xylem parenchyma
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2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (5) ◽  
pp. 406-411
M. A. Tabakova ◽  
K. A. Tabakova ◽  
K. I. Khotcinskaia ◽  
O. V. Sergeeva ◽  
A. Arzac

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
Thatipelli Sujith ◽  
S Susikumar ◽  
Koppala Narayana Sunilkumar ◽  
P Radha ◽  
Ramachandran Shakila ◽  

Hemidesmus indicus (L.) R. Br. (Apocynaceae) root is extensively used in Indian traditional systems due to its biological activities. Decalepis hemiltonii Wight & Arn. is another member from the same family resembling H. indicus and is adulterated in the herbal market. Aim of the study was to compare and evaluate the distinguishing features based on macroscopy, microscopy, powder microscopy, molecular differences in the genomic DNA by RAPD, physiochemical, phytochemical screening, TLC and HPTLC fingerprint profiling of successive extracts. Microscopically cork, cortex, phloem, xylem, medullary rays and pith; powder microscopically size and shape of the cork cells, fibre, fibre tracheids, vessels, xylem parenchyma cells were different from each other. Polymorphism (75.4 %) was found in eight primers out of 16 primers analyzed. The water soluble extractive and the hexane soluble extractive of D. hamiltonii was higher than H. indicus. Tannins, flavonoids, steroids and coumarins were present only in H. indicus and absent in D. hamiltonii. After derivatization, spots at Rf 0.88 (hexane extract), 0.81 (chloroform extract) and 0.55 (ethanol extract) in H. indicus; spots at Rf 0.22, 0.45 (chloroform extract), 0.19, 0.35, 0.58, 0.59 (ethanol extract) in D. hamiltonii were observed. This study will be helpful to find out adulteration of D. hemiltonii in place of H. indicus sold in the crude drug market and in herbal formulations.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 1247
Aleksandra Słupianek ◽  
Alicja Dolzblasz ◽  
Katarzyna Sokołowska

Woody plants are characterised by a highly complex vascular system, wherein the secondary xylem (wood) is responsible for the axial transport of water and various substances. Previous studies have focused on the dead conductive elements in this heterogeneous tissue. However, the living xylem parenchyma cells, which constitute a significant functional fraction of the wood tissue, have been strongly neglected in studies on tree biology. Although there has recently been increased research interest in xylem parenchyma cells, the mechanisms that operate in these cells are poorly understood. Therefore, the present review focuses on selected roles of xylem parenchyma and its relevance in wood functioning. In addition, to elucidate the importance of xylem parenchyma, we have compiled evidence supporting the hypothesis on the significance of parenchyma cells in tree functioning and identified the key unaddressed questions in the field.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (14) ◽  
pp. 4882
Mohammad Alnayef ◽  
Celymar Solis ◽  
Lana Shabala ◽  
Takaaki Ogura ◽  
Zhonghua Chen ◽  

In rice, the OsHKT1;5 gene has been reported to be a critical determinant of salt tolerance. This gene is harbored by the SKC1 locus, and its role was attributed to Na+ unloading from the xylem. No direct evidence, however, was provided in previous studies. Also, the reported function of SKC1 on the loading and delivery of K+ to the shoot remains to be explained. In this work, we used an electrophysiological approach to compare the kinetics of Na+ uptake by root xylem parenchyma cells using wild type (WT) and NIL(SKC1) plants. Our data showed that Na+ reabsorption was observed in WT, but not NIL(SKC1) plants, thus questioning the functional role of HKT1;5 as a transporter operating in the direct Na+ removal from the xylem. Instead, changes in the expression level of HKT1;5 altered the activity of membrane transporters involved in K+ and Ca2+ acquisition and homeostasis in the rice epidermis and stele, explaining the observed phenotype. We conclude that the role of HKT1;5 in plant salinity tolerance cannot be attributed to merely reducing Na+ concentration in the xylem sap but triggers a complex feedback regulation of activities of other transporters involved in the maintenance of plant ionic homeostasis and signaling under stress conditions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 61 (8) ◽  
pp. 1387-1398 ◽  
Jing Che ◽  
Naoki Yamaji ◽  
Takaaki Miyaji ◽  
Namiki Mitani-Ueno ◽  
Yuri Kato ◽  

