location based service
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Stefano Bennati ◽  
Aleksandra Kovacevic

AbstractMobility patterns of vehicles and people provide powerful data sources for location-based services such as fleet optimization and traffic flow analysis. Location-based service providers must balance the value they extract from trajectory data with protecting the privacy of the individuals behind those trajectories. Reaching this goal requires measuring accurately the values of utility and privacy. Current measurement approaches assume adversaries with perfect knowledge, thus overestimate the privacy risk. To address this issue, we introduce a model of an adversary with imperfect knowledge about the target. The model is based on equivalence areas, spatio-temporal regions with a semantic meaning, e.g. the target’s home, whose size and accuracy determine the skill of the adversary. We then derive the standard privacy metrics of k-anonymity, l-diversity and t-closeness from the definition of equivalence areas. These metrics can be computed on any dataset, irrespective of whether and what kind of anonymization has been applied to it. This work is of high relevance to all service providers acting as processors of trajectory data who want to manage privacy risks and optimize the privacy vs. utility trade-off of their services.

2022 ◽  
Charles Alba ◽  
Bing Pan ◽  
Junjun Yin ◽  
William L. Rice ◽  
Prasenjit Mitra ◽  

Abstract The widespread COVID-19 pandemic fundamentally changed many people’s ways of life. With the necessity of social distancing and lock downs across the United States, evidence shows more people engage in outdoor activities. With the utilization of location-based service (LBS) data, we seek to explore how visitation patterns to national parks changed among communities of color during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our results show that visitation rates to national parks located closer than 347km to individuals have increased amidst the pandemic, but the converse was demonstrated amongst parks located further than 347km from individuals. More importantly, COVID-19 has adversely impacted visitation figures amongst non-white and Native American communities, with visitation volumes declining if these communities are situated further from national parks. Our results show disproportionately low-representations amongst national park visitors from these communities of color. African American communities display a particularly concerning trend whereby their visitation to national parks is substantially lower amongst communities closer to national parks.

SinkrOn ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Kiswanto Kiswanto ◽  
Elly Yanuarti ◽  
Benny Wijaya ◽  
Laurentinus Laurentinus ◽  
Supardi Supardi ◽  

Data technology has become the main means for activities in various sectors of life, one of which is location-based services for SMA/SMK schools in the Bangka Belitung area. By using a location-based service application, it is expected to be able to overcome the problem of finding the position of SMA/SMK in the Bangka Belitung area. In this study, we would like to discuss the search for SMA/SMK positions. Through the push, Location-Based Service will be displayed in the smartphone, which will help identify the presence of the school's position on the smartphone. The result of the application that is formed is an Android-based application that can recognize the presence of SMA/SMK positions. This study aims to create a location-based service application that is combined with the concept of overlaying geographic position information from augmented reality perception, which is one type of augmented reality. The overall application quality test results include 1). Based on the Functionality aspect, the percentage of the actual score got a total score of 91.8%. 2). Based on the aspect of reliability, the percentage of the actual score got a total score of 97.6%. 3). Based on the Usability aspect, the percentage of the actual score gets a total score of 92.2%. 4). Based on the aspect of efficiency, the percentage of the actual score gets a total value of 76.5%. 5). From the calculation of the total score in percent is 89.5%. So based on the total score in percent, it can be concluded that the overall application quality test results are 89.5%, so the prototypes produced in this study are included in very good criteria.

2021 ◽  
Jiabang Liu ◽  
Xutong Jiang ◽  
Song Zhang ◽  
Bowen Liu ◽  
Wanchun Dou

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 386-391
Yance Sonatha ◽  
Ervan Asri ◽  
Indri Rahmayuni

Nowadays people have started to realize the importance of health. Everyone wants to quickly find out where the right doctor is if they want to get health services or have shown certain symptoms of illness. This research resulted in an application called "find doctor" which aims to be able to find the location and information of the doctor closest to the user while in the city of Padang. This study adopted stages of the Waterfall Model and was built using the Location Based Service method provided by Android. This application is built from two sides, namely the android client and the web server. This research produces an application that can find the location and information of the desired doctor's practice in the city of Padang. Applications that can be accessed using an internet browser (server) and android smartphone (client) with a minimum Android 5.0 operating system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 229
Gema Kharismajati ◽  
Rusydi Umar ◽  
Sunardi Sunardi

One of the technologies that can be used as an attraction in Purbalingga Regency is Augmented Reality (AR) merging virtual objects with real objects, where those objects can be seen in real-time. And using the Location-Based Service (LBS) method, this method is a service with the main parameters being the position and location of the user. LBS Location Based Service will be enhanced with Google Maps and GPS (Global Positioning System) to find its user position and information about several locations to be visited. Virtual Reality (VR) brings users can interact in a virtual world environment simulated by a computer, so that users feel they are inside. The appearance of the Image object using 3600 panoramic so that it can display images indefinitely and not cut and can look around the image. Application creation is done by Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) and Unity3D. The application has been successfully operated on the Android operating system with minimum specifications of 2GB RAM and KitKat version 4.4 OS. The results of the study have been conducted through a questionnaire to 15 respondents with 15 questions earned an The total value of the frequency of each question gets a score of 1,009 or a percentage of eligibility of 89,68% starting that the application is well worth using. Based on the black-box test, the application has been running properly and can display Location Based Service and 3600 panoramic and its information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. 3248-3268
Pengcheng Xia ◽  
Gang Li ◽  
T.C.E. Cheng ◽  
Ao Shen

Location-based service heightens consumers’ shopping convenience. By utilizing spatial flexibility of consumers, retailers can target consumers via location-based mobile coupons (LBMCs) to enhance market performance. Considering the strategies for LBMC promotion for two competing retailers, we find that under different market intensities, only no adoption and symmetric adoption of LBMC promotion are the possible equilibria for the competing retailers at a low marginal targeting cost. Then, we extend our model to consider vertical (quality) differentiation and analyze the implications of adopting LBMC promotion for a superior-quality firm (with higher product valuation) and an inferior-quality firm (with lower product valuation). Mixed strategies for LBMC promotion emerge when firms’ products have different qualities. Our research findings provide useful guidance for managers and marketing practitioners to formulate strategies for targeted LBMC promotion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-12
Songtao Yang ◽  
Qingfeng Jiang

With the interaction of geographic data and social data, the inference attack has been mounting up, calling for new technologies for privacy protection. Although there are many tangible contributions of spatial-temporal cloaking technologies, traditional technologies are not enough to resist privacy intrusion. Malicious attackers still steal user-sensitive information by analyzing the relationship between location and query semantics. Reacting to many interesting issues, oblivious transfer (OT) protocols are introduced to guarantee location privacy. To our knowledge, OT is a cryptographic primitive between two parties and can be used as a building block for any arbitrary multiparty computation protocol. Armed with previous privacy-preserving technologies, for example, OT, in this work, we first develop a novel region queries framework that can provide robust privacy for location-dependent queries. We then design an OT-assist privacy-aware protocol (or OTPA) for location-based service with rigorous security analysis. In short, the common query of the client in our solution can be divided into two parts, the region query R q and the content query C q , to achieve location k -anonymity, location m -diversity, and query r -diversity, which ensure the privacy of two parties (i.e., client and server). Lastly, we instantiate our OTPA protocol, and experiments show that the proposed OTPA protocol is reasonable and effective.

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