skin disease
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2022 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 103406
R Karthik ◽  
Tejas Sunil Vaichole ◽  
Sanika Kiran Kulkarni ◽  
Ojaswa Yadav ◽  
Faiz Khan

T. Khosravi‐Hafshejani ◽  
M. O’Connor ◽  
F. To ◽  
G. Sreenivasan ◽  
K. Shojania ◽  

2022 ◽  
pp. 12-16
Y. A. Kandrashkina ◽  
E. A. Orlova ◽  
A. A. Pribytkov

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic hereditary recurrent skin disease. One of the most pronounced symptoms of this dermatosis is itchy skin. Pruritus accompanies atopic dermatitis in more than 80% of cases. This review presents modern data on the mechanisms of pruritus formation in atopic dermatitis. The issues of etiological factors, neuroimmune interactions, peculiarities of skin dysfunction, as well as the role of stress are considered. The relevance of studying the topic is due to the high prevalence of atopic dermatitis among the population, a decrease in the quality of life and the lack of effective therapy. Analysis of the literature indicates the need for a comprehensive assessment of the pathogenetic mechanisms of the development of pruritus in atopic dermatitis. A more in-depth study of the mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation in atopic dermatitis will contribute to the development of new methods of diagnosis and treatment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Orapun Arjkumpa ◽  
Minta Suwannaboon ◽  
Manoch Boonrod ◽  
Issara Punyawan ◽  
Supawadee Liangchaisiri ◽  

The first outbreak of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in Thailand was reported in March 2021, but information on the epidemiological characteristics of the outbreak is very limited. The objectives of this study were to describe the epidemiological features of LSD outbreaks and to identify the outbreak spatio-temporal clusters. The LSD-affected farms located in Roi Et province were investigated by veterinary authorities under the outbreak response program. A designed questionnaire was used to obtain the data. Space-time permutation (STP) and Poisson space-time (Poisson ST) models were used to detect areas of high LSD incidence. The authorities identified 293 LSD outbreak farms located in four different districts during the period of March and the first week of April 2021. The overall morbidity and mortality of the affected cattle were 40.5 and 1.2%, respectively. The STP defined seven statistically significant clusters whereas only one cluster was identified by the Poisson ST model. Most of the clusters (n = 6) from the STP had a radius <7 km, and the number of LSD cases in those clusters varied in range of 3–51. On the other hand, the most likely cluster from the Poisson ST included LSD cases (n = 361) from 198 cattle farms with a radius of 17.07 km. This is the first report to provide an epidemiological overview and determine spatio-temporal clusters of the first LSD outbreak in cattle farms in Thailand. The findings from this study may serve as a baseline information for future epidemiological studies and support authorities to establish effective control programs for LSD in Thailand.

Mohammed O. Hussien ◽  
Adam A. Osman ◽  
Eman O. Bakri ◽  
Amira M. Elhassan ◽  
Molhima M. Elmahi ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 84-88
Anand G. Keriyawar ◽  
Mohammad Ashraf D. Samudri ◽  
Raghavendra V. Shettar

Shukra is studied in Ayurveda both as a dhatu and beeja. As a mammalian human body comprises both somatic and gonadal cells. Somatic cells help for growth and regeneration through mitosis. Meiotic cell division causes equal contribution for the inheritance from maternal and paternal sides. Beejartham (reproduction) is the supreme function attributed to Shukra. Reproduction refers to the formation of new cells for tissue growth, repair/replacement (sukshmavayavantarotpatti), or the production of a new individual (shareerantarotpatti). Regenerative capacity is distributed unequally among species, individuals, and tissues. The affliction of shukrastana by kusthadosha (skin disease) causes a failure in regeneration. The affliction of parents' shukra and artava (gametes) by kusthadosha (skin disease) inherits to the next generation. Vrushan (testis) and medru (penis) are the moola of the shukravahavaha srotus, which is meant to fertilise the ovum (beejarupishukra). Majja (bone marrow) and stana (breasts) are the moola of the shukravaha srotus of the one pervading the entire body (dhaturupishukra).

Jiajia Lan ◽  
Yuce Li ◽  
Jingjing Wen ◽  
Yu Chen ◽  
Jing Yang ◽  

Psoriasis is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease mainly characterized by keratinocyte hyperproliferation and massive infiltration of inflammatory immune cells. Acitretin (ACT), an FDA-approved first-line systemic drug for psoriasis treatment, could suppress the proliferation of keratinocytes and downregulate the expression of inflammatory cytokines by modulating signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) signaling pathways. However, dose-dependent side effects of ACT limit its long-term administration in the clinic. Therefore, improving the therapeutic efficacy of ACT to reduce clinical dosage will benefit the patients. Here, we develop ACT-conjugated dextran nanoparticles (ACT-Dex NPs) and evaluated the potential for psoriasis treatment. Our results indicate that ACT-Dex NPs ameliorate psoriasis-like skin disease significantly at a low dosage which does not cause side effects, while neat ACT drugs at an equivalent dosage provide much less benefit. Moreover, we demonstrate that ACT-Dex NPs suppress keratinocyte proliferation more efficiently than neat ACT by enhancing the inhibitory effect on STAT3 phosphorylation. Thus, the proposed ACT-Dex NPs provide an effective and safe option for psoriasis treatment.

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