current event
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2021 ◽  
Vol 923 (2) ◽  
pp. 260
Dominic W. Pesce ◽  
Daniel C. M. Palumbo ◽  
Ramesh Narayan ◽  
Lindy Blackburn ◽  
Sheperd S. Doeleman ◽  

Abstract We present estimates for the number of shadow-resolved supermassive black hole (SMBH) systems that can be detected using radio interferometers, as a function of angular resolution, flux density sensitivity, and observing frequency. Accounting for the distribution of SMBHs across mass, redshift, and accretion rate, we use a new semianalytic spectral energy distribution model to derive the number of SMBHs with detectable and optically thin horizon-scale emission. We demonstrate that (sub)millimeter interferometric observations with ∼0.1 μas resolution and ∼1 μJy sensitivity could access >106 SMBH shadows. We then further decompose the shadow source counts into the number of black holes for which we could expect to observe the first- and second-order lensed photon rings. Accessing the bulk population of first-order photon rings requires ≲2 μas resolution and ≲0.5 mJy sensitivity, whereas doing the same for second-order photon rings requires ≲0.1 μas resolution and ≲5 μJy sensitivity. Our model predicts that with modest improvements to sensitivity, as many as ∼5 additional horizon-resolved sources should become accessible to the current Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), whereas a next-generation EHT observing at 345 GHz should have access to ∼3 times as many sources. More generally, our results can help guide enhancements of current arrays and specifications for future interferometric experiments that aim to spatially resolve a large population of SMBH shadows or higher-order photon rings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 34
Marco Fisichella ◽  
Andrea Ceroni

A majority of current work in events extraction assumes the static nature of relationships in constant expertise knowledge bases. However, in collaborative environments, such as Wikipedia, information and systems are extraordinarily dynamic over time. In this work, we introduce a new approach for extracting complex structures of events from Wikipedia. We advocate a new model to represent events by engaging more than one entities that are generalizable to an arbitrary language. The evolution of an event is captured successfully primarily based on analyzing the user edits records in Wikipedia. Our work presents a basis for a singular class of evolution-aware entity-primarily based enrichment algorithms and will extensively increase the quality of entity accessibility and temporal retrieval for Wikipedia. We formalize this problem case and conduct comprehensive experiments on a real dataset of 1.8 million Wikipedia articles in order to show the effectiveness of our proposed answer. Furthermore, we suggest a new event validation automatic method relying on a supervised model to predict the presence of events in a non-annotated corpus. As the extra document source for event validation, we chose the Web due to its ease of accessibility and wide event coverage. Our outcomes display that we are capable of acquiring 70% precision evaluated on a manually annotated corpus. Ultimately, we conduct a comparison of our strategy versus the Current Event Portal of Wikipedia and discover that our proposed WikipEvent along with the usage of Co-References technique may be utilized to provide new and more data on events.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Darrell Norman Burrell ◽  
Rajanique L. Modeste ◽  
Aikyna Finch

As our society wrestles with systemic racism, it is imperative that houses of prayer undergo the same reflection. African-Americans have been disappointed with majority Caucasian congregation church leaders who have the capacity to change minds and attitudes during this time of national reckoning over race but are not engaging their worshipers with honest educational conversations about social justice, race, and police brutality. Black lives matter. This is an obvious truth considering God's love for all God's children. When Black lives are systemically devalued by society, our outrage justifiably insists that attention be focused on Black lives. When a church claims boldly “Black Lives Matter” and attempts to educate their churchgoers about the societal and subtle ills of racial profiling, microaggressions, and privilege at this moment, it chooses not to be silent about a racial injustice for those in need. The paper explores the importance of this topic through current event literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Natasha C. Murray-Everett ◽  
Dorian L. Harrison

This paper examines how teacher candidates come to understand the role that media plays in perpetuating and reinforcing stereotypical views of marginalized groups through engagement in weekly news groups. This study sought to look at how critical media skills influenced how students interacted with media content. Findings suggest that by critically engaging in controversial current event topics that participants began to recognize the value and importance in finding multiple and reliable sources. They also began to question and interrogate the problematic ways that race and racism is portrayed in and through the media.

