charity organization
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Д.А. Бистяйкина ◽  
Е.Н. Касаркина ◽  
Т.В. Соловьева

Актуальность статьи обусловлена проблемой теневой благотворительности ставшей достаточно распространенным явлением и серьезной проблемой для легальных некоммерческих и благотворительных организаций. Цель статьи заключается в изучении предпосылок теневой благотворительности и разработки рекомендаций к решению проблемы неформальной экономики, находящейся вне государственного контроля. Авторами с помощью SWOT-анализа осуществлен комплексный подход к рациональному анализу благотворительной деятельности, комплексу мер и мероприятий, направленных на управление процессом поступления пожертвований путем изучения сильных и слабых сторон организации благотворительности, а также внешних возможностей и угроз организации теневой и легальной благотворительной деятельности. Раскрыты характеристика и стереотипы теневой благотворительности в условиях современной социокультуры. Классифицированы факторы, детерминирующие включение благотворительной деятельности в социальную работу. Предложены рекомендации к решению проблемы теневой благотворительности в современном российском обществе. Обоснованы стереотипы благотворительной деятельности и их актуальность в современной России. Статья предназначена для специалистов сферы социального обслуживания, здравоохранения, экономики, образования, исследователей, студентов. The relevance of the article is due to the problem of shadow charity, which has become a fairly common phenomenon and a serious problem for legal non-profit and charitable organizations. The purpose of the article is to study the prerequisites of shadow charity and develop recommendations for solving the problem of the informal economy that is outside of state control. The authors, using SWOT analysis, implemented a comprehensive approach to the rational analysis of charitable activities, a set of measures and measures aimed at managing the process of receiving donations by studying the strengths and weaknesses of the charity organization, as well as external opportunities and threats to the organization of shadow and legal charitable activities. The characteristics and stereotypes of shadow charity in the conditions of modern socioculture are revealed. The factors determining the inclusion of charitable activities in social work are classified. Recommendations for solving the problem of shadow charity in modern Russian society are proposed, stereotypes of charitable activity and their relevance in modern Russia are substantiated. The article is intended for specialists in the field of social services, healthcare, economics, education, researchers, students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 20-40
Pablo Aurélio Lacerda de Almeida Pinto ◽  
Laisse Nogueira de Sá Sá ◽  
Bruno Nunes Guedes ◽  
Fagner José Coutinho de Melo

Objective: This study aims to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) at a charity in Salgueiro, Brazil, in order to support the design of public policies that improve the quality of life. life. Method: Methodologically, it is a descriptive quantitative study, with a prospective transversal cohort approach. The instrument used was the Health Utilities Index (HUI), in which patients on hemodialysis self-evaluated and had their health status assessed by the responsible physicians. Theoretical basis: There are few studies evaluating the impact of medical treatment on the HRQoL of patients in Brazil, mainly in relation to CKD. In this way, this study was based on several works that approach the subject, such as Romão Junior (2004), Furlong et al. (2001), Rodrigues (2011), Del Nero (2002), Sesso et al. (2016), Carvalho (2012) and Melo et al. (2000). Results: The results showed that the majority of patients and doctors considered that the treatment impaired health-related quality of life. Conclusions/contributions: The results of the research suggest that managers of basic public health policies can launch measures that aim to make the community aware of the problems that most cause CKD, such as hypertension and diabetes.

Geetha S ◽  
Guganathan M ◽  
Giridharan G ◽  
Umashankar V ◽  
Samuel G ◽  

Tamilnad Kidney Research Foundation (TANKER Foundation) which was established in 1993 to support kidney disease related care to underprivileged people. It has now eleven dialysis units in the state of Tamilnadu, India. COVID-19 pandemic has put enormous challenges for the dialysis staff. Here we describe how we face the challenges from March 2020 till now without interrupting or closing down the dialysis units. The no of dialysis staff who have got infected are 21% which required only home quarantine and symptomatic remedies. Our experience can be emulated by other charity organization which provide kidney care.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 239
Scott R. Beck

