structural variants
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Н.Н. Ефремов

В статье рассматривается модель пространственных предложений якутского языка, которыми описываются отношения адлокации и директив - финиша. Подобные предложения формируются конструкциями, предикат которых выражается глаголами направленного движения, ориентированного относительно конечного пункта, а актант - локализатор обозначается синтетическими и аналитическими формами. Их типовая модель представлена тремя структурными вариантами: падежным, с послелогом диэки, с наречиями и именами. Варианты в соответствии с лексико - грамматическим характером глаголов движения, выступающих предикатами, а также имен и наречий, функционирующих в роли локализаторов, наделяются теми или иными семантическими модификациями. Падежный вариант представляется относительно большим числом модификаций в связи с их сочетаемостным потенциалом, что позволяет расценивать их как ядерные средства выражения анализируемых отношений. The article discusses the model of spatial sentences of the Yakut language, which describe the relation between adlocation and direction - finish. Such sentences are formed by constructions, the predicate of which is expressed by verbs of directional movement, oriented relative to the final point, and the localizing actant is designated by certain synthetic and analytical forms. Their typical model is represented by three structural variants: case, with postposition dieki, with adverbs and names. Variants in accordance with the lexical and grammatical nature of verbs of motion, acting as predicates, as well as names and adverbs, functioning as localizers, are endowed with one or another semantic modification. The case variant is represented by a relatively large number of modifications due to their collocational potential, which allows us to regard them as core means of expressing the analyzed relations.

2022 ◽  
Claire M&eacuterot ◽  
Kristina S R Stenl&oslashkk ◽  
Clare Venney ◽  
Martin Laporte ◽  
Michel Moser ◽  

The parallel evolution of nascent pairs of ecologically differentiated species offers an opportunity to get a better glimpse at the genetic architecture of speciation. Of particular interest is our recent ability to consider a wider range of genomic variants, not only single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), thanks to long-read sequencing technology. We can now identify structural variants (SVs) like insertions, deletions, and other structural rearrangements, allowing further insights into the genetic architecture of speciation and how different variants are involved in species differentiation. Here, we investigated genomic patterns of differentiation between sympatric species pairs (Dwarf and Normal) belonging to the Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) species complex. We assembled the first reference genomes for both Dwarf and Normal Lake Whitefish, annotated the transposable elements, and analysed the genome in the light of related coregonid species. Next, we used a combination of long-read and short-read sequencing to characterize SVs and genotype them at population-scale using genome-graph approaches, showing that SVs cover five times more of the genome than SNPs. We then integrated both SNPs and SVs to investigate the genetic architecture of species differentiation in two different lakes and highlighted an excess of shared outliers of differentiation. In particular, a large fraction of SVs differentiating the two species was driven by transposable elements (TEs), suggesting that TE accumulation during a period of allopatry predating secondary contact may have been a key process in the speciation of the Dwarf and Normal Whitefish. Altogether, our results suggest that SVs play an important role in speciation and that by combining second and third generation sequencing we now have the ability to integrate SVs into speciation genomics.

2022 ◽  
Linyi Zhang ◽  
Samridhi Chaturvedi ◽  
Chris Nice ◽  
Lauren Lucas ◽  
Zachariah Gompert

Structural variants (SVs) can promote speciation by directly causing reproductive isolation or by suppressing recombination across large genomic regions. Whereas examples of each mechanism have been documented, systematic tests of the role of SVs in speciation are lacking. Here, we take advantage of long-read (Oxford nanopore) whole-genome sequencing and a hybrid zone between two Lycaeides butterfly taxa (L. melissa and Jackson Hole Lycaeides) to comprehensively evaluate genome-wide patterns of introgression for SVs and relate these patterns to hypotheses about speciation. We found >100,000 SVs segregating within or between the two hybridizing species. SVs and SNPs exhibited similar levels of genetic differentiation between species, with the exception of inversions, which were more differentiated. We detected credible variation in patterns of introgression among SV loci in the hybrid zone, with 562 of 1419 ancestry-informative SVs exhibiting genomic clines that deviating from null expectations based on genome-average ancestry. Overall, hybrids exhibited a directional shift towards Jackson Hole Lycaeides ancestry at SV loci, consistent with the hypothesis that these loci experienced more selection on average then SNP loci. Surprisingly, we found that deletions, rather than inversions, showed the highest skew towards excess introgression from Jackson Hole Lycaeides. Excess Jackson Hole Lycaeides ancestry in hybrids was also especially pronounced for Z-linked SVs and inversions containing many genes. In conclusion, our results show that SVs are ubiquitous and suggest that SVs in general, but especially deletions, might contribute disproportionately to hybrid fitness and thus (partial) reproductive isolation.

