individual interest
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2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Maciej Błażewski

The Act of 12 July 1984 on Spatial Planning ensured the primacy of social interest over individual interest. This superiority was a manifestation of the authoritarian tendencies of the legislator. The normative measures ensuring this supremacy were the principle of planned development and the linking of spatial development plans with social and economic plans.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 91-102
Irina Cvetkova

Abstract Causa is a subjective motive that determines the content of the obligation or material interest, which encourages the party to the trade to enter into an obligation taking on the associated burdens. In the countries of continental (mainland) Europe that belong to the Romano-Germanic law system, such as Germany, France, and Italy, the goal (objective) of the parties to the trade, causa, is legally significant. In the theory of the Civil law of the Romano-Germanic system, there is a general principle – any obligation arises for some purpose, which is called the basis of obligation. Causa is an individual interest that meets the requirements of the legal system. France was one of the last European countries that did not recognise the contingency theory as a basis for regulating the binding force of a contract. In practice, the courts have faced criticism of the concept of causation from both doctrine and law enforcement practice. In 2016, there was a significant reform of the French law of obligations. Legal science, undeservedly, did not attach due importance to one of the most noticeable innovations within the framework of the mentioned reform – the abolition of the concept of “causa” (reason, basis) of the contract, which until recently was one of the most original features of the French law and originated from Roman law, which was fixed in the Napoleonic Code. In this article, the theoretical provisions for the abolition of the concept of causa in French civil law, within the framework of the reform of the Civil Code, were investigated, and the corresponding conclusions were drawn.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Matthias Winfried Kleespies ◽  
Lena Doderer ◽  
Paul Wilhelm Dierkes ◽  
Volker Wenzel

Interest is an important factor for successful learning that has been the subject of intensive research for decades. Although interest in nature is of great importance for environmental education, to date there is no valid and reliable measurement tool. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop and test a scale for interest in nature, the Nature Interest Scale (NIS). In study 1, nine items were selected based on the three dimensions of the psychological interest construct to represent interest in nature. The factor structure of this new measurement instrument, was tested using confirmatory factor analyses. The results show that the instrument represents the three dimensions of the interest construct well. In study 2 the validity (discriminant and convergent validity) as well as the reliability (internal consistency, composite reliability, test-retest reliability) of the NIS were demonstrated. In study 3, the applicability of the NIS was tested with a different target group, students with learning disabilities. The results of this factor analysis also confirm the factor structure of the scale. Thus, this study provides a valid and reliable measurement tool for individual interest in nature that can be used for future research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (10(74)) ◽  
pp. 31-36
V. Mashchytska

The article is devoted to the theoretical reconstruction of the of the conceptual version of postsecular religiosity. All the theories clame that the traditional religion can survive today through cover-up it’s religious identity. This is accompanied by the marginalization of religious organizations and an increase in the influence of religion at the level of individual interest. Theological analysis is limited mainly by negative characteristics when describing post-secular religiosity: the devaluation of transcendence and the rejection of dualism (Daniel HervierLeger), the absence of doctrinal boundaries (Thomas Luckmann), the weakening of the ideological core of the doctrine (Roberto Cipriani). The author argues that post-secular religion is an implicit ideology in terms of the way it functions. In the late XX - early XXI century, a number of researchers (U. Eco, S. Zizek, G. Marcuse and others) noted that the imaginary post-ideology of modern society is associated with the formation of a specific type of ideology, which can be designated as "implicit". The post-Christian secular world is also "implicitly" religious. The author reveals the commonality of the processes taking place in the field of religion with the characteristics of the "post-ideological" world and concludes that the religiosity of the post-secular society is most productive to study precisely as part of an implicit ideology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 630-638
Carina Dantas ◽  
Willeke Van Staalduinen ◽  
Maddalena Illario ◽  
Luiza Spiru

The meaning and notion of Smart Healthy Age-Friendly Environments (SHAFE) as a holistic approach that promotes the alignment of policies and strategies across domains is a unique roadmap for the implementation of inclusive communities in and across Europe, improving and supporting independent life throughout its entire course, regardless of age, gender, disabilities, cultural differences and personal choices. When we acknowledge the serious challenges especially those related to demographic change and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not possible anymore to still work in silos or to keep positions for individual interest. Before any other role, we all are citizens and we have a duty as researchers, academics, policy makers, practitioners, industry and business to work together for a better world. In this paper, the SHAFE concept is explained and an overview of running initiatives is presented. Also the alignment within current policy initiatives of the European Commission is explored and the recognition of SHAFE implemented through NET4Age-Friendly addressed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Tove I. Dahl ◽  
Ellen Nierenberg

