inshore water
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2021 ◽  
Uttam Kumar ◽  
Abu Hena Mustafa Kamal ◽  
Nurul Ulfah Karim ◽  
Nadiah Wan Rasdi ◽  
Jewel Das ◽  

2019 ◽  
Nur Tsalits Fahman Mughni

The Sea Surface Temperature (SST) is known as one of prominent factors affecting the concentration of metals in the marine environment. Hence, this research is aiming to study the effect of SST on Zn content distribution in the seawater of Blanakan coast. The Zn was measured from sampled seawater collected from 7 stations. Those stations were representing inshore and offshore of Blanakan coast. The sampled water then analyzed by AAS to obtain the Zn contents. The result confirms a positive effect of SST on Zn contents (r2 = 0.18). An increase of SST from 25 to 31 0C was followed by increase of Zn in seawater from 0.31 to 0.50 mg/l of water. Respectively, all Zn values in Blanakan coast have exceeded the permissible limit of EPA (0.09 mg/l for seawater). The effect of SST on the Zn contents is observed in the offshore rather than inshore water of Blanakan coast. This research also presents a 12 month Zn prediction. Following the SST fluctuation, it is predicted that Zn in seawater will be higher in February-May and lower in July-September.

2016 ◽  
Vol 566-567 ◽  
pp. 652-684 ◽  
Narottam Saha ◽  
Gregory E. Webb ◽  
Jian-Xin Zhao

Abdulaziz Al-Marzouqi ◽  
Johan C. Groeneveld ◽  
Abdullah Al-Nahdi ◽  
Ahmed Al-Hosni

The spiny lobster Panulirus homarus is widely distributed in the Indo-West Pacific. Along  the coast of Oman it supports an artisanal fishery using traps and tangle nets. The egg-bearing incidence of females  caught between 1989 and 2006 were analysed relative to month, lobster size and location of capture. The smallest female with external eggs had a carapace length (CL) of 54.6 mm, but only 9–18% of females of 60–69 mm CL carried eggs. This percentage increased significantly above 70 mm CL, and on average, 63% of individuals >90 mm carried eggs. Egg-bearing increased seasonally at the onset of the SW monsoon in May and June, when wind-driven upwelling reduces inshore water temperatures and increases primary productivity. The reproductive season extended over a 9-month period up to  January, with a pause in February to April. No geographical gradient in egg-bearing seasonality was  observed. The prolonged breeding season with multiple broods in large females conforms with the  typical pattern of   tropical palinurids. The 2-month open fishing season (15th October to 15th December) falls within the breeding season, and may be more optimally placed in February to April. 

Abdullah Al-Nahdi ◽  
Abdulaziz Al-Marzouqi ◽  
Said Al-Shajibi ◽  
Ahmed Al-Hosni

Fringelip mullet (Crenimugil crenilabis) caught at Al Duqum and Salalah in the Arabian  Sea region of Omanwere sampled monthly between January 2001 and December 2002. The total length (TL) of mullet caught  with gill- and seine nets ranged from 12 to 54.5 cm (32.4 cm mean ± SD; n = 2445) but <2% of  specimens had a TL<24 cm, suggesting gear selectivity. Females dominated samples (1 : 0.36) and reached L at 32.8 cm TL (32.2 cm in males). Length weight relationships were non-linear and conversion factors between TL, fork length (FL) and standard  length (SL) were calculated. Proportionately, most females had ripe gonads in September and October, and males in September to November. Both female and male gonadosomatic indices (GSI) peaked in September and October and were lowest between May and August. The peak in reproductive activity coincides with the fall intermonsoon, when the Arabian Sea upwellings caused by the onshore winds of the SW monsoon season (June to August/September) retreat. During this intermonsoon period the inshore water temperatures begin to rise after reaching a minimum in August/September. Some reproductive activity also occurs in other months, particularly February, when water temperatures are seasonally lower. 

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (6) ◽  
pp. 499-507 ◽  
Andrés Cózar ◽  
Nadia Bergamino ◽  
Stefania Mazzuoli ◽  
Nicholas Azza ◽  
Luca Bracchini ◽  

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