lighting system
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Rohit Jadhav

Abstract: Today's engendering has a rage about faired bikes because they endeavour ergonomic glances as well as speeds. Although it has now graced a fact that most motorcycle accidents occur in darkness due to poor illumination and are more dangerous when the bike is cornering. As per the present contour of headlamps of fairing bikes, the headlamps become stable, giving rider vision at an upright position. These headlights do not provide enough illumination on bent roads and put riders in a vulnerable position. To overcome this dilemma, an alternative lighting system was needed. The goal of the project is to discover a cost-effective explication, increasing the safety and comfort of the rider. This called for cornering lights for faired bikes to persuade the road at the corner. The cornering lights serve riders by illuminating the shadowed area of the curve providing better vision. The Cornering lights can not only be useful in twilight but also bad weather, the rider can have a clear vision and control on the motorbike. The rider may react to the state of danger at an appropriate time. Keywords: Motorcycle Cornering Lights, Smart Headlights, Guidable headlight, Adaptive headlight, cornering headlight, safety technology, deflecting headlight.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 774
Elzbieta Rynska ◽  
Maryia Yanchuk

Daylight is of utmost importance and should be the main source of light in most areas dedicated to working and living. When considering our contemporary way of living, it can be easily discerned that most of our life is spent indoors, yet in a typical architectonic design approach, daylight is too often hardly of consequence. Hence daylight becomes a critical factor. Designers comply with the legal requirements of the solar hours required for areas subjected to constant use. Simultaneously for electrical engineers’ daylight is only an additional source of light valued only where energy efficiency is concerned. The basic idea of this research is to, starting from the concept level, design the building’s volume in line with energy efficiency requirements and user expectations using daylight access strategy as the main parameter. This scope of research has been a subject of various scientific theses conducted within the last years at the Faculty of Architecture Warsaw University of Technology. This paper is dedicated to the latest and most developed outcomes. The presented solution is an architectonic point of view dedicated to the use of the daylight factor in office areas located in a dense city district that may support efficient energy requirements, including the requirements of the electric lighting system. Illumination values were set according to the BREEAM daylight and PN-EN 17037 Daylight of Buildings standard. The presented strategy is unconventional for Poland, but has the potential to be included in practice and should be developed further, together with electrical engineers, as a part of energy-saving solutions. Possibly, it should be followed simultaneously with the development of the compact cities ideas. It is hoped that it might be a starting point for discussion, and for a more detailed interdisciplinary research in the future.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 432
Paolo Visconti ◽  
Laura Bagordo ◽  
Ramiro Velázquez ◽  
Donato Cafagna ◽  
Roberto De Fazio

Technological innovation has increased the global demand for electrical power and energy. Accordingly, energy harvesting has become a research area of primary interest for the scientific community and companies because it constitutes a sustainable way to collect energy from various sources. In particular, kinetic energy generated from human walking or vehicle movements on smart energy floors represents a promising research topic. This paper aims to analyze the state-of-art of smart energy harvesting floors to determine the best solution to feed a lighting system and charging columns. In particular, the fundamentals of the main harvesting mechanisms applicable in this field (i.e., piezoelectric, electromagnetic, triboelectric, and relative hybrids) are discussed. Moreover, an overview of scientific works related to energy harvesting floors is presented, focusing on the architectures of the developed tiles, the transduction mechanism, and the output performances. Finally, a survey of the commercial energy harvesting floors proposed by companies and startups is reported. From the carried-out analysis, we concluded that the piezoelectric transduction mechanism represents the optimal solution for designing smart energy floors, given their compactness, high efficiency, and absence of moving parts.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 552
Christopher Weirich ◽  
Yandan Lin ◽  
Tran Khanh

Today, up to hundreds of RGB and W-LEDs are positioned in a vehicle’s interior context and are able to be individually controlled in intensity, color and sequence. However, which kind of illumination distracts or supports car occupants and how to define such a modern illumination system is still under discussion and unknown. For that, first a definition for an in-vehicle lighting system is introduced. Second, a globally distributed study was performed based on a free-access online survey to investigate in-vehicle lighting for visual signaling within 10 colors, eight positions and six dynamic patterns. In total, 238 participants from China and Europe rated color preferences, color moods, light-position preferences, differences between manual and autonomous driving and also different meanings for dynamic lighting patterns. Out of these, three strong significant (p < 0.05) color preference groups were identified with a polarized, accepted or merged character. For the important driving-signaling mood attention, we found a significant hue dependency for Europeans which was missing within the Chinese participants. In addition, we identified that light positioned at the door and foot area was globally favored. Furthermore, we evaluated qualitative results: men are primarily focusing on fast-forward, whereas women paid more attention on practical light usage. These findings conclude the need for a higher lighting-car-occupant adaptation in the future grounded by deeper in-vehicle human factors research to achieve a higher satisfaction level. In interdisciplinary terms, our findings might also be helpful for interior building or general modern cockpit designs for trains or airplanes.

