late medieval england
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2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-468
David E. Thornton

This paper analyses the forenames and 'surnames' of over 600 monks associated with Cistercian abbeys in Wales between c .1300 and c.1540 in an attempt to determine what these names can reveal about the ethnic identities or identifications of their individual bearers and of their respective houses. The names are compared with those of white monks and other religious in England during the same period, as well as with naming patterns among the laity of contemporary Wales and England. The names of the brethren at different monasteries could vary significantly, and it is argued that this was a result partly of the stronger Welsh identity of the monks at certain Cistercian houses, but was also because the practice of adopting 'monastic bynames' – common at monasteries in late medieval England – was followed at some Welsh abbeys but not all.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-33
Jordan Claridge ◽  
Spike Gibbs

Abstract This article provides new insights into long-standing debates on lord-tenant relations in medieval England and how they were negotiated through the manorial court. We examine an institution, which we term the stray system, that facilitated cooperation between lords and tenants to manage stray livestock. Specifically, we argue that the stray system is a clear example of a public good. In this context, the system was a social benefit provided by lords to their tenants as a collective. In a world where most of the population was dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, any potential damage to a crop would have been of real concern. However, in managing the threat of wandering livestock, the property rights of owners had to be clearly protected to avoid disputes over ownership. The manorial court's management of strays provided an institution to resolve these countervailing pressures. Ultimately, that system helped to protect a community's arable land—the most vital source of income for lords and tenants alike—while simultaneously assuring the property rights of those who had lost important capital assets in the form of livestock.

Joshua S. Easterling

This book examines vernacular and Latin anchoritic writings in England (c.1170–1400) as these participated within late medieval negotiations between the distinct, and at times divergent, cultures of religious reform and spiritual charisma. It argues that admonitory (or regulatory), devotional, and hagiographic works composed for anchorites transmit, together with their intertexts, the urgent need within orthodox culture to manage the various and potentially unruly spiritualities so often associated with late medieval charismatics, including anchorites. So too, this study traces through the images of embodiment and angelic mediation a set of religious and cultural tensions around the efforts by religious (esp. clerical, monastic, and mendicant) elites to align individual and charismatic gifts (1 Cor. 12:8–11) with the widespread calls for obedience and submission to church authorities. This masculine suspicion of spiritual gifts was strategically framed within a discourse about (and in defence of) the clerical, Eucharistic, and ecclesial body, often in reaction against the increasingly acute threat of religious dissent. Related to these developments were the dominant narratives of corporate unity that marshaled images of angels—at once the messengers of charismatic power and the celestial associates of orthodox culture—as well as the Pauline text on angelic transfiguration (2 Cor. 11:14) to articulate major challenges at the level of institutional authority and spiritual power. Underwriting the fragile boundary between heresy and orthodoxy, mainstream figurations of charisma and the angelic image worked on behalf of a culture of reform and/as transformation in its efforts to secure the clerical and ecclesial body from corruption and falsification.

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