Abstract About 60–85% of total phosphorus (P) in cereal crops is finally allocated to seeds, where it is required for seed development, germination and early growth. However, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying P allocation to seeds. Here, we found that two members (OsPHO1;1 and OsPHO1;2) of the PHO1 gene family are involved in the distribution of P to seeds in rice. Both OsPHO1;1 and OsPHO1;2 were localized to the plasma membrane and showed influx transport activities for inorganic phosphate. At the reproductive stage, both OsPHO1;1 and OsPHO1;2 showed higher expression in node I, the uppermost node connecting to the panicle. OsPHO1;1 was mainly localized at the phloem region of diffuse vascular bundles (DVBs) of node I, while OsPHO1;2 was expressed in the xylem parenchyma cells of the enlarged vascular bundles (EVBs). In addition, they were also expressed in the ovular vascular trace, the outer layer of the inner integument (OsPHO1;1) and in the nucellar epidermis (OsPHO1;2) of caryopses. Knockout of OsPHO1;2, as well as OsPHO1;1 to a lesser extent, decreased the distribution of P to the seed, resulting in decreased seed size and delayed germination. Taken together, OsPHO1;2 expressed in node I is responsible for the unloading of P from the xylem of EVBs, while OsPHO1;1 is involved in reloading P into the phloem of DVBs for subsequent allocation of P to seeds. Furthermore, OsPHO1;1 and OsPHO1;2 expression in the caryopsis is important for delivering P from the maternal tissues to the filial tissues for seed development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 194 ◽  
Jianbo Cao ◽  
Meng Zhang ◽  
Mengmeng Zhu ◽  
Limin He ◽  
Jinghua Xiao ◽  

The broad-spectrum and durable resistance gene Xa3/Xa26 against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) has been widely exploited in rice production in China. But the cytological features of the Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance reaction have been rarely reported. This study reveals the cytological characteristics of the Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance reaction against Xoo to uncover the functions of hypersensitive response programmed cell death (HR-PCD) in rice. Autophagy-like cell death, which was characterized by double-membrane bodies appearance in xylem parenchyma cell and mesophyll cell, was inhibited by autophagy inhibitor 3-methyladenin (3-MA). The autophagy-related genes were induced to reach a high level in resistance reaction. The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) maintained a low concentration on the plasma membrane. The calcium ions localized on the apoplast were transferred into the vacuole. The autophagy inhibitor (3-MA) impaired Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance by promoting the accumulation of H2O2, and inhibited the transfer of extracellular calcium ions into the vacuole in the xylem parenchyma cells and mesophyll cells. Therefore, the HR-PCD belongs to autophagy-like cell death in the Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance reaction. These results suggest that the autophagy-like cell death participates in the Xa3/Xa26-mediated resistance by negatively regulating H2O2 accumulation, in order to abolish oxidative stress and possibly activate calcium ion signals in xylem parenchyma cells of the rice leaf.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (10) ◽  
pp. 1402-1414 ◽  
Brian Ingel ◽  
Daniel R. Jeske ◽  
Qiang Sun ◽  
Joseph Grosskopf ◽  
M. Caroline Roper

