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2022 ◽  
pp. 354-383
Maria Elisabete Neves ◽  
Joana Leite ◽  
Renato Neves

The main goal of this chapter is to analyze the performance of four investment strategies within a recent period of international political uncertainties. RSI and MACD supported three competing investment strategies, which were compared to the conservative Buy and Hold strategy. Euro Stoxx 50 Index was selected through the Markowitz Theory, and the DAX index was established as a benchmark. The period considered was between the start of Donald Trump's official campaign to the US elections and the first date set for Brexit. Two subsequent additional studies were performed to evaluate their profitability. The entry and exit points were determined by international economic reports. Alternative time lengths for the RSI window were considered. The results suggest that, when the market is bear or undefined, the investor should have a strategy supported on technical analysis and he should consider more than one indicator to increase the information that is taken from the market. The passive Buy and Hold strategy should be considered when the market is considered a bull market.

Corina Georgiana Serban (Patrintas) ◽  
Cristian Negrutiu

The present paper attempts to deal with two classical themes in a new and fresh context. The amount of works on leadership and entrepreneurship is vast, but the authors identified a gap in the research of these concepts in relation with tech start-ups, a domain that developed significantly in the recent period. The authors performed a detailed literature review, followed by an interview with a selected panel of entrepreneurs in Romania. The results of the study highlights few important trends related to the leadership traits of Romanian entrepreneurs. The results also confirmed a positive mindset and attitude which triggers an optimistic outlook for the Romanian entrepreneurial ecosystem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (37) ◽  
pp. 294-296
Carlos Renato Zacharias

To create a scientific journal seems to be an easy task! Accordingly some estimations [1], humankind has already published more than 50 million scientific articles from the earliest of times to this day! Considering a more recent period, we are publishing around 1.3 articles every minute and some estimations point to 25,000 active journal titles! Numbers do not lie, but misguided interpretations may lead us to false conclusions! ... ... Thus, this issue of IJHDR brings to its readers rich materials to stimulate serious discussions about HDs. It is a small, but representative sample of the diversity inherent to this subject. Both IJHDR and the HD scientific community are undergoing a process of growth aiming at attaining a higher status among their peers. This process might not yet translate into “statistically significant” results, but the tendency is already visible! Enjoy IJHDR!

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-118
U. S. DE

Trends in cyclonic disturbances for the period 1891-1997 were studied over Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. It is noticed that there is a significant decreasing trend at 99% level of confidence in the frequency of storms. The slopes of decreasing trend in cyclonic activity over Bay of Bengal and that over Arabian Sea were found to be maximum during last four decades. Weakening of Hadley circulation due to upper tropospheric warming may be one of the cause of this decreasing trend. There appears to be decrease in intensification of cyclonic disturbances in recent period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-84

Kullu valley is famous for tourism and agricultural activities but recently it has assumed importance for studies on climatic variability. There is an increasing trend in minimum and maximum temperatures but no trend in annual rainfall. The slope of regression line for annual rainfall was negative at Bajaura and positive at Katrain but both were non significant. The coefficient of variation for annual rainfall (22 %) and for monsoon rainfall (33 %) was showing the consistence of annual and southwest monsoon rainfall but, a shifting of monsoon from its wettest months was observed. The rainfall was most variable during post monsoon season at Bajaura and in winter at Katrain. The decreasing rate in rainfall was higher during the recent period than the decadal period. Monthly, seasonal and annual average minimum temperature was showing decreasing trend at Bajaura and an increasing trend at Katrain, but, maximum temperature is increasing at both the stations. The minimum temperature was most variable during the winter season whereas the maximum temperature was during summer. Higher the altitude higher the variability in minimum temperature but lower the altitude higher the variability in maximum temperature. Both maximum and minimum temperatures were showing a higher rate of increasing during the recent period.

