group counseling
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-149
M. Fahli Zatrahadi ◽  
Neviyarni Neviyarni ◽  
Yeni Karneli ◽  
Netrawati Netrawati

The choice of majors at school is part of career exploration as preparation for entering the world of professional work. However, choosing a major can be confusing for students. This study aims to determine the effect of using trait and factor group counseling on the accuracy of majors selection. The research uses a quantitative approach with the correlational method. The sample in this study were 91 students of class XII who had made the selection of majors. Data were analyzed using regression analysis with the help of SPSS 25 for Windows. The results show that there is no significant effect between the use of trait and factor group counseling on the accuracy of majors selection.

Educatio ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 133-138
Marfuatun Marfuatun ◽  
Ermi Yuliana ◽  
Dewi Yulianti ◽  

Group counseling services with a realistic approach to alleviating students' learning difficulties at Mts NW Senyiur. This study aims to determine reality group counseling services in helping learning difficulties for students at VIII MTs NW Senyiur. The type of this research is a Pre-Experimental design with One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population of this study was all students of class VIII MTs NW Senyiur totaling 25 students. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and observations, analysis using quantitative data in numbers processed using simple statistics. This study indicates that the initial condition data before being given treatment (pretest) in the form of group counseling services are in the low category with a score of 24.4. After being provided treatment (posttest) group counseling services, the condition is in the high sort with a score of 80, the average score of the scale learning difficulties in the experimental class with the highest score of 17,325. Thus, reality group counseling services affect alleviate learning difficulties for class VIII MTs NW Senyiur students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-260
Purwati Purwati ◽  
Muhammad Japar ◽  
Laili Qomariyah

Along with the development of the times and culture's contact from outside, the moral boundaries that are firmly held by the community are increasingly unclear. At school, for example, many students experience a decline in moral reasoning. However, the limited literature that focuses on improving moral reasoning with a quasi-experimental approach, the author will examine psychological interventions Rational Emotive Behavior Counseling (REB) and Psychoeducation (PSE). This study aims to identify differences in effectiveness between group counseling interventions with PSE and REB in improving students' moral reasoning. The author uses a quasi-experiment with a pretest-posttest follow-up design. The study subjects were Sarbini Islamic Junior High School students who had low moral levels. The research subjects consisted of 22 students divided into 11 students in the PSE group and 11 students in the counseling group with the REB approach. The data analysis results showed differences in students' moral reasoning in the REB and PSE groups. The average increase in students' moral reasoning was higher in the REB group than in the PSE group. The author concludes that group counseling with REB and PSE approaches can be applied to improve moral reasoning in students in schools, especially those based on Islam. However, for more optimal results, the authors suggest using REB.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-42

This research is presented to anticipate the future steps of class XII students in making a decision regarding their interests through the collaboration of teachers and counselors. Data collection in this study uses observation and interview techniques. The data of this study were obtained from BK teachers or counselors at SMAN 1 Patianrowo Nganjuk, East Java. Data analysis in this study uses narrative analysis. The subject is students in class VII of SMAN 1 Patianrowo. These findings reveal that many of the students have not been aware of their interests. Learners are directed more in academic matters only and have not led to the development of the potential of students such as direction of the students' interests. Few of the students can develop the interest they have because the teacher is more focused on academics and the counselor is more focused in dealing with problems experienced by students. The collaboration process of the classroom teacher and counselor is carried out in the form of recorded and unrecorded. Recorded collaborations such as the conduct of scheduled aptitude interest tests in class X and class XII early. While not recorded like communication between class teachers and counselors related to the interests of students through analysis in the daily lives of students. This is an effort to find out the interests of students from an early age which is then reaffirmed by the procurement of scholastic tests at the beginning of entering class XII. In conducting group counseling, counselors use the opportunity in spare time or when there is a class that is not in the learning process to do group guidance in the classroom. While for personal guidance, the counselor calls one student at a time. However, not all must be called, but many of the students voluntarily come to see the counselor by themselves for guidance.

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