centrifugal blower
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2020 ◽  
Vol 142 (12) ◽  
Grzegorz Liśkiewicz ◽  
Michał Kulak ◽  
Krzysztof Sobczak ◽  
Matthew Stickland

Abstract In this article, a numerical model of the full surge cycle is presented for the low-speed centrifugal blower and compared with the experiment. Surge phenomenon is very dangerous for the compressor operation. Therefore, the possibility of studying its physics experimentally is strongly limited. The application of numerical methods allows one to safely analyze surge physics without causing risks to the operating crew. This article presents a description of the applied numerical method and exhaustive analysis of the flow structures observed at consecutive stages of the surge cycle. The surge is known to be very difficult to be simulated due to large timescale and region of influence. This study also shows the importance of an appropriate choice of the simulation definition and the boundary conditions. The presented method allows gathering information about features such as the regions of flow reversal, pressure distributions, pressure rise, cycle frequency, and others. All the aforementioned information provides important input to the efficient antisurge system design. The model has been validated by a comparison with the experimental data. Thanks to simulation, standardized antisurge solutions could be possibly replaced with more efficient protection schemes tailored to a given machine.

This examination points towards the advancement of an enhanced plan of a radiating blower comprising of different fan ribs, in light of execution appraisals looking like its inside parts. Different segments, for example, the outside cases and the turning fan ribs set in an assortment of working conditions, for example, fluctuating impeller speed and number of edges, are assessed mathematically and tentatively. Assessment depends on execution boundaries, including the delta and outlet pressures, stream rate, force, and intensity of the radial fan. The mathematical examination recommends that the blend of the different pivoting outline strategy and the standard k-ε disturbance model was suitable for recreation of the inside stream qualities and for power forecast. The mathematical outcomes were contrasted and tests under deliberately planned trial conditions. Plan and displaying of Impeller and packaging has been completed in CATIA V5R21 and then the Calculation was imported to Ansys 16.0. By differing the quantity of fan ribs, the exhibition fluctuates practically nothing. Nonetheless, the FC fan ribs display the best exhibition in regards to their stream rate reaction and are related with most reduced force. The weight at the exit is diminished as the stream rate is expanded. Among all the fans, the FC fan would yield the most noteworthy stream rate.

Juha Honkatukia ◽  
Ahti Jaatinen-Värri ◽  
Teemu Turunen-Saaresti ◽  
Aki Grönman ◽  
Petri Sallinen ◽  

Abstract The study focuses on the design and testing of a centrifugal blower to be used for recirculating hot anode off-gas in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). SOFCs operate at high temperatures, even at 800 °C and typically, the anode off-gas is led out of the SOFC stack. However, nowadays it is commonly known that the efficiency of the SOFC system can be improved by recirculating the anode off-gas. Up until recent years, the problem with the recirculation has been that there are no suitable blowers feasible enough to sustain the high temperature of the anode off-gas. In this study, a 500 W centrifugal blower having a design pressure ratio of 1.126 was designed and tested using a 50 kW SOFC application as a basis of the design, but the designs can also be applied to other applications, e.g. recirculation needs of hot air. The blower was first tested using inlet air at room temperature and then using heated inlet air at about 300 °C. In the design phase, cooling was found one of the main challenges when hot inlet air is used. The results obtained from the test runs were well-matched with the design values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 82 (5) ◽  
Chin Toong Foo ◽  
Badrul Omar ◽  
Azlis Sani Jalil

BioPattern is a novel ideation tool for Bio-Inspired Design, built based on Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, SAPPhIRE Model of Causality, and pattern language. It has an ontology, known as pattern-based ontology, and a sustainability evaluation, known as Ideal Chart. However, this framework has not been tested yet to solve actual industrial problems. Therefore, this article is to present the results and analysis of the industrial case studies conducted to assess this biomimicry framework. Two different industries are selected. The industries presented a problem faced by each respective industry and the problems are to be solved by BioPattern. According to the constraints set by the industries, a suitable solution is found in the ontology while the concept generated is further evaluated by Ideal Chart. Based on the solutions produced from the case studies, BioPattern is found to be able to suggest technological solutions that are applicable in the industrial level with nature’s strategies. It can be concluded that BioPattern is able to ease ideation by providing innovative ideas and sustainable inspiration from nature.

In the present work of heat transfer for hexagonal fins (1mm & 2mm) grooves on surface and threaded fin is addressed. The test has been performed on three different fin geometries having hexagonal (1mm)groove, hexagonal(2mm)groove, threaded fin(0.5mm)pitch and test performed by using a centrifugal blower, test section, heater and test panel and Results are obtained for temperature distribution, effectiveness, efficiencies at a same flow rate of air as it was conducted in forced convection and the same parameters considered for different values are obtained for natural convection with different fins as well. In this experiment for forced convection, the airflow rate is constant i.e, 2.3371 m/sec throughout the experiment. In natural convection, efficiency for the threaded fin is high with 93.89% and effectiveness of hexagonal(2mm)depth fin is 28.11. In forced convection, the efficiency of the threaded fin is high with 81.83% and effectiveness of hexagonal(1mm)depth fin is high with 23.51 was recorded. The heat transfer rate is higher in natural convection is hexagonal(2mm)depth fin with 11.41 watts and 21.75 watts in forced convection with hexagonal(1mm)depth fin

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 3977-3980

A numerical analysis is carried out to understand the flow characteristics for different impeller configurations of a single stage centrifugal blower. The volute design is based on constant velocity method. Four different impeller configurations are selected for the analysis. Impeller blade geometry is created with point by point method. Numerical simulation is carried out by CFD software GAMBIT 2.4.6 and FLUENT 6.3.26. GAMBIT work includes geometry definition and grid generation of computational domain. This process includes selection of grid types, grid refinements and defining correct boundary conditions. Processing work is carried out in FLUENT. The viscous Navier-Stokes equations are solved with control volume approach and the k-ε turbulence model. In this three dimensional numerical analysis is carried out with steady flow approach. The rotor and stator interaction is solved by mixing plane approach. Results of simulation are presented in terms of flow parameters, at impeller outlet and various angular positions inside the volute. Also, the contours of flow properties are presented at the outlet plane of fluid domain. Results suggest that for the same configurations of centrifugal blower, as we change geometrical parameter of impeller the flow inside the blower get affected.

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