Papari Jyoteeshkumar Reddy ◽  
Sarah E Perkins-Kirkpatrick ◽  
Jason J. Sharples

Abstract Australian heatwaves have a significant impact on society. Most previous studies focus on understanding them in terms of frequency, duration, intensity, and timing. However, understanding the spatial characteristics of heatwaves, particularly those occurring in contiguous regions at the same time (here referred to as contiguous heatwaves), is still largely unexplored. Here, we analyse changes in spatial characteristics of contiguous heatwaves in Australia during 1958-2020 using observational data. Our results show that extremely large contiguous heatwaves are covering significantly larger areas and getting significantly longer during the recent period (1989/90-2019/20) compared to the historical period (1958/59-1988/89). We also investigated the association of contiguous heatwaves in Australia with interactions of the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) using a large multi-member ensemble of a physical climate model. We found that areal magnitude, total area, median duration, and maximum area of large and extremely large contiguous heatwaves in Australia are significantly higher (lower) during the strong El Niño (Es), strong El Niño co-occurring with strong IOD positive (Es-IPs), and with moderate IOD positive (Es-IPm) (co-occurring strong La Niña with the strong IOD negative (Ls-INs)) seasons relative to the neutral seasons (where both ENSO and IOD are in neutral phase). During the Es, Es-IPm, and Es-IPs seasons, the large-scale physical mechanisms are characterised by anticyclonic highs over the southeast and cyclonic lows over the northwest of Australia, favouring the occurrence and intensification of heatwaves in Australia. These results provide insights into the driving mechanisms of contiguous heatwaves in Australia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Lulu Liu

In recent years, disasters have seriously affected the normal development of financial business in some regions. At the time of disaster, how to effectively integrate resources of all parties, deal with sudden financial disasters efficiently, and restore financial services in time has become an important task. Therefore, this paper adopts Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to improve the traditional BP Neural Network (BPNN) and finally constructs a Particle Swarm Optimization powered BP Neural Network (PSO-BPNN) model for the intelligent emergency risk avoidance of sudden financial disasters in digital economy. At the same time, the proposed algorithm is also compared to GA-BPNN and BPNN algorithms, which are also intelligent algorithms. Experimental results show that the hybrid PSO-BPNN algorithm is superior to GA-BPNN algorithm and BPNN algorithm in simulation and prediction effect. It can accurately predict the sudden financial disaster in recent period, so the model has a good application prospect.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 66-71
Cristian Mares ◽  
Constanta Mătusescu

Although the economic interests have played a major political role in the recent period, in a number of litigations the courts applied the “polluter pays” principle and rendered favorably judgments to the claimants which suffered a damage caused by pollution. In this respect, it is worth analyzing the case law of the European Court of Justice which has recently provided the presumption of liability for pollution of the operators which operates installations on land adjacent to a polluted area. As the Romanian case law is concerned, given the novelty of the framework of an objective environmental liability and the low number of cases related to this issue, it is to be developed a constant jurisprudence as the decision rendered by the Romanian Court of Appeal as of March 9, 2009, which forced a polluter to remedy totally and in kind the damage caused to an individual’s house.

Hayrettin Ozan Gulcan ◽  
Muberra Kosar

: The strategies to combat Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) have been changing with respect to the failures of many drug candidates assessed in clinical studies, the complex pathophysiology of AD, and the limitations of the current drugs employed. So far, none of the targets, either validated or nonvalidated, have been shown to be purely causative in the generation and development of AD. Considering the progressive and the neurodegenerative characteristics of the disease, the main strategy has been based on the design of molecules capable of showing activity on more than one receptor, and it is defined as multi-target ligand design strategy. The hybrid molecule concept is an outcome of this approach. Donepezil, as one of the currently employed drugs for AD therapy, has also been utilized in hybrid drug design studies. This review has aimed to present the promising donepezil-like hybrid molecules introduced in the recent period. Particularly, multi-target ligands with additional activities concomitant to cholinesterase inhibition are preferred.

2021 ◽  
pp. 194016122110475
Lorena Cano-Orón ◽  
Emilia H. Lopera-Pareja

This paper analyses the synergies between press and politics in the debate on the regulation of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) in Spain between 1979 and 2018. We argue that longitudinal analysis and comparison of this interaction and synergy reveal how the mainstream discourse has shifted. We use a dataset of news ( N  =  2,059), a news sample ( n  =  325) and a dataset of parliamentary records ( N  =  86). Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, the dynamics of the interaction between the different institutions and actors involved is assessed. Specifically, the study analyses the media and parliamentary attention to CAM issues (agenda setting), how CAM is addressed (framing), and the actors who have a voice in the discourse (costructuring of power relations). The results indicate that relevant changes in the public debate on CAM have only occurred over the last few years, corresponding to three overlapping dynamics of influence of the media on politics: amplification, framing, and costructuring of power relations. This recent period has seen convergence in the discussion and narratives/frames used, which also corresponds to more widespread skepticism regarding CAM.

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