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (Special Issue 03) ◽  
pp. 186-201
Inneke Qamariah ◽  
Yasmin Chairunisa Muchtar ◽  
Fa dli

This research was carried out due to the development of current Event Organizer business that has entered the hotel services market, especially in Medan City. This makes hotel industries compete to offer the best and various services quality. This study was carried out to find out how service quality influences fulfillment and Dependability of Event Organizer service providers who use hotel services. The population in this study was the Event Organizer in Medan. Using Slovin technique, samples of 40 respondents were obtained. The method used in this research was quantitative descriptive. Data that had fulfilled the validity and reliability criteria then were analyzed through Path analysis which showed the results that the service quality had a significant influence on Dependability. Service quality has a significant influence on fulfillment and fulfillment has a significant influence on Dependability.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Shane Bowyer

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to encourage other educators to pivot and implement a current event activity when a situation arises. This paper examines the pedagogical benefits of implementing a current event class activity. The author discusses using tacit knowledge of an international trip to heighten awareness of the COVID-19 pandemic while linking it to business management knowledge. Results of a follow-up student survey are also discussed. Design/methodology/approach Considering the potential impact of COVID-19, an in-class activity was implemented and later followed up by a survey that addressed the activity impact. Students conducted brief research on COVID-19 and were put in small groups that analyzed scenarios for potential spread and identified steps business managers could take as safeguards. The entire class discussed the scenarios and potential actions during the upcoming spring break. The associated survey was for future classroom management and feedback concerning COVID-19 and not designed for research purposes. Findings The literature analyses and survey results indicate that pivoting from the syllabus and engaging students in a current event activity can be beneficial. In this study, students displayed increased awareness and changed actions as a result of the class activity. Originality/value This paper shares the author’s perspective regarding deviation from the course syllabus to conduct a class activity focused on a current event, which in this case is the COVID-19 pandemic.

Esmeralda Andrade Hernández ◽  
Gregorio Fernández-Lambert ◽  
David Lara Alabazares ◽  
Yesica Mayett Moreno ◽  
Laurent Geneste

Intending to lead organizations to continuous improvement, this chapter proposes a methodology that involves three axes: risk management, problem- solving, and feedback experience. This methodology allows organizations to characterize the experiences they have already confronted, as well as new experiences (which can be risks or problems) with the use of taxonomies established by the organization. It also enables them to capitalize and exploit their knowledge base. This work proposes a best-use approach of the past experiences that are similar to a current event and facilitate their treatment and provide solutions. The authors take the feedback as a point of articulation between the two methodologies because it is a mechanism that offers knowledge where it can be found that the organizations must avoid and take advantage of.

Anmol Haque ◽  
Jennifer L. Irish ◽  
Yang Zhang

Risk assessment frameworks such as HAZUS-MH (FEMA, 2010) have been used globally to estimate potential losses like physical damage to structural establishments, economic loss, shelter requirements, displaced households, etc. due to multi-hazards like earthquake, flood and hurricane hazards. However, HAZUS-MH fails to consider interdependencies between physical and social capacities of affected communities. The present study aims to develop a conceptual risk assessment framework for storm hazards in coastal communities that addresses these limitations through an integrated physical and social vulnerability assessment applied to Hampton Roads, Virginia. By including interdependencies, interactions between the physical and social vulnerability will be studied. We hypothesize that changes in housing occupancy status affect the physical damage and changes in population density affect the social vulnerability. Therefore, the integrated physical and social vulnerability will change in response to a current event and therefore make the same region more or less impacted in a subsequent future event.Recorded Presentation from the vICCE (YouTube Link):

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Man Li ◽  
Ruifang Bai

With the deepening of people’s research on event anaphora, a large number of methods will be used in the identification and resolution of event anaphora. Although there has been some progress in the resolution of the current event, the difficult problems have not yet been completely resolved. This study analyzes the English information anaphora resolution based on SVM and machine learning algorithms and uses the CNN three-layer network as the basis to model the structure. Moreover, this study improves the semantic features by adding semantic roles and analyzes and compares the performance of the improved semantic features with those before the improvement. In addition, this study combines semantic features to compare and analyze each feature combination and uses a dual candidate model to improve the system. Finally, this study analyzes the experimental results. The results show that the performance of the system using the dual candidate model is better than that of the single candidate model system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 967-982
Chellai Fatih ◽  
Ahmed Hamimes ◽  
Pradeep Mishra

The current event in the world is corona-virus; the spread of this virus can put all countries in situation of incapacity of how manage and face. This article focused on the class of ARIMA models and Fuzzy Time Series. The techniques are applied to trajectory Corona virus on three African countries: Algeria, Egypt and South Africa over the period (2020-02-15 /2020-03-19). Although the hyper stochastic of this pandemic, it is seen that ARIMA models fits well the trajectory of Covid-19. We predict a continuous trend of virus spreading in next days, a fact that alert the governments of theses countries and the whole African countries for further strengthen prevention and intervention policies to combat this epidemic

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