plant yields
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2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 453-461
Sajedeh Ramazannejad ◽  
Shahram Sedaghathoor

Abstract Tulip (Tulipa sp.) is of the highest economic importance and cultivated area among all bulbous ornamental species. The spray of alcohol is regarded as a proper strategy to improve plant yields in sustainable agriculture systems. This study aimed to investigate the effect of different rates of ethanol and methanol on the traits of the tulip in a factorial experiment based on a Randomized Complete Block Design with two factors including ethanol at four levels (0, 10, 20, and 30 vol%) and methanol at four levels (0, 10, 20, and 30 vol%). The estimated traits included anthocyanin, carotenoid, chlorophyll a and b, total chlorophyll, stem and leaf Brix index, leaf length and width, leaf area, total and bulb fresh and dry weight, leaf number, and flowering stalk length. Analysis of variance showed that the simple and interactive effects of different treatments were statistically significant on most estimated traits. The highest anthocyanin content (3.92 mg 100 g-1 DM), leaf length (25.83 cm), leaf area (258.6 cm2), and bulb fresh weight (25.81 g) were obtained from the plants treated with 30% ethanol, and the highest anthocyanin content (3.45 mg 100 g-1 DM) and leaf Brix index (10.15%) were related to 30% methanol. It can be concluded from the results that methanol and ethanol can be used as plant growth regulators.

Insects ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 910
Humberto Godoy Androcioli ◽  
Adriano Thibes Hoshino ◽  
Maurício Ursi Ventura ◽  
Fernando Teruhiko Hata ◽  
Marco dos Reis Brugnerotto ◽  

The broad mite (BM) Polyphagotarsonemus latus is a pest of great prominence for several crops, including the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). The objective of this study was to select resistant genotypes and to determine chemicals associated with resistance. In the first experiment, BM incidence was assessed for 36 genotypes in a greenhouse study. A group of 10 genotypes was selected according to the development of BM populations. Mite populations and phytometric and biochemical variables were then determined to study eventual differential genotypic responses to mite infestation. Lower numbers of mite mobile forms (larvae + adults) were found on Verdão, Negrão and Carioca Original genotypes. The magnitude of differences reached 5.4 times more BM in the IAC Alvorada than the Verdão genotype. Plant yields were reduced for the genotypes TAA Bola Cheia, IPR Sabiá, IPR Uirapuru, IAC Alvorada and Carioca Original when plants were infested with BM. The yields for LP 13833, BRS Esteio, Negrão 11, Verdão and MD 1133 were similar between infested and non-infested genotypes, indicating tolerance. Verdão and Negrão 11, besides the tolerance, exhibited low offspring development, indicating antibiosis and/or antixenosis. Higher phenolic compound levels were found in the Verdão genotype. Increased contents of catalase and peroxidase were detected for Negrão 11 genotype when infested with BM. This work allowed the detection of common bean genotypes that express resistance and tolerance to BM. These genotypes can be used in places with a history of BM infestation, or used in breeding programs to incorporate these characteristics in other genotypes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-207
Bharat Jhunjhunwala

Phages targeting specific bacteria have been used for control of bacterial pathogens in plants and humans. We report results of prophylactic use of a natural cocktail of phages on plants. Water was collected from upper reaches of the Alaknanda river where more than 200 isolates of phages have been reported. The river water was collected in April 2020 before the onset of monsoons and stored with sediments. The water was sprayed twice weekly on spinach, cabbage and coriander plants. We did not isolate, identify or multiply the phages. We sprayed the water in its natural condition after diluting it to 10 percent with normal spring water that is used for irrigation in the area. Control plots were sprayed with normal spring water only. We find 47 percent higher yields in spinach, 6 percent in cabbage and 40 percent in coriander. Natural phages of Ganga river could provide an inexpensive approach for the improvement of plant yields. Implications for prophylactic use of cocktail of phages for humans are discussed.

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (9) ◽  
pp. 1521
Chien-Sen Liao ◽  
Zheng-Han Xie ◽  
Shih-Hao Jien

Combining biochar with chemical fertilizers or compost not only improves the shortcomings of biochar’s lack of fertility, but also extends the benefits of the compost. The application of biochar composite materials will be a future agricultural management strategy. In this study bagasse compost was mixed with wood biochar (w/w) at rates of 0% (B), 25% (BC), 50% (BC3), and 100% (no biochar, C) to produce four types of particle biochar compound materials (pBCM). These materials were applied to two types of soil (sandy soil and clayey soil) for a 180-day incubation to determine the decomposition rate and the nutrient release efficiency of the pBCMs. The results showed that C treatment had the highest decomposition rate in both types of soil. Overall, the materials decomposed faster in the sandy soil than in the clayey soil. Plants were grown over two 30-day crop periods. The plant yields of treatments C and BC3 were the highest in the first period and respectively decreased and increased in the second period. The experiment results revealed that in the biochar–compost compounds, compost increased the use efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil, and biochar increased the nutrient use efficiency in the second period. These compound materials had greater capacity for long-term supply of nutrients in soil than did single-component ones.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. e37042
Marcelo De Almeida Silva ◽  
Ana Carolina De Santana Soares ◽  
Melina Rodrigues Alves Carnietto ◽  
Alexandrius De Moraes Barbosa

