaraí, ciudad del suroeste del estado de Rio Grande do Sul. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que la naturaleza en movimiento es responsable del origen de las arenas, pero las actividades sociales, llevadas a cabo de manera inapropiada, promueven la intensificación del proceso de arenización, en diferentes lugares del territorio brasileño. En este sentido, el papel desempeñado por Dirce Suertegaray revela la importancia de una geografía articulada, cargada de pluralidad y conexiones.  Palabras-clave: Naturaleza. Contribuciones. Geógrafa Dirce Suertegaray. Arenización. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
S. Sutomo

Tropical savanna and dry forest in Indonesia are an important type of ecosystem that supports various endemic wildlife of Indonesia including savannas at Padar and Komodo Islands which is home to the Komodo (Varanus komodoensis). The Komodo dragon is considered as “Vulnerable” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Studies with regards to the Komodo dragons’ habitats are scarce, considering that these types of habitats are significant to support Komodo’s existence, but yet are also very prone to conversion and disturbances. This paper elaborates the results of ecological study on the tropical savanna forest in Komodo National Park as habitat for the Komodo dragon. Vegetation sampling was conducted using nested plots 20 x 20 m, 10 x 10 m, 5 x 5 m and 2 x 2 m spread across the sampling sites. Data was analysed using PRIMER software which includes cluster analysis, analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) and similarity percentage (SIMPER). As many as 17 plant species which belongs to 11 families were identified in the sampling sites. These consist of six trees habitus, six shrubs, four grasses and one palm. Asteraceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae were the plant families which has high number of species. The result of cluster analysis shows that the similarity level of the two groups (Komodo and Padar) based on the results of cluster analysis is 60%. This result infers that there are similarities in terms of species composition in savanna on Komodo and Padar Island, however, each savanna still has its own species characteristics. This is confirmed by the ANOSIM test. The ANOSIM test results show the Global R value of 0.6.With the looming challenges from invasive alien plant species (IAPS), the Komodo Island’s savanna has double threats to overcome. Hence conservation of the remaining savanna ecosystem is important

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 183-201
Małgorzata Wosiek

Research background: The subject of the study is the disproportionate development of rural and urban areas in terms of human capital in the context of the convergence process. Purpose of the article: The main goal of the study is to assess the rural–urban disparities on the educational attainment of the population (adopted as a human capital proxy), based on the example of Poland. Methods: The Bray-Curtis measure of structures diversity, the Kruskal-Wallis test and regression analysis were applied to investigate the scale and dynamic of the rural–urban educational divide in Poland in the period 1988–2018. Findings & Value added: The paper emphasizes the aspect of rural–urban differences in the Polish economy and their dynamic nature. Studies have revealed that in 1988–2018, in Poland, the disparity in educational attainment between rural and urban populations was gradually reduced. This process, however, was not accompanied by the reduction of internal educational disparities in the rural space. The study results are helpful in verifying the effectiveness of public funds, allocated in recent years in order to accelerate the multi-functional development of rural areas in Poland and other CEE countries.

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