Energies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 406
Allen Jong-Woei Whang ◽  
Yi-Yung Chen ◽  
Min-Yih Leu ◽  
Wei-Chieh Tseng ◽  
Yu-Zheng Lin ◽  

The energy consumption of artificial lighting and its impacts on health have stimulated research into natural lighting systems. However, natural lighting system designs are mainly custom, making them costly and difficult to replicate. This study took an office space as a testing field in order to develop a highly adaptable and adjustable modular natural light illumination system. We divided the system into multiple module designs, demonstrated the use of simple development and fabrication processes and integrated a freeform reflector into the system. In creating a freeform mirror, the optical simulation results of the tested field were regressed (through polynomial regression) to achieve a uniformly illuminated plane, and a high-efficiency light-emitting system was produced. Finally, an active heliostat was used to collect sunlight, combined with actual manufacturing verification and measurement results, in order to create an excellent indoor lighting system. As a result, we presented a low-cost and easy-to-design natural light illumination system for the assisted lighting of office areas.

2022 ◽  
Vol 1212 (1) ◽  
pp. 012043
Waluyo ◽  
F Hadiatna ◽  
A Widura ◽  
P Setiana

Abstract Increasing population and human needs have an impact on increasing the need for electrical energy. One of them is for lighting needs. Therefore, it is necessary to save the lighting system so that energy consumption is minimum and the need for lighting is optimal, by controlling light dimming. This paper presents an implementation and testing of a dimming light control using an Arduino Uno microcontroller. The circuit used a 12-volt power supply, as a voltage source, to increase to 42 volts, to meet a lamp voltage, through a dc-dc converter. After obtaining the maximum voltage, a MOSFET cut off the voltage according to the desired light or performance level. The duty cycle was directly proportional to the output voltage, using a PWM coding to get the necessary light intensity. Some testing was conducted, including the measurement point shifting to the side. The testing results show that PMW and LDR decreased as the duty cycle increased. Nevertheless, both decreasing are different, the PWM decreased linearly with a gradient of -2.55 and the LDR decreased hyperbolically. While, the illuminance, current, and power rose as the duty cycle increased. The illuminance increased, tent to be saturated, as the power increased. However, the illuminance was reduced as the PWM and LDR increased. The illuminance decreased slightly as the measurement points shifted to the side.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-169
Achmad Rizky ◽  

Alat bantu pendaratan visual atau biasa disebut dengan Airfield Lighting System (AFL) yang memiliki salah satu alat bantu pendaratan visual yaitu Approach Lighting System (ALS). Untuk Fungsi dari Approach Lighting System (AFL) tersebut sebagai lampu yang memberikan informasi terkait ujung perpanjangan landas pacu pada approach area sampai dengan ambang landas pacu agar pesawat dapat mendarat tepat pada landas pacu atau runway. Akibat jarangnya ditemukan alat ukur kalibrasi sudut lampu approach dan sulitnya medan yang harus ditempuh menuju approach area maka pemasangan dan pengukuran sudut elevasi lampu approach ketika perawatan dan pemeliharaan tidak sesuai dengan regulasi yang berlaku. Oleh sebab itu dibuatlah sebuah prototipe alat ukur agar teknisi dapat melakukan pengkalibrasian dengan cepat dan mudah ketika melakukan perawatan. Proposal Hasil Penelitian ini berisi mengenai perancangan Prototype Gyroscope Sebagai Alat Bantu Kalibrasi Sudut Lampu Approach Menggunakan Smartphone dengan mikrokontroller NodeMCU ESP8266 yang berfungsi sebagai otak kendali alat ini serta sebagai penangkap jaringan wireless yang digunakan sebagai jalur pengiriman data menuju interface output pada Smartphone. Selain itu rangkaian ini dapat memonitoring sudut suatu bidang dengan bantuan sensor MPU 6050. Dengan dirancangnya Alat Proposal Hasil Penelitian ini akan menjadi alat bantu kalibrasi sudut lampu yang akan mempermudah dan mengefisiensikan kegiatan dalam pemeliharaan alat bantu pendaratan visual oleh teknisi.

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