Diagnostics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 207
Luke Mansard ◽  
Christel Vaché ◽  
Julie Bianchi ◽  
Corinne Baudoin ◽  
Isabelle Perthus ◽  

GSDME, also known as DFNA5, is a gene implicated in autosomal dominant nonsyndromic hearing loss (ADNSHL), affecting, at first, the high frequencies with a subsequent progression over all frequencies. To date, all the GSDME pathogenic variants associated with deafness lead to skipping of exon 8. In two families with apparent ADNSHL, massively parallel sequencing (MPS) integrating a coverage-based method for detection of copy number variations (CNVs) was applied, and it identified the first two causal GSDME structural variants affecting exon 8. The deleterious impact of the c.991-60_1095del variant, which includes the acceptor splice site sequence of exon 8, was confirmed by the study of the proband’s transcripts. The second mutational event is a complex rearrangement that deletes almost all of the exon 8 sequence. This study increases the mutational spectrum of the GSDME gene and highlights the crucial importance of MPS data for the detection of GSDME exon 8 deletions, even though the identification of a causal single-exon CNV by MPS analysis is still challenging.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
M. Gažiová ◽  
T. Sládeček ◽  
O. Pös ◽  
M. Števko ◽  
W. Krampl ◽  

AbstractCopy number variants (CNVs) play an important role in many biological processes, including the development of genetic diseases, making them attractive targets for genetic analyses. The interpretation of the effect of these structural variants is a challenging problem due to highly variable numbers of gene, regulatory, or other genomic elements affected by the CNV. This led to the demand for the interpretation tools that would relieve researchers, laboratory diagnosticians, genetic counselors, and clinical geneticists from the laborious process of annotation and classification of CNVs. We designed and validated a prediction method (ISV; Interpretation of Structural Variants) that is based on boosted trees which takes into account annotations of CNVs from several publicly available databases. The presented approach achieved more than 98% prediction accuracy on both copy number loss and copy number gain variants while also allowing CNVs being assigned “uncertain” significance in predictions. We believe that ISV’s prediction capability and explainability have a great potential to guide users to more precise interpretations and classifications of CNVs.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Matthew Halvorsen ◽  
Ruth Huh ◽  
Nikolay Oskolkov ◽  
Jia Wen ◽  
Sergiu Netotea ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ran Li ◽  
Mian Gong ◽  
Xinmiao Zhang ◽  
Fei Wang ◽  
Zhenyu Liu ◽  

Structural variations (SVs) are a major contributor of genetic diversity and phenotypic variations, however their prevalence and functions in domestic animals are largely unexplored. Here, we assembled 26 haplotype-resolved genome assemblies from 13 genetically diverse sheep breeds using PacBio HiFi sequencing. We then constructed an ovine graph pan-genome and demonstrated its advantage in discovering 142,593 biallelic SVs (Insertions and deletions), 7,028 divergent alleles and 13,419 multiallelic variations with high accuracy and sensitivity. To link the SVs to genotypes, we genotyped the SVs in 687 resequenced individuals of domestic and wild sheep using a graph-based approach and identified numerous population-stratified variants, of which expression-associated SVs were detected by integrating RNA-seq data. Taking the varying sheep tail morphology as example, we located a putative causative insertion in HOXB13 gene responsible for the long tail and reported multiple large SVs associated with the fat tail. Beyond generating a benchmark resource for ovine structural variants, our study also highlighted that the population genetics analysis based on graph pan-genome rather than reference genome will greatly benefit the animal genetic research.

2021 ◽  
Marsha M. Wheeler ◽  
Adrienne M Stilp ◽  
Shuquan Rao ◽  
Bjarni V Halldorsson ◽  
Doruk V Beyter ◽  

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified thousands of single nucleotide variants and small indels that contribute to the genetic architecture of hematologic traits. While structural variants (SVs) are known to cause rare blood or hematopoietic disorders, the genome-wide contribution of SVs to quantitative blood cell trait variation is unknown. Here we utilized SVs detected from whole genome sequencing (WGS) in ancestrally diverse participants of the NHLBI TOPMed program (N=50,675). Using single variant tests, we assessed the association of common and rare SVs with red cell-, white cell-, and platelet-related quantitative traits. The results show 33 independent SVs (23 common and 10 rare) reaching genome-wide significance. The majority of significant association signals (N=27) replicated in independent datasets from deCODE genetics and the UK BioBank. Moreover, most trait-associated SVs (N=24) are within 1Mb of previously-reported GWAS loci. SV analyses additionally discovered an association between a complex structural variant on 17p11.2 and white blood cell-related phenotypes. Based on functional annotation, the majority of significant SVs are located in non-coding regions (N=26) and predicted to impact regulatory elements and/or local chromatin domain boundaries in blood cells. We predict that several trait-associated SVs represent the causal variant. This is supported by genome-editing experiments which provide evidence that a deletion associated with lower monocyte counts leads to disruption of an S1PR3 monocyte enhancer and decreased S1PR3 expression.

Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 374 (6574) ◽  
Jouni Sirén ◽  
Jean Monlong ◽  
Xian Chang ◽  
Adam M. Novak ◽  
Jordan M. Eizenga ◽  

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