Based on an ethnographic study of a Christian charity in Taipei, Taiwan, this paper examines how the mixing of “orders of worth” (Boltanski and Thevenot) is negotiated among charity workers and homeless people in the field setting. The organization, Grace Home Church, has two official goals: (1) to glorify God; (2) to assist homeless people. This mix of sacred and secular purposes often produces tensions, with the fundamental tension being between what the charity seeks to provide (salvation) versus what the homeless commonly want to be provided (food). As an analytic tool, I utilize Boltanski and Thevenot’s framework to link emergent tensions with broader social forces, such as neoliberalism, the welfare state, and religion. I will argue that charity workers as well as homeless individuals who have accepted Christianity attempt to separate the market and inspired orders through signifying practices that maintain a symbolic order, thereby justifying a sacred mission (for the charity organization) and self-worth (for the homeless).

O.I. Zozuliak ◽  
Yu.I. Paruta

The article deals with studying the legislation of individual countries on the legal status of non-entrepreneurial legal entities. It is stated that in international practice there is no single term that would describe all non-entrepreneurial legal entities. Typically, several terms are used, such as non-for-profit orgnisation, non­governmental organization, charity organization, private voluntary organization, civil social organization. In the scientific work authors analyzed the documents that are common to the whole European community and individual countries. The main features of non­entrepreneurial legal entities according to European standards are outlined. Among them: the main goal can not be making a profit, and in the case of making a profit it is aimed at achieving the goals for which the organization was created, non­entrepreneurial legal entities with legal personality acquire the same rights as other legal entities, the possibility of creating member organizations and organizations without membership. It is noted that the division of non-entrepreneurial legal entities on the basis of the system is the fundamental in Poland. That is why non­entrepreneurial legal entities in Poland are divided into companies and foundations. German law provides the creation of not only companies and foundations, but also associations that may not be intended for business purposes. The scientific work studies not only the provisions of legislative acts, but also the scientific developments of domestic and foreign scientists. In particular, doctrinal approaches to non-entrepreneurial legal entities in Germany, Japan, England and Wales were studied. It is concluded that it is not possible to accept the legal model of a non­entrepreneurial legal entity of a certain country and introduce it into national legislation, because each country has its own peculiarities.

D. I. Abibullayeva

The article is devoted to the formation and development of charitable organizations of the Crimean Tatar people, whose main tasks were to combat poverty and illiteracy among the Muslim population in the Crimea in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. The leading role of representatives of the Crimean Tatar intelligentsia in the development of charity is considered, with the help of which issues of an educational social and humanitarian nature, problems in the development of education and culture were solved. During the next meeting of the Tauride nobles in 1893, the well-known public and political figure Ismail Mufti-zade, the idea of the need for the Crimean Muslims to organize a charitable organization was presented. For this purpose, at the same time, 150 rubles were collected between the murzas, which served as the basis of capital. Ismail Mufti-zade drew up the «Charter of the Crimean Charitable Society in Simferopol for helping the Crimean Tatars in need», which was reviewed and signed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 24, 1896. Crimean Charitable Society of Muslims in Moscow In Simferopol, «Dzhemiet Khayrie» was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Reports of the activities of the charity society after review and approval were sent to all the members of the society, and through the Taurida Governor and Trustee of the Odessa school district, was presented at the interior Ministry and the Ministry of national education. The charity society had its own seal and had the right to acquire and sell its own property on the grounds stipulated by law. According to the «Charter», the purpose of the society was to work in two main directions: social charity and charity education. In the first direction, the Society took care and helped the elderly and sick people from among the Crimean Tatars who were unable to work, and provided them with real material assistance. Russian Russian-Tatar schools, Russian classes at the existing mekteb and madrasahs, and placement of orphans and the poorest children in vocational schools were opened with the proper permission of the charity organization of the Crimean Tatars in the second direction. According to the «Charter», members of this society could be persons of both sexes, of all classes and ranks, except for underage students who were tainted by the court. The members of the society were divided into several categories: honorary members, full members of the society. The activities of the Muslim charity society in Simferopol are reflected in the reports of general meetings of different cities, which consider the positive aspects and shortcomings in the work of the society. At the beginning of the XX century. Charitable societies of Crimean Tatars were established in other cities of the Crimea: Yalta, Bakhchisarai, Kerch, Yevpatoria, Karasubazar, whose activities were aimed at solving social and humanitarian educational problems. With the beginning of the First World War, the financial situation of the Society deteriorated significantly, however, the needy Crimean Tatars continued to help receive financial assistance until 1920. With the establishment of Soviet power in the Crimea, charitable societies ceased to exist. The history of the creation and development of Muslim charitable societies in the Crimea is worthy of deep scientific research.