Studies addressing the interaction of different spatial arrangement in soybean are needed in order to achieve management that leads to higher grain yield associated with rational seed use. The objective of this work was to evaluate the yield components and productivity of an undetermined growth type soybean as a function of different row spacing and plant densities. The treatments consisted of three row spaces (0.25, 0.35 and 0.45 m) and three plant population densities (30, 40 and 50 plants/m²). There was no interaction of row spaces and plant population on soybean yield. Regarding the overall spacing average, the grain yield of the population of 30/m² plants was higher than the productivity of the populations of 40 and 50/m² plants. The largest populations reduce plant sizes due to greater competition between plants. In addition, smaller populations promote higher individual plant yields due to the increase components of the production. This characteristic is defined as the ability of the plant to change its morphology and yield components in order to adapt to the conditions imposed by the spatial arrangement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
Kwasi Adu Obirikorang ◽  
Wonder Sekey ◽  
Benjamin Apraku Gyampoh ◽  
George Ashiagbor ◽  
Winston Asante

Increasing demand on water resources, reduced land water availability, and concerns over food security have spurred the evolution of many innovative and complex food production. An aquaponic system is a productive, innovative, and sustainable fish and vegetable production system that is revolutionizing agriculture in the face of drought, soil fertility losses, and climate change. Aquaponics, as an advanced aquaculture-agriculture system, is expected to improve food security in developing countries. However, as an emerging technology, there is very limited information on the system in Africa. Questions about the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of aquaponics are answered in this comprehensive review. This review considers aquaponics projects in Africa, categorizes the technology by evidences of their effectiveness, fish and plant yields, and juxtaposes the technology within best-use practices to make recommendations that will inform evidence-based policymaking. It also maps the present spatial adoption of the technology in sub-Saharan Africa and highlights the system's contribution to improving food security on the continent. Egypt and South Africa are countries where aquaponics is emerging and being adopted at faster rates and contributing to food security. In West Africa, significantly lower net-discounted benefit-cost ratios were realized when aquaponics systems were constructed using imported materials compared to using locally available materials. Despite aquaponics systems generally having higher start-up costs currently, its potential to be economically viable when undertaken with local materials is very high.

Horticulturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (8) ◽  
pp. 243
Astrit Balliu ◽  
Youbin Zheng ◽  
Glenda Sallaku ◽  
Juan A. Fernández ◽  
Nazim S. Gruda ◽  

Soilless culture systems are currently one of the fastest-growing sectors in horticulture. The plant roots are confined into a specific rootzone and are exposed to environmental changes and cultivation factors. The recent scientific evidence regarding the effects of several environmental and cultivation factors on the morphology, architecture, and performance of the root system of plants grown in SCS are the objectives of this study. The effect of root restriction, nutrient solution, irrigation frequency, rootzone temperature, oxygenation, vapour pressure deficit, lighting, rootzone pH, root exudates, CO2, and beneficiary microorganisms on the functionality and performance of the root system are discussed. Overall, the main results of this review demonstrate that researchers have carried out great efforts in innovation to optimize SCS water and nutrients supply, proper temperature, and oxygen levels at the rootzone and effective plant–beneficiary microorganisms, while contributing to plant yields. Finally, this review analyses the new trends based on emerging technologies and various tools that might be exploited in a smart agriculture approach to improve root management in soilless cropping while procuring a deeper understanding of plant root–shoot communication.

2021 ◽  
Linnley Mulusa

Agriculture is an important activity globally since it ensures food security and is a source of income for many families, especially those living in underprivileged countries. The continuous growth in the global population has seen farmers increase the crop production acreage to meet the increasing demand for food and avert food shortage. Despite this, farmers continue to harvest lower yields than anticipated, which threatens global food security. The reduced yields result from outdated and ineffective farming practices as well as pests and diseases. Diseases are a significant cause of reduced crop yields globally. Biotic and abiotic factors cause diseases. Of the recognized biotic causes of disease, root-knot nematodes, also known as Meloidogyne spp. are plant-parasitic nematodes that cause significant losses to farmers in terms of reduced plant yields. Over the years, researchers have conducted several studies on the effective use of Trichoderma spp. fungi as a biocontrol agent for these pathogens. This paper analyzes the advancements made towards the effective and efficient biocontrol of Meloidogyne spp. using Trichoderma spp. and the implications of these advancements for agriculture and food security.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-15
А.И. Беленков ◽  
В.Н. Мельников ◽  
А.А. Петрова ◽  
Т.И. Смирнова ◽  
М.Н. Павлов

