market survey
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Dongqiao Bai ◽  
Qi Yang ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Shouzhi Li

The objective of this study is to propose a solution for process plant upgradation becoming extinct due to obsoleteness of spares. The study will help in reliability, availability, and maintainability (RAM) based upgradation of control system of process plants in developing countries. Available options for plant upgradation are compact control, modular, and semiautomatic. RAM based upgradation provides solution which is high in reliability and availability (usually all parts are replaced with upgraded and compatible technology) and is easy to maintain throughout the service life of process plant. Case study for stacker and reclaimer of cement plant upgradation is considered to both implement and evaluate the idea. Upgradation methodology is finalized by expert’s feedback regarding selection of hardware with respect to availability, market survey to validate the opinion, and economical availability viability of selected hardware. Pre- and postupgradation scenarios are analyzed to validate the implementation of study and conclude the expected outcomes. The process plant upgradation yielded a cost-effective solution to the problem with automation increasing by 17%, plant maintainability increasing by 80%, and downtime of plant decreasing by 17%. Among all available options, modular design Op1 is considered the best choice that can satisfy RAM criteria.

Aayush Gupta ◽  
Anant Gandhi ◽  
Saarthak Agarwal ◽  
Shamin Chokshi ◽  

The concept of Natural Language Processing that deals with problems of identifying the sentiment from the voice or text of a speaker or writer and then use that analysis further for making predictions, market survey, customer service, product satisfaction, precision targeting etc. is called Sentiment analysis. From one viewpoint, it is an abstract evaluation of something dependent on close to home observational experience. It Is mostly established in target realities and incompletely governed by feelings. Then again, a sentiment can be deciphered as a kind of measurement in the information in regards to a specific subject. It is a lot of markers that mix present a point of view, i.e., perspective for the specific issue. So as to enhance the accuracy of sentiment analysis/classification, it is imperative to appropriately recognize the semantic connections between the various words and phrases that are describing the subject or aspect. This can be done by applying semantic analysis with a syntactic parser and supposition vocabulary. This research will discuss different sets of approaches for application or domain specific problems and then compare them to obtain the best possible approaches to the problem of sentiment analysis.

Food Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 265-273
R.Z. Kamil ◽  
F.H. Fadhila ◽  
A.D. Rachmasari ◽  
A. Murdiati ◽  
M. Juffrie ◽  

Nowadays, functional food especially probiotic products have gained more interest, and gummy candy L. plantarum Dad-13 is an innovation. However, the efficacy of probiotics relies on their viable cells and resistance in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the gastrointestinal resistance and probiotic cells' shelf life and investigate gummy probiotics' characteristics. A market survey was carried to understand the consumer's knowledge on the health benefit of probiotics and their product, also intend to buy the product. Gastrointestinal simulation with pepsin and the pancreatic enzyme was conducted to evaluate the gastrointestinal tract's probiotic resistance, probiotic shelf life was evaluated with the Accelerated Shelf-life Test (ASLT). Proximate analysis was carried out according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC), and physical characteristics were analysed before and after 90 days of storage at 4oC. The result showed that the supplementation of L. plantarum Dad-13 in the gummy probiotic had an excellent survival during gastrointestinal system simulation with the predicted shelf life was 75.17 days or 2.5 months at 4oC of storage. However, the moisture content of gummy probiotics was more than 20%. Considering the survival of L. plantarum Dad13 during gastrointestinal simulation, it can be concluded that gummy probiotics can be used as a carrier for L. plantarum Dad-13.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Muhammad Fadil Mursyid ◽  
Pulung Adhi Prabowo ◽  
Isnendar Prakasa Sudrajat ◽  
Novira Farhandika ◽  
Diah Puspa ◽  

Rajungan (Portunus Pelagicus ) merupakan salah  satu  sumberdaya  perikanan  yang   penting   di wilayah  Perairan Teluk  Banten. dan  minim informasi mengenai  populasi  dan  status stok. Tujuan  penelitian  ini  adalah  mengkaji  Aspek biologi  (Portunus Pelagicus) berdasarkan  laju eksploitasi  dan  rasio  potensi pemijahan  di Perairan Teluk Banten,  penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan maret-april 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode market survey (Observasi pada pengepul Rajungan) dan data langsung  di lapangan sebagai data primer serta data sekunder.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  aspek biologi rajungan meliputi: jumlah stok hasil tangkapan selama kurang lebih 40 hari, ukuran pertama tangkapan kali (Lc), menganalisa  hubungan  panjang  dan berat,  hasil pertama  kali  matang  gonad (Lm) dan sex ratio rajungan.  Hasil  penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi  mengenai  perikanan  rajungan dalam pengelolaan berkelanjutan sumberdaya rajungan di perairan teluk banten. Hasil  analisa jumlah stok hasil  tangkapan rajungan di  teluk banten berjumlah 476 (302 jantan dan 174 betina),  Untuk hasi l analisa  ukuran pertama  kali tertangkap (Lc) diperoleh nilai Lc jantan = 10.47cm  dan Lc betina 13.50 cm ,  Hasil  analisa   hubungan lebar-bobot diperoleh  nilai  b jantan = 11.7810 (allometrik positif), sedangakan b betina = 10.6747 (allometrik positif) , Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm) jantan sebesar 11.82 cm dan betina 9.30 cm,  Perbandingan sex ratio sebesar 1.73 : 1 lebih dominan rajungan jantan.