Alexandre Cunha ◽  
Fernando Almeida

Nonprofit organizations are constantly challenged to find new ways of finding new donors and sources of funding for their solidarity actions. The traumatic events that occurred in the summer of 2017 in Portugal that caused more than 100 deaths consumed by the fires caused these organizations to have difficulties in coordinating the whole wave of solidarity generated in the community. In this sense, this study has developed a technological platform based exclusively on free technologies that allowed these entities to receive donations and manage this whole process. The application developed enables the reception of anonymous donations and monitoring the status of each donation. Furthermore, several requirements in terms of compatibility with mobile devices, usability, security, and privacy were implemented in the platform.

Eva Randell ◽  
Fatumo Osman

Abstract Intending to support the cultural integration of unaccompanied refugee minors into the Swedish society, the Save the Children charity organization arranged meeting places in 2018 in four municipalities in Sweden. The mentors for the activities at these meeting places were recruited among former refugees who themselves had arrived in Sweden as unaccompanied minors. The study aimed to explore the experiences of being a mentor offering peer support to unaccompanied minor refugees at the meeting places. In this study, four semi-structured group interviews were conducted at the meeting places with 14 mentors, also former refugees. Data were analysed using thematic network analysis. Although the respondents expressed frustration concerning the Swedish migration politics, they all perceived the helping role as of utmost importance and connected this to positive emotions. The study highlights the unique contributions of peer support to the integration process of refugee minors by mentors providing social support, sharing experience-based knowledge and helping minors to navigate an often confusing and complex welfare system.

2020 ◽  
Julian Ganter ◽  
Domagoj Damjanovic ◽  
Georg Trummer ◽  
Hans-Jörg Busch ◽  
Klemens Baldas ◽  

Abstract Background: Smartphone Alerting Systems (SAS) potentially reduce the resuscitation-free interval. Many of these systems invite lay persons, who a have been trained in Basic Life Support (BLS). The Freiburg alert system Region of Lifesavers (Region der Lebensretter, RDL) only registers first responders with a professional background (i.e. paramedics, nurses, physicians, medical students) and volunteers with at least 48 units training in emergency medicine. Here we describe the evolution of the RDL system during the pandemic.Methods: Due to a lack of personal protective equipment (PPE), the alert system had been stopped at the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic on March 16th, 2020.The board of the charity organization operating RDL decided to design a concept for a safe restart. Following the raise of 34,000 Euros of private funds, 1,000 backpacks were equipped with FFP-2 mask, gloves, protective gown, safety glasses, mouth-nose protection, airway filter and ventilation bag/mask. Furthermore, the algorithm for first responders was adapted according to the ERC COVID guidelines. An online survey regarding volunteers’ willingness to help under different protective measures before, during and after the pandemic was conducted.Results: The system was restarted on May 26th, 2020. The number of volunteers newly registering for the system remained unchanged between 10 – 71 per month after restart of the system. The proportions of alarms with at least one first responder accepting among all activations of the system remained at approximately 50%, assuming that the volunteers being equipped with PPE felt safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was also confirmed by the results of the survey.Conclusions: During the ongoing pandemic, it is important to keep well-established first responder systems active, which can shorten the resuscitation-free interval. When PPE is provided for first responders, the readiness of the volunteers to remain active in the SAS is high.

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