В условиях двухлетнего полевого опыта на растениях льна-долгунца исследовано влияние внекорневой подкормки боросодежащими хелатными комплексонами на продуктивность и качество льнопродукции. Изучено действие борат-иминодисукцината (В-ИДЯК) и борат-этилендиаминдисукцината (В-ЭДДЯК) в сравнении с борной кислотой и борат-этилендиаминтетраацетатом (В-ЭДТУК). Исследования выполнили в 2019–2020 гг. в однофакторном полевом опыте. Установлено, что наиболее эффективное и экологически безопасное влияние оказывает внекорневая подкормка посевов льна-долгунца хелатным комплексом В-ЭДДЯК. При внекорневой подкормке часть препарата, попадая в почву, мобилизует также другие микроэлементы, тем самым оказывая стимулирующее действие на растения. Полученные результаты показали, что внекорневая подкормка боросодержащими соединениями существенно повлияла на накопление биомассы льна-долгунца. Выявлена положительная динамика влияния боросодержащих комплексов на прохождение фенологических фаз во второй половине вегетации. Внекорневая подкормка растений ускорила цветение льна, которое наступало раньше на 2–3 дня по сравнению с контролем. Применение подкормки хелатными боросодержащими комплексонами способствует росту урожайности растений, повышению качества продукции, в части улучшения физико-химических свойств льноволокна. Прибавка урожая к контролю составила: по льносоломе – 8,3–15,7% (3,2–6 ц/га), семенам – 38,4–56% (1,2–1,9 ц/га). Техническая длина соломы была выше у всех вариантов опыта на 8,5–10,4% по сравнению с контролем. При этом увеличивались: выход луба, прочность, пригодность и номер льносоломы. Увеличение содержания луба составило от 1,6 до 4,5%. Under the conditions of two-year field test, the effects of foliage application with boron-containing chelate complexones on the productivity and quality of flax products were investigated on long-stalked flax plants. The effect of borate-iminodisuccinate (B-IDSA) and borate-ethylene diamin-disuccinate (B-EDDSA) in comparison with boric acid and borate-ethylene diamintetraacetate (B-EDTAA) was studied. The researches were conducted in 2019–2020 in a single-factor field test. It has been found that the most effective and environmentally safe influence is exerted by foliage application of long-stalked flax sowings with the chelate complex B-EDDSA. In foliage application part of the preparation falling into the soil also mobilizes other trace elements, thereby exerting a stimulating effect on plants. The obtained results showed that foliage application with boron-containing compounds had a significant impact on the accumulation of long-stalked flax biomass. Positive dynamics of boron-containing complexes influence on phenological phases passage in the second half of growing season has been revealed. Foliage application of plants accelerated flax flowering, which occurred earlier by 2–3 days compared to control. The use of top-dressing with chelated boron-containing complexones contributes to the growth of plant yields, an increase in the quality of products, in terms of improving the physicochemical properties of flax fiber. The increase in the yield to control was: according to linen straw – 8.3–15.7% (3.2–6 c/ha), seeds – 38.4–56% (1.2–1.9 c/ha). The technical length of the straw was 8.5–10.4% higher in all experience variants compared to the control. At the same time the output of the bast, the strength, suitability and number of the linen straw have been increased. The increase in bast content ranged from 1.6 to 4.5%.

M. H. Furmanetc ◽  
Y. S. Furmanetc ◽  
V. V. Markarian

The results of research on the study of the influence of soil processing systems and fertilizer using co-product for sown clogs and the yield of agricultural plants in a short-growing crop rotation are given. The influence of soil processing systems and fertilizer using co-products for sown clogs and the yield of agricultural plants in a short-live crop rotation is investigated. It has been established that on dark gray soil use in crop rotation of unifituted soil treatment systems contributes to an increase in the level of sown clogging (barley of the corn on grain at 1.4–1.6, wheat winter of winter of winter in 1.4–1.8 times) Due to the accumulation of the main amount of weed seeds in the upper soil layer. The system of fertilizer with by-products at the beginning of the vegetation of plants stimulates the germination of weeds. On average, over the years of research, the abundance of weeds in cropping crops at the beginning of vegetation when using unifituted soil treatment systems was 213–362 pcs/m2, dismissal – 94–108 pcs/m2, and before harvesting was noted a decrease in clogging, respectively, 29–57 pcs/m2, 10–13 pcs/m2. The air-dry weight of the weeds of the highest was with surface soil processing using co-product fertilizer (81.3–85.4 g/m2) relatively with dumping soil treatment (21.7–23.3 g/m2). The highest grain grain of wheat winter – 6.91 and 6.50, corn – 11.47 and 11.74, barley of the yarn – 5.37 and 5.13 and the rape of winter – 3.08 and 3.19 t/ha received when Discalled by 20–22 cm and shallow 10–12 cm soil processing system. With a 6–8 cm surface, the yields of crops decreased by 1.45, 3.66, 1.69 and 0.31 t/ha correspond to plants. A significant reason for reducing plant yields in versions with unifituted soil treatment systems served as a clogging factor, because the level here was higher than when the soil processing.

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