The Tromsø Interest Questionnaire (TRIQ) is the first suite of self-report subscales designed for focused investigations on how interest is experienced in relation to Hidi and Renninger’s four-phase model of interest development. In response to the plethora of varied interest measures that already exist in terms of theoretical grounding, form, and tested quality, the TRIQ subscales were designed with a consistent form to measure general interest, situation dependence, positive affect, competence level, competence aspirations, meaningfulness, and self-regulation answered in relation to some object of interest. Two studies testing the subscales’ performance using different objects of interest (self-chosen “object-general,” and prespecified “object-specific”) provide evidence of the subscales’ internal consistency, temporal reliability, and phase-distinguishing validity. Patterns across the two studies demonstrate that the TRIQ is a sufficiently reliable and valid domain-tailorable tool that is particularly effective at distinguishing phase 1 (triggered situational) from phase 4 (well-developed individual) interest. The findings raise interesting questions for further investigation about the distinction and distance between all interest phases, the push-pull factors that influence how interests evolve and additional subscales to add to the suite.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1356336X2110459
Cédric Roure ◽  
Vanessa Lentillon-Kaestner

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between students’ individual interest, achievement goals, perceived competence and situational interest, by using a cluster analysis in swimming. Three hundred and eighty-two secondary school students ( Mage  =  14.8, SD  =  0.9, 52.4% girls, aged 13–17) enrolled in swimming lessons during physical education classes participated in the study. They responded to validated questionnaires assessing their individual and situational interest, achievement goals and perceived competence in swimming. A cluster analysis was performed to examine students’ profiles in relation to their individual interest in swimming. Then, for each profile identified, correlations and multiple regression analyses were used to examine the relationships between students’ individual interest, achievement goals, perceived competence and situational interest. Four different students’ profiles were identified, which represented a continuum from a ‘Very low individual interest and triggering situational interest’ towards a ‘Well-developed individual interest and actualised situational interest’. Each profile was characterised by specific relationships between individual interest, achievement goals, perceived competence and situational interest. Referring to the model of interest development ( Hidi and Renninger, 2006 ), the four profiles identified were aligned with the four phases that represent the transition from students’ situational interest towards students’ individual interest.


LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English. 在中國發生重大的公共衛生危機——新型冠狀肺炎病毒爆發的背景下,防疫工作不可避免地面臨一些個人與他人或社會的利益衝突。妥善解決這些衝突需要道德的支撐。當前重大疫情下普通人表現出的助人為樂、捨己為人的義舉,或繼承自傳統美德,或至少與傳統“義”德相符合。傳統的“義”德注重公利,在抗擊重大疫情過程中能夠發揮重要作用。這種現實作用能夠被博弈論中的純策略博弈和信任博弈分析所證明。抗擊重大疫情需要整個社會的團結協作,個人需講求“公義”、 “信義”,明白義利的統一性,必要地讓渡“私利”,將防疫的“公利”最大化,方能打贏抗疫戰,從而更廣泛地保護個人“私利”。 In the context of the outbreak of covid-19 pandemic and its impact on public health, the conflicts of interests between individuals and between an individual and society have become an ethical challenge. The traditional Chinese concept of “righteousness” (yi) calls for the need for public good, whereas “benefit” (li) is often associated with private interests, as shown in the Confucian-Mohist debate. In this paper, I show that there is another reading of the concept of “righteousness” that does not necessarily exclude the idea of individual interest and benefit. In addition, I use “game theory” to illustrate the unity of public righteousness and private benefit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-144
T. M. Murasov ◽  
A. M. Murasov

In the education of medical students, an increasing number of simulation techniques and teaching methods are being used and implemented. The technique of their work is based both on the theoretical aspect of teaching and on the development of practical skills. However, the final goal of all these techniques is to improve the quality and mastery of the methods of medical care provided in future practical activities. In this work, one of the most ancient and everywhere used methods of practical training was used to stimulate the individual interest of students of the surgical profile.

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