feeding kinematics
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Rita S. Mehta ◽  
Kyle R. Donohoe

Some species of durophagous moray eels (Muraenidae) have been documented emerging from the marine environment to capture intertidal crabs but how they consume prey out of water is unknown. Here we trained snowflake morays, Echidna nebulosa, to undulate out of the aquatic environment to feed on land. On land, snowflake morays remove prey from the substrate by biting and swallow prey using pharyngeal jaw enabled transport. Although snowflake morays exhibit smaller jaw rotation angles on land when apprehending their prey, transport kinematics involving dorso-ventral flexion of the head to protract the pharyngeal jaws and overall feeding times did not differ between terrestrial and aquatic treatments. We suggest that their elongate body plan, ability to rotate their heads in the dorsoventral and lateral directions, and extreme pharyngeal movements, all contribute to the ability of durophagous morays to feed in the terrestrial environment.

Sensors ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (7) ◽  
pp. 2114
Tal Krasovsky ◽  
Patrice L. Weiss ◽  
Oren Zuckerman ◽  
Avihay Bar ◽  
Tal Keren-Capelovitch ◽  

Clinically feasible assessment of self-feeding is important for adults and children with motor impairments such as stroke or cerebral palsy. However, no validated assessment tool for self-feeding kinematics exists. This work presents an initial validation of an instrumented spoon (DataSpoon) developed as an evaluation tool for self-feeding kinematics. Ten young, healthy adults (three male; age 27.2 ± 6.6 years) used DataSpoon at three movement speeds (slow, comfortable, fast) and with three different grips: “natural”, power and rotated power grip. Movement kinematics were recorded concurrently using DataSpoon and a magnetic motion capture system (trakSTAR). Eating events were automatically identified for both systems and kinematic measures were extracted from yaw, pitch and roll (YPR) data as well as from acceleration and tangential velocity profiles. Two-way, mixed model Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) and 95% limits of agreement (LOA) were computed to determine agreement between the systems for each kinematic variable. Most variables demonstrated fair to excellent agreement. Agreement for measures of duration, pitch and roll exceeded 0.8 (excellent agreement) for >80% of speed and grip conditions, whereas lower agreement (ICC < 0.46) was measured for tangential velocity and acceleration. A bias of 0.01–0.07 s (95% LOA [−0.54, 0.53] to [−0.63, 0.48]) was calculated for measures of duration. DataSpoon enables automatic detection of self-feeding using simple, affordable movement sensors. Using movement kinematics, variables associated with self-feeding can be identified and aid clinical reasoning for adults and children with motor impairments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 280 (10) ◽  
pp. 1548-1570
Justin B. Lemberg ◽  
Neil H. Shubin ◽  
Mark W. Westneat

2019 ◽  
Michelle E. St. John ◽  
Roi Holzman ◽  
Christopher H. Martin

AbstractThe origins of novel trophic specialization, in which organisms begin to exploit novel resources for the first time, may be explained by shifts in behavior such as foraging preferences or feeding kinematics. One way to investigate the behavioral mechanisms underlying ecological novelty is by comparing prey capture kinematics between groups. In this study, we investigated the contribution of kinematics to the origins of a novel ecological niche for scale-eating within a microendemic adaptive radiation of pupfishes on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. We compared prey capture kinematics across three species of pupfish while consuming shrimp and scales in the lab and found that scale-eating pupfish exhibited peak gape sizes that were twice as large as all other groups, but also attacked prey with a more obtuse angle between their lower jaw and suspensorium. We then investigated how this variation in feeding kinematics could explain scale-biting performance by measuring the surface area removed per strike from standardized gelatin cubes. We found that a combination of larger peak gape and more obtuse lower jaw and suspensorium angles resulted in 67% more surface area removed per strike, indicating that scale-eaters may reside on a performance optimum for scale-biting. We also measured feeding kinematics of F1 hybrids to test whether feeding performance could contribute to reproductive isolation between species and found that F1 hybrid kinematics and performance more closely resembled those of generalists, suggesting that they may have low fitness in the scale-eating niche. Ultimately, our results suggest that the evolution of strike kinematics in this radiation is an adaptation to the novel niche of scale-eating.

2019 ◽  
Justin B. Lemberg ◽  
Neil H. Shubin ◽  
Mark W. Westneat

ABSTRACTModern (lepisosteid) gars are a small clade of seven species and two genera that occupy an important position on the actinopterygian phylogenetic tree as members of the Holostei (Amia + gars), sister-group of the teleost radiation. Often referred to as “living fossils,” these taxa preserve many plesiomorphic characteristics used to interpret and reconstruct early osteichthyan feeding conditions. Less attention, however, has been paid to the functional implications of gar-specific morphology, thought to be related to an exclusively ram-based, lateral-snapping mode of prey capture. Previous studies of feeding kinematics in gars have focused solely on members of the narrow-snouted Lepisosteus genus, and here we expand that dataset to include a member of the broad-snouted sister-genus and largest species of gar, the alligator gar (Atractosteus spatula, Lacépède, 1803). High-speed videography reveals that the feeding system of alligator gars is capable of rapid expansion from anterior-to-posterior, precisely timed in a way that appears to counteract the effects of a bow-wave during ram-feeding and generate a unidirectional flow of water through the feeding system. Reconstructed cranial anatomy based on contrast-enhanced micro-CT data show that a lateral-sliding palatoquadrate, flexible intrasuspensorial joint, pivoting interhyal, and retractable pectoral girdle are all responsible for increasing the range of motion and expansive capabilities of the gar cranial linkage system. Muscular reconstructions and manipulation experiments show that, while the sternohyoideus is the primary input to the feeding system (similar to other “basal” actinopterygians), additional input from the hyoid constrictors and hypaxials play an important role in decoupling and modulating between the dual roles of the sternohyoideus: hyoid retraction (jaw opening) and hyoid rotation (pharyngeal expansion) respectively. The data presented here demonstrate an intricate feeding mechanism, capable of precise control with plesiomorphic muscles, that represents one of the many ways the ancestral osteichthyan feeding mechanism has been modified for prey capture.RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTSAlligator gars use a surprisingly expansive cranial linkage system for prey capture that relies on specialized joints for increased mobility and is capable of precise modulation from anterior to posterior using plesiomorphic osteichthyan musculature.

Zebrafish ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 517-525 ◽  
Sarah McMenamin ◽  
Casey Carter ◽  
Wiliam James Cooper

2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 325-339 ◽  
Rengao Zhu ◽  
Hesong Lv ◽  
Tianye Liu ◽  
Yunqiang Yang ◽  
Jianing Wu ◽  

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