software transactional memory
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2021 ◽  
Claire Nord ◽  
Shai Caspin ◽  
Catherine E. Nemitz ◽  
Howard Shrobe ◽  
Hamed Okhravi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Morgan Atkins

<p>In this thesis, we investigate some of the options programmers have when writing a concurrent program. We explore the use of manually created threads, thread-pools, actors, and Software Transactional Memory. We use these techniques to implement case studies of various kinds: a video game, a physical simulation, an image-processing application, and a concurrent data structure. Through-out these case studies, we notice a common thread: concurrency, applied correctly, can improve the performance of a program—but the correct application may not be readily apparent. Concurrency is an important tool in the toolbox of the modern programmer, especially with the rise of multi-core architectures and the increasing prevalence of distributed systems. And like any tool, it is important to understand how and when to use it.</p>

2021 ◽  
Morgan Atkins

<p>In this thesis, we investigate some of the options programmers have when writing a concurrent program. We explore the use of manually created threads, thread-pools, actors, and Software Transactional Memory. We use these techniques to implement case studies of various kinds: a video game, a physical simulation, an image-processing application, and a concurrent data structure. Through-out these case studies, we notice a common thread: concurrency, applied correctly, can improve the performance of a program—but the correct application may not be readily apparent. Concurrency is an important tool in the toolbox of the modern programmer, especially with the rise of multi-core architectures and the increasing prevalence of distributed systems. And like any tool, it is important to understand how and when to use it.</p>

Nguyen Ngoc Khai ◽  
Truong Anh Hoang ◽  
Dang Duc Hanh

Estimating memory required by complex programs is a well-known research topic. In this work, we build a type system to statically estimate the memory bounds required by shared variables in software transactional memory (STM) programs. This work extends our previous works with additional language features such as explicitly declared shared variables, introduction of primitive types, and allowing loop body to contain any statement, not required to be well-typed as in our previous works. Also, the new type system has better compositionality compared to available type systems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (ICFP) ◽  
pp. 1-29
Nicolas Krauter ◽  
Patrick Raaf ◽  
Peter Braam ◽  
Reza Salkhordeh ◽  
Sebastian Erdweg ◽  

Emerging persistent memory in commodity hardware allows byte-granular accesses to persistent state at memory speeds. However, to prevent inconsistent state in persistent memory due to unexpected system failures, different write-semantics are required compared to volatile memory. Transaction-based library solutions for persistent memory facilitate the atomic modification of persistent data in languages where memory is explicitly managed by the programmer, such as C/C++. For languages that provide extended capabilities like automatic memory management, a more native integration into the language is needed to maintain the high level of memory abstraction. It is shown in this paper how persistent software transactional memory (PSTM) can be tightly integrated into the runtime system of Haskell to atomically manage values of persistent transactional data types. PSTM has a clear interface and semantics extending that of software transactional memory (STM). Its integration with the language’s memory management retains features like garbage collection and allocation strategies, and is fully compatible with Haskell's lazy execution model. Our PSTM implementation demonstrates competitive performance with low level libraries and trivial portability of existing STM libraries to PSTM. The implementation allows further interesting use cases, such as persistent memoization and persistent Haskell expressions.

Nicolas Krauter ◽  
Patrick Raaf ◽  
Peter Braam ◽  
Reza Salkhordeh ◽  
Sebastian Erdweg ◽  

Douglas Pereira Pasqualin ◽  
Matthias Diener ◽  
André Rauber Du Bois ◽  
Maurício Lima Pilla

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