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Quantum ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 615 ◽  
Marco Merkli

We develop a framework to analyze the dynamics of a finite-dimensional quantum system S in contact with a reservoir R. The full, interacting SR dynamics is unitary. The reservoir has a stationary state but otherwise dissipative dynamics. We identify a main part of the full dynamics, which approximates it for small values of the SR coupling constant, uniformly for all times t≥0. The main part consists of explicit oscillating and decaying parts. We show that the reduced system evolution is Markovian for all times. The technical novelty is a detailed analysis of the link between the dynamics and the spectral properties of the generator of the SR dynamics, based on Mourre theory. We allow for SR interactions with little regularity, meaning that the decay of the reservoir correlation function only needs to be polynomial in time, improving on the previously required exponential decay.In this work we distill the structural and technical ingredients causing the characteristic features of oscillation and decay of the SR dynamics. In the companion paper [27] we apply the formalism to the concrete case of an N-level system linearly coupled to a spatially infinitely extended thermal bath of non-interacting Bosons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-85
Amiroel Oemara Syarief ◽  

This study aims to provide guidance to religious court judges with their authority in deciding the heirs who are entitled to a mandatory will. So far, mandatory wills are only given to children and adoptive parents, but in its development, mandatory wills can be given to other parties other than adopted children and adoptive parents, including non-Muslim heirs. The method in this study is a normative juridical method. The results of the study explain that the mandatory will is regulated in the Compilation of Islamic Law where the rules are not clearly regulated by the KHI. To resolve the issue of mandatory wills, judges are authorized by law to resolve cases that enter the judiciary by making legal discoveries of cases that do not yet have permanent legal force, such as by carrying out historical understanding seen in a concrete case in which case the case already has regulations. legally binding, but the regulation must be interpreted in its implementation. Interpretation is tried by studying the origin of the formation of a legal decision, including the origin of its provisions or the origin of the formation of laws. Then it is done by means of a sociological understanding that prioritizes the interests of the purpose of a regulation through a concrete event in the related official regulations. In practice, judges can interpret unclear provisions based on community demands, as well as laws and regulations that are synchronized with social ties and situations that occur. In addition to the two methods used by judges to make legal findings to create laws that are not found in existing regulations, judges can do reasoning or argumentation. The argumentation procedure consists of argumentum per analogium, argumentum a contrario, and legal narrowing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 71 (344) ◽  
pp. e262
P.M. Carmona-Quiroga ◽  
A. Pachón-Montaño ◽  
J. Queipo-de-Llano ◽  
J.A. Martín-Caro ◽  
D. López ◽  

That the preservation of twentieth concrete heritage is an area scantly explored can be attributed to a lack of appreciation for such a young material. In most cases conservation is broached from a technical perspective with little regard for heritage value. Ongoing assessment of the condition of structures is the primary strategy to minimise such misguided action. This study involved characterising the condition of the concrete in a number of singular elements forming part of the Eduardo Torroja Institute for Construction Science headquarters at Madrid, Spain, a modernist compound listed by the city of Madrid as a protected asset. The in situ findings using non-destructive and laboratory techniques revealed the core concrete to be in good condition. The surface material, however, exhibits signs of durability issues calling for conservation treatments and techniques compatible with the preservation of the integrity and authenticity of this young heritage material.

Shannon Kilmartin-Lynch ◽  
Rajeev Roychand ◽  
Mohammad Saberian ◽  
Jie Li ◽  
Guomin Zhang

Global Jurist ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Mattia Elia

Abstract The report seeks to outline the issues the lecturers of the International Conference Held at the University of Turin on the 21st and 22nd June 2021 touched upon. The backbone of the Conference was the rise of Urban Commons describing all the different aspects it involves: the urban voids suitable to host urban commons, the participatory models shaping the governance of commoning, the consequences such phenomenon may imply, and the technological and legal infrastructure may flank and support the development of urban commoning. All this explored by referring to concrete case studies and day-to-day experiences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-77
Matteo Busi ◽  
Job Noorman ◽  
Jo Van Bulck ◽  
Letterio Galletta ◽  
Pierpaolo Degano ◽  

Computer systems often provide hardware support for isolation mechanisms such as privilege levels, virtual memory, or enclaved execution. Over the past years, several successful software-based side-channel attacks have been developed that break, or at least significantly weaken, the isolation that these mechanisms offer. Extending a processor with new architectural or micro-architectural features brings a risk of introducing new software-based side-channel attacks. This article studies the problem of extending a processor with new features without weakening the security of the isolation mechanisms that the processor offers. Our solution is heavily based on techniques from research on programming languages. More specifically, we propose to use the programming language concept of full abstraction as a general formal criterion for the security of a processor extension. We instantiate the proposed criterion to the concrete case of extending a microprocessor that supports enclaved execution with secure interruptibility. This is a very relevant instantiation, as several recent papers have shown that interruptibility of enclaves leads to a variety of software-based side-channel attacks. We propose a design for interruptible enclaves and prove that it satisfies our security criterion. We also implement the design on an open-source enclave-enabled microprocessor and evaluate the cost of our design in terms of performance and hardware size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (210) ◽  
pp. 1-24

The civil liability of the State for damages resulting from judicial acts is a subject much debated in the scope of jurisprudence and doctrine. As it is known the discussion on the civil liability of the State is old and extends to the present day, throughout history an attempt has been made to analyze the breadth of this type of liability and its impacts on society, and with the damages arising from non-judicial acts it was different. Although the institute of civil liability is comprehensive, this work will restrict itself to the discussion around the possibility of state liability in indemnity actions arising from judicial acts, whether due to judicial acts or judicial acts, will present favorable arguments and unfavorables present in the doctrine and jurisprudence on the subject, as well as the analysis in the concrete case of an action for damages.

2021 ◽  
pp. 796-808
Luca Facconi ◽  
Fausto Minelli ◽  
Giovanni Plizzari

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
Radosław Miśkiewicz

In this paper, I am attempting to present a different perspective on a famous passage from Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War (Thuc. 3.69–3.85), on the so called stasis in Corcyra island. Many scholars have scrutinized that passage in order to define what the stasis was or to fit it into the historian’s work. My aim is to elucidate the concrete case in Corcyra, not the model of the stasis in general. In this article, I analyse the source to find the answers to the main question, that is, who really was fighting in Corcyra (looking beyond simple dichotomy, which is stressed by Thucydides). I elaborate on the origins of the conflict, the role of individuals, the chief and background groups engaged in the strife and the process of gradation of the stasis, where the neutral status is practically impossible. I am trying to interpret this case of stasis not only as a struggle between democrats with oligarchs, but (what is equally important) as a commixture of different people or bodies of people, who often, in fact, were merely random dwellers (not only citizens) of the island.

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