spatial narrative
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Jieming Hu ◽  
Xin Zhang

The high-quality workspace can be used as a physical carrier for design innovation and entrepreneurial organizational culture to continuously change the psychological cognition and behavior of employees in community of practice. The spatial narrative of the culture of design innovation and entrepreneurial organizations means to integrate entrepreneurship and organizational culture into the space through visual presentation. Whether the spatial narrative is successful or not needs to be judged by whether the change of people’s psychological cognition achieves the expected effect. The traditional qualitative research methods such as interviews and questionnaires cannot fully and accurately present the psychological cognitive mechanism of design Innovation and entrepreneurship organization members. We use virtual reality technology combined with electrophysiological technology to conduct experiments. We use these technologies to conduct quantitative experiments on psychological cognition in community of practice. This study will select a design innovation and entrepreneurial organization, randomly select 20 participants, and divide them into 2 groups for experimentation. The VR scene is based on their real office space as a prototype. Put the visual elements of corporate culture in one of the VR scenes. The other VR scene as a reference does not incorporate visual elements of organizational culture. Participants participated in the experiment in these two VR scenarios. There are many advanced devices that can accurately test individual psychological changes, but the ErgoLab man-machine environment test platform, can collect and compare these data [physiological data, electroencephalogram (EEG) data, and behavior data] in real-time and comprehensively, which is its advantage. According to the experimental results, judge the changes in the psychological cognitive data of the participants before and after the placement of the spatial narrative in design innovation and entrepreneurial organizations. The experiment combined interviews and questionnaires to ensure the authenticity of the quantitative data. The conclusion of the experiment will produce an accurate quantitative study on the psychological cognition of the spatial narrative of design innovation and entrepreneurial organizational culture. A sense of organizational belonging, collective sense, pride, mission, and work fun can be generated in the workspace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. p90
Xingwen Pan

Nathaniel Hawthorne, one of the classic writers of American romanticism, wrote many classic works throughout his life, including The Scarlet Letter, the representative of romantic novels and his outstanding masterpiece. Extensive attention has paid on it since it was published. Many literary critics use different theories to explain this work, many of which explore the theme including good and evil, love and hate, and culture under the influence of Puritanism. However, previous researches have paid less attention on the space feature of The Scarlet Letter, and in the traditional narratological research, the space factor has also been ignored for a long time. In this thesis, the author will take space as the starting point based on the relevant spatial theory and spatial narrative research results, and interpret the multiple space construction in The Scarlet Letter in detail, further analyzing the narrative strategy adopted by Hawthorne in order to explore the cultural connotation of the multiple spaces constructed in his works.

Panoptikum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 169-188
Tomasz Żaglewski

The aim of the article is to analyze modern superhero films through the specifics of superhero narratives in comics. By referring to the ‘organic’ elements of graphic super-storytelling – like retcon or crossover – the author tries to explain the main shift within comic book adaptations heading towards a ‘universe-al’ mode of narration. By doing so the analysis concentrates on the most succesful recent cases of superhero films as attempts to achieve a narrative ‘remediation’ of comic books’ spatial organization that requires reconsideration of the status of an individual superheroic franchise (or sub-franchise) within the larger universe of pre-existing, future and even alternate texts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 131-143
Zi Qi Ding ◽  
Eun Kil Cho

2021 ◽  
Vol 67 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-162
David Sergeant

This essay argues for a fuller recognition of the key transitional status of The Four-Gated City (1969) in Doris Lessing’s career. As an attempt to recalibrate the basic coordinates of the realist inheritance, the novel develops a strongly spatial narrative mode that coincides with a desire to write a utopian collective. This is confirmed both by previously unstudied draft material for Briefing for a Descent into Hell (1971) and the published texts that followed. However, in The Four-Gated City this attempt to break from the destructive globalization of the postwar era becomes deeply problematic through its handling of history and time. Examining this struggle in Lessing’s writing can shed light on how the interplay of space and time informs the intertwined histories of realism and modernism in twentieth-century fiction, and on how Lessing’s work contributes to current debates about possible futures for the novel.

Yoga Gouwijaya ◽  
Petrus Rudi Kasimun

At the author’s self-authentication stage during the COVID-19 pandemic, looking at perspective of water in Jakarta that has been capitalized and controlled by the fresh water scarcity campaign. The perspective of water divided into fresh water and polluted water, that raises resident’s concerns about living in utilizing water. This makes the vital programs in large water reservoirs, such as Tomang Reservoir, that can be a place to properly empower the district, the integration between humans and water brings out the potential of this water. With the experimental architecture method and Bio-Integrated Design, spatial narrative in Tomang Reservoir presents space and visual that created by the water of Tomang Reservoir, and can provide benefits for humans and the environment, starts from the desire to save, accept, waiting, and start to realize moments, ideas, or new things to get to dwelling, so that the programs that formed can recover the environment and human’s survival. Not only to produce architectural buildings, but also non-architectural, and the result can be widely disseminated and trigger the enthusiasm for the residents in other places to process and utilize water. This project that redefining water can present a cultural element in responding to water between fresh water and polluted water, and the results can also be enjoyed by the wider community. This also answers the challenges of The Future of Dwelling itself. Keywords: Culture; Dwelling; Reimagining Water;  Water DimensionAbstrakPada tahap otentikasi diri penulis selama pandemi ‘Covid-19’, melihat gambaran gambaran tentang air di Jakarta yang telah di kapitalisasi dan dikendalikan oleh kampanye kelangkaan air bersih. Pandangan mengenai air terbagi menjadi air bersih dan air kotor memunculkan kekhawatiran masyarakat dalam berhuni dalam memanfaatkan air. Hal ini membuat adanya program vital pada tempat penampungan air besar seperti Waduk Tomang dapat menjadi wadah untuk memberdayakan kawasan dengan baik, integrasi antara manusia dan air memunculkan potensi dari air tersebut, Dengan metode arsitektur eksperimental yang didukung dengan Bio-Integrated Design, narasi spasialitas di Waduk Tomang menghadirkan ruang dan visual hasil cipta atau produk dari ‘air’ Waduk Tomang yang dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi manusia dan lingkungan. Dimulai dari keinginan menyelamatkan, menerima, menunggu dan memulai merealisasikan momen, ide, atau hal yang baru untuk menuju dwelling. Sehingga program yang terbentuk dapat memperbaiki lingkungan serta keberlangsungan hidup manusia. Tidak hanya menghasilkan banguna arsitektural tetapi juga produk air kreatif non-arsitektural, hasilnya dapat disebarkan secara luas dan memicu semangat masyarakat di tempat lain dalam mengolah dan memanfaatkan air. Sehingga dapat dikatakan dari proyek memaknai kembali air dapat menghadirkan unsur budaya dalam menanggapi air antara air bersih dan kotor yang hasilnya juga dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat luas. Hal ini juga menjawab tantangan dari The Future of Dwelling itu sendiri.    

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