outer bound
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Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 1679
Weijie Zhao ◽  
Xuechen Chen

In this work, we consider the zero-delay transmission of bivariate Gaussian sources over a Gaussian broadcast channel with one-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) front ends. An outer bound on the conditional distortion region is derived. Focusing on the minimization of the average distortion, two types of methods are proposed to design nonparametric mappings. The first one is based on the joint optimization between the encoder and decoder with the use of an iterative algorithm. In the second method, we derive the necessary conditions to develop the optimal encoder numerically. Using these necessary conditions, an algorithm based on gradient descent search is designed. Subsequently, the characteristics of the optimized encoding mapping structure are discussed, and inspired by which, several parametric mappings are proposed. Numerical results show that the proposed parametric mappings outperform the uncoded scheme and previous parametric mappings for broadcast channels with infinite resolution ADC front ends. The nonparametric mappings succeed in outperforming the parametric mappings. The causes for the differences between the performances of two nonparametric mappings are analyzed. The average distortions of the parametric and nonparametric mappings proposed here are close to the bound for the cases with one-bit ADC front ends in low channel signal-to-noise ratio regions.

Entropy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (11) ◽  
pp. 1518
Yujie Gu ◽  
Ofer Shayevitz

We study the problem of communicating over a discrete memoryless two-way channel using non-adaptive schemes, under a zero probability of error criterion. We derive single-letter inner and outer bounds for the zero-error capacity region, based on random coding, linear programming, linear codes, and the asymptotic spectrum of graphs. Among others, we provide a single-letter outer bound based on a combination of Shannon’s vanishing-error capacity region and a two-way analogue of the linear programming bound for point-to-point channels, which, in contrast to the one-way case, is generally better than both. Moreover, we establish an outer bound for the zero-error capacity region of a two-way channel via the asymptotic spectrum of graphs, and show that this bound can be achieved in certain cases.

2021 ◽  
saeid pakravan ◽  
Ghosheh Abed Hodtani

Abstract Analyzing wireless communication performances by using information-theoretic results is of practical importance. In this paper, first, an achievable secrecy rate region and an outer bound on the secrecy capacity region for the discrete alphabet and memoryless wiretap channel with side information non-causally known at the transmitter are obtained. Then, by extending the results to the continuous alphabet wireless wiretap channel and by deriving a closed-form expression on the secrecy coverage region (SCR), as a remarkable wireless performance factor, impact of side information on the SCR is analyzed and it is shown that side information increases the SCR as expected intuitively. Numerical evaluation of theoretical results is done finally.

Information ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 82
Chao Tian ◽  
James S. Plank ◽  
Brent Hurst ◽  
Ruida Zhou

Computer-aided methods, based on the entropic linear program framework, have been shown to be effective in assisting the study of information theoretic fundamental limits of information systems. One key element that significantly impacts their computation efficiency and applicability is the reduction of variables, based on problem-specific symmetry and dependence relations. In this work, we propose using the disjoint-set data structure to algorithmically identify the reduction mapping, instead of relying on exhaustive enumeration in the equivalence classification. Based on this reduced linear program, we consider four techniques to investigate the fundamental limits of information systems: (1) computing an outer bound for a given linear combination of information measures and providing the values of information measures at the optimal solution; (2) efficiently computing a polytope tradeoff outer bound between two information quantities; (3) producing a proof (as a weighted sum of known information inequalities) for a computed outer bound; and (4) providing the range for information quantities between which the optimal value does not change, i.e., sensitivity analysis. A toolbox, with an efficient JSON format input frontend, and either Gurobi or Cplex as the linear program solving engine, is implemented and open-sourced.

Elvira Silva ◽  
Spiro E. Stefanou ◽  
Alfons Oude Lansink

This chapter focuses on the nonparametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) framework of structural linear programming models underlying the estimation of efficiency. The nonparametric approach to measuring technical and cost inefficiency has been adopted in the examples in earlier chapters. Chapter 3 introduced the notions of inner- and outer-bound technologies. The inner-bound technology representation has dominated the nonparametric empirical applications in the literature on measuring efficiency and productivity. However, as this chapter shows, the outer-bound representation of the technology presents a viable alternative to measuring technical and cost efficiency as well. The chapter also develops an application to farm-level panel data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (9) ◽  
pp. 1861-1864
Marwen Zorgui ◽  
Zhiying Wang

Entropy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 784
Bingbing Hu ◽  
Ke Wang ◽  
Yingying Ma ◽  
Youlong Wu

The four-node relay broadcast channel (RBC) is considered, in which a transmitter communicates with two receivers with the assistance of a relay node. We first investigate three types of physically degraded RBCs (PDRBCs) based on different degradation orders among the relay and the receivers’ observed signals. For the discrete memoryless (DM) case, only the capacity region of the second type of PDRBC is already known, while for the Gaussian case, only the capacity region of the first type of PDRBC is already known. In this paper, we step forward and make the following progress: (1) for the first type of DM-PDRBC, a new outer bound is established, which has the same rate expression as an existing inner bound, with only a slight difference on the input distributions; (2) for the second type of Gaussian PDRBC, the capacity region is established; (3) for the third type of PDRBC, the capacity regions are established both for DM and Gaussian cases. Besides, we also consider the RBC with relay feedback where the relay node can send the feedback signal to the transmitter. A new coding scheme based on a hybrid relay strategy and a layered Marton’s coding is proposed. It is shown that our scheme can strictly enlarge Behboodi and Piantanida’s rate region, which is tight for the second type of DM-PDRBC. Moreover, we show that capacity regions of the second and third types of PDRBCs are exactly the same as that without feedback, which means feedback cannot enlarge capacity regions for these types of RBCs.

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