ulva rigida
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PeerJ ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. e11966
Manon Dartois ◽  
Eric Pante ◽  
Amélia Viricel ◽  
Vanessa Becquet ◽  
Pierre-Guy Sauriau

Foliose species of the genus Ulva are notoriously difficult to identify due to their variable morphological characteristics and high phenotypic plasticity. We reassessed the taxonomic status of several distromatic foliose Ulva spp., morphologically related to Ulva rigida, using DNA barcoding with the chloroplastic tufA and rbcL (for a subset of taxa) genes for 339 selected attached Ulva specimens collected from three intertidal rocky sites. Two of the collection sites were in Brittany and one site was in Vendée, along the Atlantic coast of France. Molecular analyses included several museum specimens and the holotype of Ulva armoricana Dion, Reviers & Coat. We identified five different tufA haplotypes using a combination of phylogenetic analysis, with the support of several recently sequenced holotypes and lectotypes, and a species delimitation method based on hierarchical clustering. Four haplotypes were supported by validly named species: Ulva australis Areschoug, Ulva fenestrata Postels & Ruprecht, Ulva lacinulata (Kützing) Wittrock and U. rigida C. Agardh. The later was additionally investigated using rbcL. The fifth haplotype represented exact sequence matches to an unnamed species from European Atlantic coasts. Our results support: (1) the synonymy of both U. rigida sensu Bliding non C. Agardh and U. armoricana with U. lacinulata. This finding is based on current genetic analysis of tufA from the U. armoricana holotype and recent molecular characterization of the lectotype of U. laetevirens, which is synonymous to U. australis, (2) the presence of U. australis as a misidentified introduced species in Brittany, and (3) the presence of U. fenestrata and U. rigida in southern Brittany. The taxonomic history of each species is discussed, highlighting issues within distromatic foliose taxa of the genus Ulva and the need to genetically characterize all its available type specimens.

2021 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 102457
Stephanie Brain-Isasi ◽  
Claudia Carú ◽  
María Elena Lienqueo

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (10) ◽  
pp. 2450
Ana Ramalho Ribeiro ◽  
Goreti Botelho ◽  
Ana Gaspar ◽  
Rui Costa

The enrichment of semolina pasta with nutritionally rich ingredients has been targeted as a health strategy in recent years. In this work, the storage stability of seaweed-enriched pasta was assessed at different combinations of temperature and relative humidity. After six months of storage, pasta samples did not present variations in their sensory properties. The enrichment of durum wheat pasta with 1% of macroalgae Fucus vesiculosus and Ulva rigida flours, or flours of its extracts, was found to be adequate without influencing or modifying the sensory characteristics of pasta samples during the storage period. Water activity was shown to be the main criteria influencing the quality parameters of pasta during shelf life. A higher water activity during storage will lead to higher cooking losses and a lower firmness of cooked pasta, which will damage pasta quality over time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (19) ◽  
pp. 10763
Florina-Cristiana Caprita ◽  
Antoaneta Ene ◽  
Alina Cantaragiu Ceoromila

This paper presents preliminary results on the possibility of incorporating stranded macroalgae into the papermaking process; analyses of the physical-mechanical properties of filter paper, with the addition of stranded macrophytic marine algae from Ulva rigida species obtained previously; results of SEM–EDX analyses of filter paper samples; and results obtained from the filtration of a wastewater from the metallurgical industry, using the improved filter paper samples. In the filter paper recipe, stranded macrophytic seaweed of the species Ulva rigida was added at different percentages of 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8%, and the addition was calculated in relation to the absolute dry material. The physicomechanical properties analyzed are grammage, thickness, density, moisture, ash content, breaking load, breaking length, tear resistance, bursting resistance, folding endurance, porosity, smoothness, water absorption and Cobb60 index. Additional information related to the homogeneity of the distribution of elements in the paper mass was obtained by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (SEM–EDX). The addition of macroalgae to the paper mass improved the strength characteristics of the paper, such as breaking load, breaking length, tearing resistance, folding endurance and water absorption. Following industrial wastewater filtration using filter paper with added seaweed, positive results were obtained in terms of reduction of total Cr, Cu, total Fe and Zn concentrations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yogesh Kumar ◽  
Ayon Tarafdar ◽  
Deepak Kumar ◽  
Kiran Verma ◽  
Manjeet Aggarwal ◽  

Usage of seaweeds as a functional food/food ingredient is very limited due to paucity of scientific information about variations in the nutritional composition of seaweeds under diverse climatic conditions. Sargassum wightii and Ulva rigida seaweeds are found abundantly on the Southern Indian coastline and were thoroughly evaluated in this work. Crude fiber and lipid of S. wightii were higher (24.93 ± 0.23% and 3.09 ± 0.41%, respectively) as compared to U. rigida; however, U. rigida had higher crude protein content (27.11 ± 0.62%). Evaluation of mineral and CHNS content indicated that the concentration of potassium, magnesium, and calcium was 1.36 ± 0.08 mg/g, 8.39 ± 0.80 mg/g, and 14.03 ± 3.46 mg/g, respectively, that was higher in the S. wightii, whereas U. rigida contained higher value of iron, carbon, and sulphur (0.70 ± 0.13 mg/g, 37.72 ± 4.63%, and 2.61 ± 0.16%, respectively). Swelling capacity (19.42 ± 0.00 mL/g DW to 22.66 ± 00 mL/g DW), water-holding capacity (6.15 ± 0.08 g/g DW to 6.38 ± 0.14 g/g DW), and oil-holding capacity (2.96 ± 0.13 g/g DW) of U. rigida were significantly ( p < 0.05 ) higher as compared to S. wightii. It was observed from DSC thermograms that S. wightii can be safely processed for food formulations even at a temperature of 134°C. The thermograms also revealed changes in the sulphated polysaccharide (fucoidan) profile due to the presence of hydroxyl and carboxyl groups with denaturation of proteins. TGA of S. wightii and U. rigida showed degradation temperature within the range of 200–300°C due to divergent polysaccharide compositions. FTIR spectroscopy suggested the presence of phenolic groups in both seaweeds (at 1219 cm−1). Results of the study suggested that the manufacturing of functional food products from seaweeds could be beneficial and may aid in social upliftment of cultivators/fishermen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Javier Echave ◽  
Catarina Lourenço-Lopes ◽  
Anxo Carreira-Casais ◽  
Franklin Chamorro ◽  
Maria Fraga-Corral ◽  

