electrical excitation
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Maria Micheva ◽  
Stanislav Baluschev ◽  
Katharina Landfester

Organic material compositions, able to demonstrate bright delayed fluorescence either by electrical excitation, or by optical excitation, are being applied in various fields of research, ranging from sunlight-powered photonic devices...

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (23) ◽  
pp. 3090
Pavel Konovalov ◽  
Daria Mangileva ◽  
Arsenii Dokuchaev ◽  
Olga Solovyova ◽  
Alexander V. Panfilov

Waves of electrical excitation rotating around an obstacle is one of the important mechanisms of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias occurring in the heart damaged by a post-infarction scar. Such a scar is also surrounded by the region of heterogeneity called a gray zone. In this paper, we perform the first comprehensive numerical study of various regimes of wave rotation around an obstacle surrounded by a gray zone. We use the TP06 cellular ionic model for human cardiomyocytes and study how the period and the pattern of wave rotation depend on the radius of a circular obstacle and the width of a circular gray zone. Our main conclusions are the following. The wave rotation regimes can be subdivided into three main classes: (1) functional rotation, (2) scar rotation and the newly found (3) gray zone rotation regimes. In the scar rotation regime, the wave rotates around the obstacle, while in the gray zone regime, the wave rotates around the gray zone. As a result, the period of rotation is determined by the perimeter of the scar, or gray zone perimeter correspondingly. The transition from the scar to the gray rotation regimes can be determined from the minimal period principle, formulated in this paper. We have also observed additional regimes associated with two types of dynamical instabilities which may affect or not affect the period of rotation. The results of this study can help to identify the factors determining the period of arrhythmias in post-infarction patients.

Nanomaterials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 3177
Igor A. Khramtsov ◽  
Dmitry Yu. Fedyanin

Color centers in silicon carbide have recently emerged as one of the most promising emitters for bright single-photon emitting diodes (SPEDs). It has been shown that, at room temperature, they can emit more than 109 photons per second under electrical excitation. However, the spectral emission properties of color centers in SiC at room temperature are far from ideal. The spectral properties could be significantly improved by decreasing the operating temperature. However, the densities of free charge carriers in SiC rapidly decrease as temperature decreases, which reduces the efficiency of electrical excitation of color centers by many orders of magnitude. Here, we study for the first time the temperature characteristics of SPEDs based on color centers in 4H-SiC. Using a rigorous numerical approach, we demonstrate that although the single-photon electroluminescence rate does rapidly decrease as temperature decreases, it is possible to increase the SPED brightness to 107 photons/s at 100 K using the recently predicted effect of hole superinjection in homojunction p-i-n diodes. This gives the possibility to achieve high brightness and good spectral properties at the same time, which paves the way toward novel quantum photonics applications of electrically driven color centers in silicon carbide.

Jiakang Yao ◽  
Yong Zhao ◽  
Zilin Li ◽  
Rui Chen ◽  
Zixi Wang

2021 ◽  
Angel David Ramírez Galindo

Transcranial magnetic stimulation systems have had a heyday in the last two decades, both in the development and commercialization of equipment, as well as in areas of application in medicine and research, which has made them tools for the diagnosis and treatment of important diseases of the nervous system. Most of the analyzes of the general operation are still limited to the separate study of the elements of the system. In this present work, the analysis is carried out through simulations of the electrical excitation circuit using the Matlab®/Simulink®and Micro-Cap tools, likewise, three coil geometries of transcranial magnetic stimulation systems are analyzed by using the finite element method in COMSOL Multiphysics®software. The computational analysis lies in studying the basic architecture of the electrical excitation circuit, which is made up of an RLC circuit with switching elements and power electronics, in charge of generating high-magnitude current pulses (between 1 and 3 kA) and short duration. (between 0.5 and 1250 ms). The magnitude of the current and the shape of the signal in the elements of the RLC stage are analyzed, performing a calculation of the power dissipated. This first stage is complemented with the analysis by means of the finite element method of the magnetic flux density and maximum operating temperature of three coil geometries commonly used for therapies. The computational analysis gives rise to a proposal for a system that reduces the maximum operating temperature of coil geometry by up to 20 %, maintaining the maximum magnitude of the magnetic flux density, which consists of the design of a single solenoid coil geometry with windings. concentric, which from the electrical point of view, are inductors in parallel.

Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 373 (6552) ◽  
pp. 352-355
Aditya Sood ◽  
Xiaozhe Shen ◽  
Yin Shi ◽  
Suhas Kumar ◽  
Su Ji Park ◽  

Understanding the pathways and time scales underlying electrically driven insulator-metal transitions is crucial for uncovering the fundamental limits of device operation. Using stroboscopic electron diffraction, we perform synchronized time-resolved measurements of atomic motions and electronic transport in operating vanadium dioxide (VO2) switches. We discover an electrically triggered, isostructural state that forms transiently on microsecond time scales, which is shown by phase-field simulations to be stabilized by local heterogeneities and interfacial interactions between the equilibrium phases. This metastable phase is similar to that formed under photoexcitation within picoseconds, suggesting a universal transformation pathway. Our results establish electrical excitation as a route for uncovering nonequilibrium and metastable phases in correlated materials, opening avenues for engineering dynamical behavior in nanoelectronics.

Nano Letters ◽  
2021 ◽  
Maximilian Ochs ◽  
Luka Zurak ◽  
Enno Krauss ◽  
Jessica Meier ◽  
Monika Emmerling ◽  

Sebastian Herzog ◽  
Roland S. Zimmermann ◽  
Johannes Abele ◽  
Stefan Luther ◽  
Ulrich Parlitz

The mechanical contraction of the pumping heart is driven by electrical excitation waves running across the heart muscle due to the excitable electrophysiology of heart cells. With cardiac arrhythmias these waves turn into stable or chaotic spiral waves (also called rotors) whose observation in the heart is very challenging. While mechanical motion can be measured in 3D using ultrasound, electrical activity can (so far) not be measured directly within the muscle and with limited resolution on the heart surface, only. To bridge the gap between measurable and not measurable quantities we use two approaches from machine learning, echo state networks and convolutional autoencoders, to solve two relevant data modelling tasks in cardiac dynamics: Recovering excitation patterns from noisy, blurred or undersampled observations and reconstructing complex electrical excitation waves from mechanical deformation. For the synthetic data sets used to evaluate both methods we obtained satisfying solutions with echo state networks and good results with convolutional autoencoders, both clearly indicating that the data reconstruction tasks can in principle be solved by means of machine learning.

Actuators ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 40
Kentaro Takagi ◽  
Yuya Kitazaki ◽  
Kota Kondo

This paper proposes a simple but effective method for characterizing dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs), especially for thin stacked DEAs, which are promising for haptic devices but which measure the dynamic elastic modulus with great difficulty. The difficulty of the measurement of such a thin stacked DEA arises from the friction and local deformation of the surface between the DEA and a contact, as shown in this paper. In the proposed method, a DEA is vertically suspended and a weight is attached to it. The proposed method requires no contact with the surface of a DEA and uses only a weighting mass. Experimental results demonstrated the proposed method can estimate almost essential constants, such as the dynamic elastic modulus (Young’s modulus and damping time constant), the electrical constants (permittivity and resistivity), and the coefficient of electromechanical coupling, through the forced vibration induced by voltage actuation.

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