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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 476-502
Yayan Sopyan

As one of the countries that ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990 which was subsequently promulgated into the Child Protection Act, Indonesia is still unsuccessful in protecting children. This mainly occurs in the context of protection illegal migrant workers’ children who were born in the country where their parents work. In Sarawak, Malaysia, for instance, there are 43,445 stateless children. This study aims to portray the stateless children in Sarawak, Malaysia, and the efforts of the Indonesian government to protect their right to access justice. This research is normative-qualitative with observations and in-depth interviews with consultant general staff and Indonesian volunteers In Sarawak as one of the main research methods. The results of this study indicate that stateless condition makes it possible for the children to get other rights, such as education. Meanwhile, the Indonesian government has already made regulations and efforts to provide access to basic human rights for children of stateless migrant workers, including itsbat nikah abroad to legalize unregistered marriage among workers. However, it has not been fully successful because the problems are so complex that it needs to involve several parties, especially the Malaysian government, and plantation owners as employers of the migrant workers. Likewise, harder and more coordinated efforts are also needed to fulfill their citizenship right. (Sebagai salah satu negara yang meratifikasi Konvensi PBB tentang Hak Anak pada 1990 dan kemudian dikristalkan menjadi Undang-undang Perlidungan Anak, Indonesia ternyata belum sepenuhnya berhasil melindungi hak-hak anak. Ini utamanya berlaku dalam konteks perlindungan terhadap anak para buruh migran yang lahir dan tinggal di negara tempat orang tuanya bekerja. Di Sarawak, Malaysia, ada 43.445 anak-anak tanpa kewarganegaraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memotret kondisi anak buruh migran ilegal tanpa kewarganegaraan di Serawak, Malaysia, serta menjelaskan upaya pemerintah Indonesia untuk melindungi hak-hak mereka. Penelitian ini bersifat normatif-kualitatif dengan observasi dan wawancara mendalam kepada pegawai Konsulat Jenderal dan relawan Indonesia sebagai salah satu metode penggalian data utamanya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status tanpa kewarganegaraan menghalangi anak-anak tersebut mengakses hak-haknya yang lain, semisal pendidikan. Sementara itu, pemerintah Indonesia sudah memiliki beberapa aturan tertulis dan berupaya memberikan akses keadilan bagi anak para buruh migran tersebut, termasuk melalui program itsbat nikah di luar negeri. Namun demikian, situasi belum sepenuhnya terkendali karena permasalahan yang begitu kompleks dan mengharuskan keterlibatan banyak pihak, utamanya pemerintah Malaysia dan para pemilik perkebunan. Perlu juga dilakukan upaya yang lebih keras dan terkordinasi agar hak-hak tersebut dapat terpenuhi.)

O. Surkov ◽  
A. Lobanov

Based on the results of the study, a scientific and applied problem was formulated, a hypothesis (multifactorial) was advanced, and partial scientific tasks were identified to develop a holistic methodology for strategic planning of the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on capabilities. The relevance of the study is due to the emergence of new problems in the field of defense and military development, a decrease in the objectivity of strategic decision-making in determining and adjusting the development strategy of the Armed Forces in the long term, and the effectiveness of strategic planning for the development of the Armed Forces as a whole through the introduction of capabilities-based planning methodology in the defense forces. The requirements of modern regulatory legal acts of Ukraine regarding the introduction of planning based on the capabilities, functions of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the tasks of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Defense Review (a temporary subsidiary body of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine) are analyzed. The reasons for the emergence of problems in the construction and development of the Armed Forces are investigated, as well as contradictions in the definition and adjustment of the strategy for the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces for the long term are revealed. The strategic planning of the development of the Armed Forces and defense planning are differentiated according to the goal, results and responsibility between the subjects of planning. The scientific and applied problem lies in the need to develop a concept of strategic planning for the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine based on the capabilities, a set of special methods, techniques and approaches to determine and adjust the strategy for the development of the capabilities of the Armed Forces in the long term. A research hypothesis (multifactorial) about the conditions for achieving the effectiveness of strategic planning for the development of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the basis of capabilities is put forward and partial scientific tasks are identified, which will be devoted to further research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (10) ◽  
pp. 77
Siwatt Pongpiachan ◽  
Thunyanee Pothisarn ◽  
Ketkanda Jaturongkachoke

Previous studies highlighted the importance of soft indicators (e.g., quantitative sociological survey) influencing citizen satisfaction towards municipal service quality. Citizen satisfaction assessments have raised concerns over numerous independent parameters such as gender, age, and education on satisfaction levels toward administrative performance. It is also crucial to underline that the application of sociological survey for improving service quality is not well understood by municipal officers or scholars. To obtain substantial combined multiple indicators of service quality, it seems rationale to reconnoitre numerous parameters of citizen satisfaction and quantitatively investigate impacts of independent variables (e.g., gender, age, education) on corresponding satisfaction levels by using some advanced statistical tools. In this sociological assessment, a targeted population was constructed of Bangkok Metropolitan administration (BMA) stakeholders (n = 38,500), which are as follows: -       Bangkok residents in 50 districts under the governance of BMA -       Board committee, executive directors and general staff of 27 BMA offices This multiple dimensional analysis sociological survey data indicates that gender, age, and education play some important roles in governing municipal citizen satisfaction levels. Overall, the knowledge of relationship between citizen satisfaction levels and independent parameters can enhance the service quality of municipal administration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 65-76
Albert Seaton

Vanda Wilcox

From the period of neutrality onwards, Italy mobilized a mass conscript army which drew on Italians from around the peninsula as well as emigrants overseas, though after much debate colonial troops were not brought to Italy. Despite the lack of widespread war enthusiasm, most men within Italy complied with the draft, and the army was soon able to deploy over a million men at the front. For emigrants, the decision to return and fight was complex yet many did so. Fighting was concentrated along the Italo-Austrian border, where chief of general staff Cadorna hoped to break through Austrian defences. The tactical difficulties of trench warfare combined with difficult terrain led to strategic immobility along this front, with eleven battles fought along the river Isonzo. In 1917 a joint Austro-German attack at Caporetto achieved a major victory but Italy was able to recover and defend itself successfully, with Allied support, before eventually returning to the offensive in 1918.

Zezva Naveriani ◽  
Irakli Buishvili ◽  

The priorities of military science, particularly military engineering organization and its structure against the background of today’s threats and challenges, the role of military sciences on the different stages of the development of defense capabilities of the country are crucial. The main attention is focused on the development of engineering structures and subdivisions that should ensure the growth of the country’s defense capabilities and engineering potential based on the principles of total defense. The military engineering organization will be put into operation in the total defense scheme and will ensure the creation of a unified engineering system of the country. An idea of engineering headquarter means that it will be the part of the General Staff of the Defense Forces and ensures the improvement of management and control of engineering operations, as well as management and preparation of infrastructural projects to increase engineering capabilities. There is given comparison and balance concerning engineering functions and levels of operations in every stage of warfare. The structures of engineering subdivisions that should be put into operation to improve engineering capabilities to perform engineering operations on strategic, operational and tactical levels are also discussed.

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