Xylella fastidiosa is a gram-negative bacterium that causes Pierce’s disease (PD) in grapevine. X. fastidiosa is xylem-limited and interfaces primarily with pit membranes (PMs) that separate xylem vessels from one another and from adjacent xylem parenchyma cells. PMs are composed of both pectic and cellulosic substrates, and dissolution of PMs is facilitated by X. fastidiosa cell wall-degrading enzymes. A polygalacturonase, which hydrolyzes the pectin component of PMs, is required for both movement and pathogenicity in grapevines. Here, we demonstrate that two X. fastidiosa β-1,4-endoglucanases (EGases), EngXCA1 and EngXCA2, also play a role in how X. fastidiosa interfaces with grapevine PMs. The loss of EngXCA1 and EngXCA2 in tandem reduces both X. fastidiosa virulence and population size and slows the rate of PD symptom development and progression. Moreover, we demonstrate that single and double EGases mutants alter the rate of PD progression differently in two grapevine cultivars, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay, and that Chardonnay is significantly more susceptible to PD than Cabernet Sauvignon. Interestingly, we determined that there are quantitative differences in the amount of fucosylated xyloglucans that make up the surface of PMs in these cultivars. Fucosylated xyloglucans are targets of the X. fastidiosa EGases, and xyloglucan abundance could impact PM dissolution and affect PD symptom development. Taken together, these results indicate that X. fastidiosa EGases and the PM carbohydrate composition of different grape cultivars are important factors that influence PD symptom development and progression.

Plants ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (7) ◽  
pp. 204 ◽  
Yuichi Tada

The Arabidopsis high-affinity K+ transporter (AtHKT1;1) plays roles in salt tolerance by unloading Na+ from the root xylem to the xylem parenchyma cells and/or uploading Na+ from the shoot/leaf xylem to the xylem parenchyma cells. To use this promoter for the molecular breeding of salt-tolerant plants, I evaluated the expression profile of the AtHKT1;1 promoter in detail. Approximately 1.1 kbp of sequence upstream from the start codon of AtHKT1;1 was polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified, fused to the β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene, and introduced into Arabidopsis. The resultant transformants were evaluated under nonstressed and salt-stress conditions at the seedling and reproductive stages. Histochemical analysis showed that GUS activity was detected in vascular bundle tissue in roots, hypocotyls, petioles, leaves, and petals, and in root tips. GUS enzyme activity in shoots tended to be higher than that in roots at both stages. After treatment with 50 mM NaCl for 24 h, GUS transcription levels and GUS enzyme activity were enhanced in transgenic lines. These results indicate that the AtHKT1;1 promoter isolated in this study could be useful in expressing transgenes specifically in vascular tissue and root tips, and in a mild salt-stress-responsive manner. The data provide novel insights into the functions of AtHKT1;1.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (8) ◽  
pp. 1484-1498 ◽  
Jessie M Godfrey ◽  
Louise Ferguson ◽  
Blake L Sanden ◽  
Aude Tixier ◽  
Or Sperling ◽  

Abstract Working in tandem with root exclusion, stems may provide salt-tolerant woody perennials with some additional capacity to restrict sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) accumulation in leaves. The Pistacia genus, falling at the nexus of salt tolerance and human intervention, provided an ideal set of organisms for studying the influences of both variable root exclusion and potentially variable discontinuities at the bud union on stem processes. In three experiments covering a wide range of salt concentrations (0 to 150 mM NaCl) and tree ages (1, 2 and 10 years) as well as nine rootstock-scion combinations we show that proportional exclusion of both Na and Cl reached up to ~85% efficacy, but efficacy varied by both rootstock and budding treatment. Effective Na exclusion was augmented by significant retrieval of Na from the xylem sap, as evidenced by declines in the Na concentrations of both sap and wood tissue along the transpiration stream. However, while we observed little to no differences between the concentrations of the two ions in leaves, analogous declines in sap concentrations of Cl were not observed. We conclude that some parallel but separate mechanism must be acting on Cl to provide leaf protection from toxicity specific to this ion and suggest that this mechanism is recirculation of Cl in the phloem. The presented findings underline the importance of holistic assessments of salt tolerance in woody perennials. In particular, greater emphasis might be placed on the dynamics of salt sequestration in the significant storage volumes offered by the stems of woody perennials and on the potential for phloem discontinuity introduced with a bud/graft union.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (20) ◽  
pp. 5559-5573 ◽  
Rabih Mehdi ◽  
Christian E Lamm ◽  
Ravi Bodampalli Anjanappa ◽  
Christina Müdsam ◽  
Muhammad Saeed ◽  

Efficient starch storage in young xylem parenchyma cells is supported by symplasmic phloem unloading and post-phloem transport via parenchymatic vascular rays in the tuberous roots of cassava.

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