2021 ◽  
B.B. Natanegara

A deep-water well is one of the high profile project which is closely related to a high cost project. One of the key success prior starting the project is by conducting the cost estimation (Owner Estimate). For a typical new operation with limited offset data, market survey is one of the way to have the base cost estimation. Performing a market survey for estimating owner estimate prior to perform tender process and also a need for a basis of well cost is critical step in calculating economic of the well or investment decisions during well planning. Many approaches to perform the market survey and sometimes people customize them in order to fit with the purpose. This paper is trying to exercise some of the market survey methodology options and also to describe the impact to the selection of procurement strategy and maturation of cost estimation. The market survey methodology will be presented in details for each options. Experiences while estimating long lead items (LLI) and drilling services costs for a deep-water exploration drilling well were exercised here. The outcomes were compared and assessed. Nevertheless, literature reviews are also performed to enrich understanding and better judgment when estimating the cost. By performing a comprehensive market survey, we have successfully determined the current market condition and accurate cost estimation, which plays crucial roles in the decision making process for the best procurement strategy. Additionally, with the selective and progressive method in the market survey, it has narrowed down the bias cost data, especially for some of the major drilling services contract. The method on the market survey has established also an advantage in the remuneration strategy which leads to a cost saving in the project and also helps to fit in the project timeline.

Thanisorn Sukakul ◽  
Chutipon Pruksaeakanan ◽  
Monthathip Bunyavaree ◽  
Waranya Boonchai

2021 ◽  
Steffen Schubert ◽  
Johannes Geier ◽  
Heinrich Dickel ◽  
Timo Buhl ◽  
Franziska Ruëff ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 277-287
Risma Illa Maulany ◽  
Aisyah Mutmainnah ◽  
Nasri Nasri ◽  
Amran Achmad ◽  
Putu Oka Ngakan

Wildlife trade has become one of the main causes of species loss and extinction. Increasing anthropogenic pressure posits crucial challenges to wildlife, and several species are threatened or at the edge of extinction. In this study, we aimed to examine the current wildlife trade in Makassar City of South Sulawesi, especially focusing on traded species, their area of origin, price, conservation status and traders’ distribution across the city. We conducted a market survey and direct observations of animals and wildlife traders in several locations, using a questionnaire targeting both wildlife/pet sellers and buyers. We also interviewed government bodies related with wildlife trade. Our results showed that there were 13 distribution spots of wildlife trading in the city of Makassar, and 27 different wildlife suppliers. During the seven months of observation (March-September 2018), the trade involved 62 species of birds, mammals and reptiles. More than 50% of these species had Indonesian origins, and 18% were endemic species of Sulawesi Island. The highest number of animals traded in the market were birds. Out of the 2,642 individuals being traded, 32 were considered as protected species under the IUCN regulation, 24 were species whose trade is regulated by CITES, and 10 were nationally protected according to the Indonesian Government’s Laws. The traded animals were obtained from different sources, including direct hunters, middlemen, opportunists, and breeders, mostly from Sulawesi (44.19%) and western parts of Indonesia (37.21%).

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 3179
Michał Gazdecki ◽  
Elżbieta Goryńska-Goldmann ◽  
Marietta Kiss ◽  
Zoltán Szakály

The proposed study aims to segment consumers based on a sustainable approach to the consumption of food. The shift in consumers’ attitudes towards more balanced food consumption can be one of the sustainability drivers for entire food chains and may result in more sustained energy usage in the whole food chain and implementation of farm to fork strategy to the practice. We considered consumers’ attitudes as a multidimensional construct. Under this assumption, we asked respondents a series of questions related to the cognitive, behavioral, and affective components of an attitude. Data were collected from a market survey run among 433 consumers. We identified three consumer segments. The “Doers” segment exhibits sustainable behavior to a greater extent than the others. At the same time, they have less knowledge about the concept of food sustainability while the affective dimension was developed on an average level. The “Conscious” segment had well-developed cognitive and affective dimensions (which might indicate their openness to the information about sustainability positive feelings), however, it was not reflected in their behavior. Finally, the “Reluctant” segment, did not show a sustainable attitude towards food consumption in any of the analyzed dimensions. Answering the question of how common sustainable attitudes are may help in determining the market potential and in developing product and promotion strategies.

2021 ◽  
Hubert O. Dossou-Yovo ◽  
Fifanou G. Vodouhè ◽  
Valentin Kindomihou ◽  
Brice Sinsin

Abstract The aim was to gather ethnobotanical knowledge on Kigelia africana in Benin where it is widely used in traditional medicine but receives little attention and recently recorded as threatened. A semi-structured questionnaire served to collect data from herbal traders. Thirty-six percent of respondents obtained parts of the species by purchase in their own markets and by travelling far. The same proportion travel very far before buying parts. None mentioned harvesting parts from wild populations. A high proportion of informants sold fruits and bark whereas a relatively low proportion of them sold fruits, bark and leaves. Bark was recorded as most sold followed by fruits. Respondents mostly confirmed the species scarcity. Thirteen diseases and disorders were recorded and the majority of traders mentioned the use of bark in treating stomach infections and gynecological disorders. Fruits were mainly used in magic rituals and stomach infections treatment. Five preparations were recorded and 54% of traders mentioned bark decoctions, 27% highlighted infusion of fruits in water. Kigelia africana is important in local ethnomedicine; harvesting and trade of its parts are threats and urgent conservation tools are needed.

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