visual analogue pain score
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Ömer Faruk Kümbüloğlu ◽  
Necmi Cam ◽  
Hacı Mustafa Özdemir

Abstract Background Surgical treatment options for symptomatic ulnar styloid base nonunion can be divided into two groups: styloid excision and styloid fixation methods. Styloid fixation is commonly performed using tension band wiring or distal ulna hook plate. However, these methods are more suitable for large styloids than small ones. For this reason, fixation of small styloids still remains a problem. Purpose To present the surgical details and results of patients operated using the buttress plate technique, due to the symptomatic ulnar styloid base nonunion. Patients and Methods In this study, 11 patients who underwent surgery for symptomatic ulnar styloid base nonunion using buttress plate technique were evaluated retrospectively. The patients were evaluated with the help of forearm and wrist range of motion, grip strength, disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (DASH) score and visual analogue pain score. Results The mean follow-up period was 15 months (range: 13–21 months). Union was achieved in 10 patients. At the final follow-up, the forearm supination and pronation active range of motions were significantly higher than those in the preoperative period, the visual analogue pain score mean value was 0.7 (range: 0–5), and the DASH score mean value was 7 (range: 1–32). Conclusion We conclude that good results can be achieved with the buttress plate technique in patients with both large and small fragmented ulnar styloid base nonunions and no distal radioulnar joint instability. Level of Evidence This is a Level IV, therapeutic study.

Christian Zanza ◽  
Yaroslava Longhitano ◽  
Edwin Lin ◽  
Jerry Luo ◽  
Marco Artico ◽  

Background: Severe postoperative pain is principally managed by opioids. While effective, opioids do not provide adequate relief in many patients and cause many side effects including antinociceptive tolerance and opioid-induced hyperalgesia. To evaluate if a combination of intravenous Magnesium, Lidocaine, Ketorolac (MLK cocktail) is a useful rescue therapy through synergistic pharmacological mechanisms for acute pain relief. We present the intravenous combination of magnesium, lidocaine, and ketorolac (MLK cocktail) as a possible rescue for opioid insensitive severe postoperative pain. Materials and Methods: The principal settings were the post-operative care unit (PACU) and the surgical ward. We retrospectively analyzed the electronic medical record and anesthesia documents of 14 patients experiencing severe postoperative pain, >7/10 visual-analogue pain score (VAS), despite receiving at least 8 mg of intravenous morphine milligram equivalents (MME) after arrival in the LAC+USC Medical Center PACU between September 2012 and January 2013. The data reviewed included patients’ demographics, disease etiology, surgical procedure, opioids received perioperatively, and visual-analogue pain scores before and after each analgesic received, and after the MLK cocktail. The a priori primary outcome and a posteriori secondary outcome of this study is mean visual-analogue pain score and morphine milligram equivalent dose administered per hour, respectively. The main tool evaluated has been VAS score. Results: In patients who failed to respond to opioid analgesics, administration of the MLK cocktail improved the VAS pain scores immediately from 9.4 ± 1.0 to 3.6 ± 3.5. The MLK cocktail also decreased the MME doses/hour in the immediate 12 hours postoperative period from 12.4 ± 5.6 to 1.1 ± 0.9. Conclusions: In patients experiencing opioid-resistant severe postoperative pain, the magnesium, lidocaine, and ketorolac combination may be an effective non opioid rescue therapy. Additionally, magnesium, lidocaine, and ketorolac may be utilized in cases complicated by either antinociceptive tolerance or opioid-induced hyperalgesia, and can restore opioid responsiveness.

2020 ◽  
pp. 021849232096501
Mohammed A Hegazy ◽  
Gehad Awad ◽  
Amr Abdellatif ◽  
Mohamed Elshabrawy Saleh ◽  
Mohammed Sanad

