derivative expansion
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2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (6) ◽  
Gonzalo De Polsi ◽  
Guzmán Hernández-Chifflet ◽  
Nicolás Wschebor

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Benjamin Knorr

We present a general framework to systematically study the derivative expansion of asymptotically safe quantum gravity. It is based on an exact decoupling and cancellation of different modes in the Landau limit, and implements a correct mode count as well as a regularisation based on geometrical considerations. It is applicable independent of the truncation order. To illustrate the power of the framework, we discuss the quartic order of the derivative expansion and its fixed point structure as well as physical implications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (9) ◽  
Marieke Postma

Abstract In the vev insertion approximation (VIA) the spacetime dependent part of the mass matrix is treated as a perturbation. We calculate the source terms for baryogenesis expanding both the self-energy and propagator to first order in mass insertions, which gives the same results as the usual approach of calculating the self-energy at second order and using zeroth order propagators. This procedure shows explicitly the equivalence between including the mass in the free or in the interaction Lagrangian. The VIA source then originates from the same term in the kinetic equation as the semi-classical source, but at leading order in the derivative expansion (the expansion in diamond operators). On top, another type of derivative expansion is done, which we estimate to be valid for a bubble width larger than the inverse thermal width. This cuts off the divergence in the VIA source in the limit that the thermal width vanishes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Laurentiu Rodina ◽  
Zhewei Yin

Abstract We generalize soft theorems of the nonlinear sigma model beyond the $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p2) amplitudes and the coset of SU(N) × SU(N)/SU(N). We first discuss the universal flavor ordering of the amplitudes for the Nambu-Goldstone bosons, so that we can reinterpret the known $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p2) single soft theorem for SU(N) × SU(N)/SU(N) in the context of a general symmetry group representation. We then investigate the special case of the fundamental representation of SO(N), where a special flavor ordering of the “pair basis” is available. We provide novel amplitude relations and a Cachazo-He-Yuan formula for such a basis, and derive the corresponding single soft theorem. Next, we extend the single soft theorem for a general group representation to $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p4), where for at least two specific choices of the $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p4) operators, the leading non-vanishing pieces can be interpreted as new extended theory amplitudes involving bi-adjoint scalars, and the corresponding soft factors are the same as at $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p2). Finally, we compute the general formula for the double soft theorem, valid to all derivative orders, where the leading part in the soft momenta is fixed by the $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p2) Lagrangian, while any possible corrections to the subleading part are determined by the $$ \mathcal{O} $$ O (p4) Lagrangian alone. Higher order terms in the derivative expansion do not contribute any new corrections to the double soft theorem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Pablo A. Cano ◽  
Ángel Murcia

Abstract We investigate higher-derivative extensions of Einstein-Maxwell theory that are invariant under electromagnetic duality rotations, allowing for non-minimal couplings between gravity and the gauge field. Working in a derivative expansion of the action, we characterize the Lagrangians giving rise to duality-invariant theories up to the eight-derivative level, providing the complete list of operators that one needs to include in the action. We also characterize the set of duality-invariant theories whose action is quadratic in the Maxwell field strength but which are non-minimally coupled to the curvature. Then we explore the effect of field redefinitions and we show that, to six derivatives, the most general duality-preserving theory can be mapped to Maxwell theory minimally coupled to a higher-derivative gravity containing only four non-topological higher-order operators. We conjecture that this is a general phenomenon at all orders, i.e., that any duality-invariant extension of Einstein-Maxwell theory is perturbatively equivalent to a higher-derivative gravity minimally coupled to Maxwell theory. Finally, we study charged black hole solutions in the six-derivative theory and we investigate additional constraints on the couplings motivated by the weak gravity conjecture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
Andrzej Chlebicki ◽  
Pawel Jakubczyk

We employ the functional renormalization group framework at the second order in the derivative expansion to study the O(N)O(N) models continuously varying the number of field components NN and the spatial dimensionality dd. We in particular address the Cardy-Hamber prediction concerning nonanalytical behavior of the critical exponents \nuν and \etaη across a line in the (d,N)(d,N) plane, which passes through the point (2,2)(2,2). By direct numerical evaluation of \eta(d,N)η(d,N) and \nu^{-1}(d,N)ν−1(d,N) as well as analysis of the functional fixed-point profiles, we find clear indications of this line in the form of a crossover between two regimes in the (d,N)(d,N) plane, however no evidence of discontinuous or singular first and second derivatives of these functions for d>2d>2. The computed derivatives of \eta(d,N)η(d,N) and \nu^{-1}(d,N)ν−1(d,N) become increasingly large for d\to 2d→2 and N\to 2N→2 and it is only in this limit that \eta(d,N)η(d,N) and \nu^{-1}(d,N)ν−1(d,N) as obtained by us are evidently nonanalytical. By scanning the dependence of the subleading eigenvalue of the RG transformation on NN for d>2d>2 we find no indication of its vanishing as anticipated by the Cardy-Hamber scenario. For dimensionality dd approaching 3 there are no signatures of the Cardy-Hamber line even as a crossover and its existence in the form of a nonanalyticity of the anticipated form is excluded.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
Timothy Cohen ◽  
Xiaochuan Lu ◽  
Zhengkang Zhang

This paper presents STrEAM (SuperTrace Evaluation Automated for Matching), a Mathematica package that calculates all functional supertraces which arise when matching a generic UV model onto a relativistic Effective Field Theory (EFT) at one loop and to arbitrary order in the heavy mass expansion. STrEAM implements the covariant derivative expansion to automate the most tedious step of the streamlined functional matching prescription presented in Ref. [1]. The code and an example notebook are available at this link.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Yanyan Bu ◽  
Tuna Demircik ◽  
Michael Lublinsky

Abstract An effective action for diffusion of a conserved U(1) charge is derived to all orders in the derivative expansion within a holographic model dual to the Schwinger-Keldysh closed time path. A systematic approach to solution of the 5D Maxwell equations in a doubled Schwarzschild-AdS5 black brane geometry is developed. Constitutive relation for the stochastic charge current is shown to have a term induced by thermal fluctuations (coloured noise). All transport coefficient functions parameterising the effective action and constitutive relations are computed analytically in the hydrodynamic expansion, and then numerically for finite momenta.

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