Macroalgae are regarded as a healthy food due to their composition and nutritional properties. In this work, nutritional composition of two green (Ulva rigida, Codium tomentosum) and two red (Palmaria palmata, Porphyra purpurea) edible seaweed was studied. Total lipids were measured gravimetrically as evaporated mass after petroleum-ether Soxhlet extraction of samples. In addition, fatty acid profile was determined by gas chromatography coupled to a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Results showed that all studied species were accounted for very low levels of lipids (<1% dw), but levels of unsaturated fatty acids oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids were present at high concentrations, with P. palmata displaying the highest quantities (>200 mg C18:1/g extract). In parallel, proteins were quantified following the macro-Kjeldahl method. In this analysis, red algae, especially P. purpurea, showed significant protein content up to 30% DW. Total organic acids were found by ultra-filtration liquid-chromatography coupled to an amperometry detector (UFLC-PAD) after an acid extraction, P. purpurea being the algae with the higher organic acid content (10.61% dw). Minerals were identified and quantified by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES), suggesting that both algae groups are rich in K and Mg (>15 g/kg), but U. rigida also displayed a remarkable iron content (>1 g Fe/kg). Other detected minerals in minor concentrations were Ca, P or F. Altogether, results corroborate that these edible algae are a good source of nutrients in accordance with literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (13) ◽  
pp. 6137
Ana S. Queirós ◽  
Ana R. Circuncisão ◽  
Eduarda Pereira ◽  
Mónica Válega ◽  
Maria H. Abreu ◽  

Ulva macroalgae species are recognized to be an underexploited source of key nutrients, including proteins, fibers and minerals. The present work evaluated the nutritional value protein, ash, mineral composition, fat, fatty acid profile and dietary fiber of the green macroalgae Ulva rigida produced in an open land-based integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) system, over four seasons. Overall, protein and fat content of the farmed algae ranged between 7.6 and 25.8% DW and between 0.2 and 1.3% DW, respectively, reaching the highest levels during autumn/winter seasons. In turn, total dietary fiber and ashes showed a contrary seasonal tendency, reaching maximum levels in spring (40.9–58.3% DW and 25.5–38.8% DW, respectively). Notably, the latter were particularly characterized by their richness in potassium, magnesium and iron, and a sodium/potassium ratio bellow 1.7. Variable cultivation conditions of stocking density (Sd) and flow rate (Fr) were also tested, allowing to confirm that manipulation of cultivation conditions in an IMTA system may help to improve the nutritional value of this macroalga and to boost its market value through its use as a functional food ingredient.

О. А. Миронов ◽  
О. Г. Миронов ◽  
И. П. Муравьева

Проведено обобщение материалов по содержанию липидов в массовых видах водорослей-макрофитов, обитающих в прибрежных водах Севастополя, в районе бухт Артиллерийской, Карантинной, Казачьей, Балаклавской, Нефтегавани, парка Победы, Приморского бульвара. Содержание липидов в зелёных водорослях Ulva rigida в среднем составляет 2–5 % сухого веса, Enteromorpha intestinalis ― 2–3 %, в красных водорослях Callithamnion corymbosum ― 3–4 %, Ceramium rubrum ― 2–3 %, в бурой водоросли Cystoseira barbata ― 2 % сухого веса. Чёткой зависимости количества липидов от сезона года не установлено, но отмечена тенденция повышенного содержания липидов в водорослях из районов с большей степенью загрязнения. В эксперименте по влиянию соляра при трёхсуточной экспозиции статистически достоверной разницы в содержании липидов от их первоначальной концентрации в ульве не отмечено. В присутствии мидийных выделений, выступающих в роли своеобразного удобрения, наблюдается увеличение содержания липидов.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 914
Ana S. P. Moreira ◽  
Elisabete da Costa ◽  
Tânia Melo ◽  
Diana Lopes ◽  
Adriana C. S. Pais ◽  

Macroalgae of the genus Ulva have long been used as human food. Local environmental conditions, among other factors, can have an impact on their nutrient and phytochemical composition, as well as on the value of the seaweed for food and non-food applications. This study is the first to initiate a comparison between commercial Ulva spp. from different European origins, France (FR, wild-harvested Ulva spp.), and Portugal (PT, farm-raised Ulva rigida), in terms of proximate composition, esterified fatty acids (FA), and polar lipids. The ash content was higher in PT samples, while FR samples had higher levels of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates and other compounds. The profile of esterified FA, as well as FA-containing polar lipids at the class and species levels were also significantly different. The FR samples showed about three-fold higher amount of n-3 polyunsaturated FA, while PT samples showed two-fold higher content of monounsaturated FA. Quantification of glycolipids and phospholipids revealed, respectively, two-fold and three-fold higher levels in PT samples. Despite the differences found, the polar lipids identified in both batches included some lipid species with recognized bioactivity, valuing Ulva biomass with functional properties, increasing their added value, and promoting new applications, namely in nutraceutical and food markets.

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