Background Paravertebral block can be performed with the aid of surgical landmarks, ultrasound, or a thoracoscope. This study was designed to compare ultrasound-guided paravertebral block with the thoracoscopic technique. Methods This prospective randomized comparative study included 40 adults scheduled for elective thoracic surgery. Study participants were randomized to an ultrasound group or a thoracoscope group. A catheter for paravertebral block was inserted prior to thoracotomy with real-time ultrasound visualization in the ultrasound group, and under thoracoscopic guidance in the thoracoscope group. Total analgesic consumption, visual analogue pain score, technical difficulties, and complications were compared between the 2 groups. Results Total analgesic consumption in the first 24 hours was less in the ultrasound group than in the thoracoscope group (rescue intravenous fentanyl 121.25 ± 64.01 µg in the ultrasound group vs. 178.75 ± 91.36 µg in the thoracoscope group; p = 0.027). Total paravertebral bupivacaine consumption was 376.00 ± 33.779 mg in the ultrasound group and 471.50 ± 64.341 mg in the thoracoscope group ( p < 0.001). Technical difficulties and complications in terms of time consumed during the maneuver, more than one needle pass, and pleural puncture were significantly lower in the ultrasound group than in the thoracoscope group. Conclusion Ultrasound-guided paravertebral catheter insertion is more effective, technically easier, and safer than the thoracoscope-assisted technique.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-246 ◽  
Gaurav Raj Dhakal ◽  
Pawan Kumar Hamal ◽  
Siddhartha Dhungana ◽  
Yoshiharu Kawaguchi

Background: Selective Nerve Root Block using steroid is a proven technique for management of lumbar radiculopathy. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of selective nerve root block in lumbar radiculopathy.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted for duration of one year in patients diagnosed with lumbar radiculopathy. Patients with leg pain, positive straight leg raising test and single level disc prolapse were included in the study. The procedure was performed under fluoroscopic guidance and Visual Analogue Pain rating scale and Oswestry Disability Index score was used for assessment pre-injection, 1 week, 1 month, 6 months and 1-year post injection.Results: Total 35 patient with mean age of 37.7± 9.31 years were included in the study. The pre-injection Visual Analogue Pain Score(Mean ± S.D:7.8±0.7) was significantly reduced at one week (4.2±1.47, p <0.00001), one month (2.74±1.06, p <0.00001), six months (2.31±0.75, p <0.00001) and one year (2.62±0.84, p <0.00001). Similarly, pre-injection Oswestry Disability Index score (Mean ± S.D: 32.09±5.95) was significantly reduced at one week (19.51±7.26, p <0.00001), one month (12.71±4.56, p <0.00001), six months (9.8±2.87, p <0.00001) and one year (10.09±2.97, p <0.00001) but not significantly improved when compared at 6 months and 1 year (p < 0.44).Conclusions: Selective Nerve Root Block in lumbar radiculopathy significantly reduces Visual Analogue Pain Score up to a year, however, the reduction in pain plateaus around six months.Disability index score only reduces for first 6 months but doesn’t significantly reduce from six months to one year.Keywords: Lumbar; radiculopathy; selective nerve root block; steroid.

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-208
Filipe Rodrigues Duarte ◽  
António Manuel Santos Nogueira de Sousa ◽  
Frederico José Antunes Raposo ◽  
Luís Filipe Almeida Valente ◽  
António Moura Gonçalves ◽  

OBJETIVO: O tratamento cirúrgico da espondilolistese degenerativa (ED) apresenta vantagens quando comparado com o tratamento conservador. As técnicas cirúrgicas evoluíram no sentido de optimizar a fixação vertebral após descompressão, com o intuito de aumentar a taxa de artrodese. A fixação pedicular associada à fusão intersomática permite aumentar a área de contacto ósseo e assim a taxa de fusão, mas serão os resultados clínicos e funcionais superiores? MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo incluindo 51 indivíduos (idade média de 61,2 anos) submetidos a artrodese posterolateral (APL) (19) e artrodese circunferencial (360º) (32) de 1996 até 2009 com acompanhamento médio de 5,8 anos (2 a 14 anos). Incluídas apenas descompressões de um nível. Avaliação clínica (VAS - Visual Analogue Pain Score), satisfação global e avaliação funcional (Oswestry disability Index modificado). Cálculo do IMC (índice de massa corporal) - avaliação clínica e funcional IMC ≥30 vs IMC <30. Estudo estatístico com SPSS®. RESULTADOS: Os resultados mostram franca melhoria clínica e funcional no tratamento cirúrgico da espondilolistese degenerativa, independentemente das técnicas estudadas. A taxa de satisfação é igualmente elevada. No confronto entre as duas técnicas de fixação não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Relativamente ao IMC, os pacientes não obesos tiveram melhores resultados clínicos (p<0,05), não havendo diferenças relativas à função entre os dois grupos. CONCLUSÃO: A descompressão seguida de instrumentação vertebral é um tratamento eficaz para os pacientes com espondilolistese degenerativa. A técnica de artrodese utilizada não influencia os resultados clínicos e funcionais

2002 ◽  
Vol 89 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-115 ◽  
W. Schwenk ◽  
J. W. Mall ◽  
J. Neudecker ◽  
J. M. Müller

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