transactions cost
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Zainuri Zainuri ◽  
Nur Hisamuddin ◽  
Agus Mahardiyanto

Discourse on the development of soybean processed products is important to study because besides being able to uncover the question related to the low productivity of soybean cultivation also gives a clue as to why soybean processed product entrepreneurs have almost no accumulation of capital so far. This study aims to reveal financing models and institutional patterns of soybean processing businesses in Jember district. This type of research will use qualitative research from an emic perspective that will be implemented in the area of ​​Jember Regency. The type of data used is primary and secondary data which are then processed and analyzed using the Miles and Huberman analysis method. This study found that the development of soybean processing business, which consisted mainly of MSME entrepreneurs, was enticed by a financing model whose funds were mostly supplied by the Suwek Daily Bank (BHS) and loan sharks that caused the profit margins to not be enjoyed by the entrepreneurs themselves. In addition, the institutional patterns built between soybean processed products entrepreneurs such as tempeh, tofu, milk and soybean snacks are still weak. They individually compete more freely so that when there is a shock such as an increase in the price of imported or local soybeans it will sacrifice quality. Some build a vertical partnership pattern between soybean processed product entrepreneurs and their raw material suppliers and with soybean processed users, while horizontally between processed product entrepreneurs barely build partnerships. This condition causes unfair competition between businesses and ultimately increases the transactions cost of economic that will erode the margins they earn.Keywords: Partnership Pattern, Qualitative Model, Transactions Cost of Economic

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-70
Zahid Ul Islam Dar ◽  
Sandeep Kaur

The global tariffs cutback, particularly in the developed world has been substantial and also the consequent gains appropriated therefrom. This has led to the shift of focus in the contemporary trade policies, having inclinations towards one or more aspects of the trade facilitation. Trade facilitation pertains to simplification, standardisation and synchronisation of trade procedures followed internationally and within the borders of individual economies as well, bearing an enormous impact on the time to trade and otherwise increasing trade transaction costs. The South Asian region on the trade facilitation front lags way behind the other regional groupings. It contrastingly portrays dismal performance in terms of costs, documentation and time taken to export and import. Despite the empirical studies predicting impressive gains to the region from trade facilitation and mention of several trade facilitation measures in various bilateral and regional agreements, the interregional trade primarily out of inaction has been near stagnant since 1980s. The bright spot in the region, India is outdone in several trade facilitation indicators by the small and relatively not well doing South Asian economies. The border compliances contrastingly contribute considerably to the nation’s time to trade and the trade transactions cost. The trade facilitation measures undertaken by the nation have mostly addressed the issues concerning the GATT articles VIII and X and the left out measures are still substantially contributing to the trade time and costs. In this regard, the paper primarily endeavours to dig into India’s accomplishments and deficiencies on the trade facilitation front.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 100
Kirima Lucy Karimi

The purpose of this study was to establish the effects of agency banking on bank performance with a focus of Equity Bank Meru Branch, Kenya. The reason for the selection of Equity Bank was because of its large customer base and because of its growth. The study adopted a descriptive research design and the target population was the eighteen agency bank agents. The study used stratified random sampling to select 11 agents that were used in the study. Both quantitative and qualitative data was collected by use of questionnaires with both open and closed ended questions. Data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistical tools. The study findings indicated that the general cost such as operations and transactions cost were still high even for agency banking, security measures were in place that is physical security though it needed strengthening, transaction security and customer security were not good and needed improvement and the regulations that were in place for agency banking also needed to be improved. The study made the following recommendations: For agent banking operations to be effective, strong internal control systems should be put in place which should be flexible and be evaluated periodically to increase efficiency and effectiveness; there should also be frequent updates of regulations and policies that guide agency banking and procedures that are used in the banking and agency industry in Kenya. Bankers Association in consultation with the Central Bank of Kenya should carry out frequent audit and research in relationship to agency banking to determine any loopholes and challenges in order to advice the banks accordingly. Also banks should work closely with the agents in order to streamline the systems and processes to help achieve efficiency. The results gathered out of the audit and research will help the banks to keep their agents updated.

Oluseye Ajuwon ◽  
Sylvanus Ikhide ◽  
Joseph Akotey

This study investigated the roles of transactions cost in MSMEs access to finance. This was done by investigating the impact of transactions cost on access to credit from both MSMEs and financial institutions (commercial banks and microfinance banks). From the MSMEs’ side, borrowing experience, decision lag, firm size and borrowers’ distance to the loan office were investigated. On the financial institution’s side, the costs of information gathering, loan administration, monitoring and loan enforcement were investigated. We used the questionnaire survey method, in-depth interviews and case studies, as well as the annual financial statements of the banks. We identified interest rate and collateral value as constraints to access to finance for MSMEs. We also found financial institutions’ attitude to MSMEs access to credit was not friendly. Financial institutions need to do more to bring down transaction cost of lending. This hopefully can be achieved by investing more in agent banking which would lower operating costs, as well as spreading risk, and ultimately increase credit intermediation to small businesses.

Nilmini Wickramasinghe ◽  
Indrit Troshani ◽  
Steve Goldberg

Numerous mobile technology solutions are being developed and implemented today to address a myriad of healthcare problems. However, it remains unclear what the true cost/benefit of these solutions is and who benefits from them. To investigate this we apply a transaction cost economics framework to a pervasive mobile solution that has been designed and developed to enhance diabetes self-care. Diabetes is one of the leading chronic diseases and its prevalence continues to rise. The solution examined in this paper relies on pervasive wireless technology and is designed to facilitate the effective management of diabetes in the context of gestational diabetes, a conditions that affects up to 8% of pregnant women. A transactions cost assessment of this solution is provided.

2016 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 123-139
Katarzyna Mroczek-Dąbrowska

The purpose of this paper is to explain if and how foreign sales are affected by the level of transaction costs within industries in Poland and Hungary. The main hypotheses reflect the potential correlation for different types of industries. The paper attempts to transfer the notion of transaction costs, originally applied at the micro-perspective level, to the analysis of industries using a mesoeconomic perspective. We argue that transactions cost levels influence the overall willingness to expand abroad. While there has been much research carried out in the area of export intensification of particular companies, few empirical studies can be found concerning entire industries.

Nilmini Wickramasinghe ◽  
Indrit Troshani ◽  
Steve Goldberg

Numerous mobile technology solutions are being developed and implemented today to address a myriad of healthcare problems. However, it remains unclear what the true cost/benefit of these solutions is and who benefits from them. To investigate this we apply a transaction cost economics framework to a pervasive mobile solution that has been designed and developed to enhance diabetes self-care. Diabetes is one of the leading chronic diseases and its prevalence continues to rise. The solution examined in this paper relies on pervasive wireless technology and is designed to facilitate the effective management of diabetes in the context of gestational diabetes, a conditions that affects up to 8% of pregnant women. A transactions cost assessment of this solution is provided.

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