teacher professionalism
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Meylani Hamid

The professional attitude of a teacher is no longer reflected at this time. Where they only carry out the task of transferring knowledge without providing direction and guidance that helps the development process of each student. The purpose of this research is to build and provide efforts to develop and improve the professional attitude of a teacher by carrying out a regeneration system with a recruitment process for every new cadre who wants to apply as a teacher. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with a literature study type approach. Where the researchers compared the results of several previous findings. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the principal has a very important role in using this regeneration system. Where the principal must always motivate the teachers. With the provision of motivation and enthusiasm, teachers will feel that they are getting an award in work performance.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-232
Suci Nurpratiwi ◽  
Amaliyah Amaliyah ◽  
Ahmad Hakam ◽  
Nada Arina Romli

This community service aims to develop teacher professionalism in online learning through assistance in preparing digital teaching materials. The methods used in the service activities are interactive lectures, discussions, practices, and assignments. The participants involved were 11 elementary school teachers. Community service activities are carried out through making guidelines, implementing assistance, monitoring, and assigning tasks. The service results show that the mentoring activities have succeeded in developing the abilities and professionalism of teachers in the use of technology in learning. Participants have compiled digital teaching materials independently and have implemented them for students in their online learning. Meanwhile, 81.82% of participants stated that service activities provided new insights, and 63.64% were satisfied with the activities carried out.Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan profesionalisme guru dalam pembelajaran daring melalui pendampingan penyusunan bahan ajar digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian berupa ceramah interaktif, diskusi, praktik, dan penugasan. Peserta yang terlibat adalah guru Sekolah Dasar sebanyak 11 orang. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilaksanakan melalui tahapan proses pembuatan panduan, pelaksanaan pendampingan, pemantauan, dan pemberian tugas. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pendampingan berhasil mengembangkan kemampuan dan profesionalitas guru dalam penggunaan teknologi dalam pembelajaran. Peserta telah dapat menyusun bahan ajar digital secara mandiri dan telah mengimplementasikannya kepada peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daringnya. Adapun sebesar 81,82% peserta menyatakan kegiatan pengabdian memberikan wawasan baru, dan 63,64% peserta merasa puas dengan kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 2667-2674
Sukirdi Sukirdi ◽  
Suwarni Suwarni

The planning process of a teacher entails numerous components. The elements pertaining to teachers include the teacher-student ratio, professional competence, and Iman and Taqwa (IMTAQ). The study's objective was to examine teacher planning at a Bengkulu-based Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT). This study employs a qualitative methodology. The data collection technique use observation, documents, and interviews. The data analysis in this study was descriptive-analytic. The study's findings indicated that SDIT Bengkulu's teacher planning was carried out by a collegial collective team comprising a principal and five deputy principals. Six individuals acted as informants. Teacher planning's purpose is to ensure that the teacher-student ratio and teacher competencies, specifically teacher professionalism and religion, are met.


  The mentoring program in basic training activities for civil servant candidates aims to improve the professionalism of civil servants at the beginning of community service. The relationship between mentors and mentees is fundamental and crucial to realizing the goals of mentors and mentees. This study aims to determine the character of the mentor's "admirable characteristics" in the actualization of basic training for civil servant candidates. This research on the phenomenon of the interpretive paradigm uses a qualitative approach with data taken from interviews using purposive sampling, observing mentor-mentee interactions, and analyzing seminar documents. The findings of this study show that, in general, mentors have ideal and professional characteristics. "Humble" characteristics and "teacher" professionalism are indicators that mentors can visualize against mentees. These are characters that are able to create connections that are able to build and develop the potential of the mentee and realize success. basic exercise. However, this positive condition is very contradictory to the condition of the results of the interview. It has been found that there are mentors who ignore their functions. So the strategies currently recommended are the availability of schedules, technical guidance, and transparency of the mentor-mentee relationship. The personality of the mentor is fundamental to the implementation of a good and effective mentoring process. ABSTRAK                                                        Program mentoring dalam kegiatan pelatihan dasar Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil bertujuan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme Pegawai Negeri Sipil diawal pengabdian di masyarakat, hubungan mentor dan mentee merupakan fundamental dan krusial untuk mewujudkan tujuan dari mentor dan mentee. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui karakter mentor “Admirable Characteristics” kegiatan aktualisasi latihan dasar Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Penelitian penomena paradigma interprentif ini dengan pendekatan kualitatif, data yang diambil bersumber dari interview secara pusposive sampling, observasi interkasi mentor – mentee, dan menganalisa dokumen hasil seminar. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa secara umum mentor memiliki karakter ideal dan profesional, karakter “humble” dan profesionalisme “teacher” menjadi indikator yang mampu divisualkan mentor terhadap mentee, ini karakter yang mampu mewujudkan koneksi yang mampu membangun dan mengembangkan potensi dari mentee dan mewujudkan keberhasilan latihan dasar. Namun kondisi positif tersebut sangat kontrakdiktif dengan kondisi hasil wawancara telah ditemukan terdapat mentor yang mengabaikan fungsinya. Strategi yang direkomendasikan adalah tersedianya jadwal, petunjuk teknis dan transparansi hubungan mentor-mentee. Kepribadian mentor menjadi fundamental terselengaranya proses mentoring yang baik dan efektif.

Vitalii Berbets

The article reveals the essence of ethical norms and principles, their importance for the objective and impartial process of professional self-determination of students in the process of technological training in general secondary education. The ethical principles of the career guidance process are identified and characterized. They are as follows voluntary actions of the optant; lack of evaluation labels on professional activities; the desire for a friendly understanding of personal needs; the confidentiality of the process and results of career guidance work; a combination of voluntariness and obligation while using methods of diagnosing professional intentions; in the interaction of teacher and student; observance of professional culture and dignity of the teacher. The main functions and tasks of ethical behaviour of the teacher in this process are the moral regulation of professional and personal relations, improving the professional skills of the teacher, developing his professionalism. We also identified and analysed the principles of designing methods of influencing (correction, development, improvement) on the personality of a teenager related to and integrated with moral and ethical principles and norms. In addition, the author describes the indicators of professional readiness of teachers to promote professional self-determination of adolescents, which are focused on solving problems of the student, polyreactivity of the teacher to personally significant problems of the student, realistic assessment of their capabilities by adolescents, constant awareness and consideration of the mutual influence of individuals in the process of professional self-determination, awareness of self-worth and human dignity, environmental friendliness of psychodiagnostic and developmental activities. Key words: professional self-determination of students; career guidance; ethics; ethical behaviour; ethical principles; teacher professionalism; technology teacher; personality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0013189X2110657
Margaret Vaughn ◽  
Seth A. Parsons ◽  
Melissa A. Gallagher

Although adaptive teaching is considered a cornerstone of effective instruction, there remains a lack of focus on teacher adaptability in policy, professional practice, and teacher education in the United States. High-profile educational reform efforts have pressured districts and states across the nation to rely on prescriptive curricula that fail to meet the linguistic, cultural, and instructional needs of the nation’s diverse student population. In this article, we describe the development of the Adaptive Teaching Inventory and present validity evidence from our administration in the United States. These findings provide insight into the potential for widespread implementation of adaptability and its focus to support teacher professionalism and decision-making. The discussion centers on moving adaptability to the forefront of policy and practice efforts to counter the prevailing emphasis on restrictive curricula that has stymied teachers in their efforts to support students for far too long. Implications for administrators, policymakers, and researchers are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 581-588
Munir Yusuf ◽  
Muhammad Yaumi ◽  
Moh. Sain Hanafi

This study describes teacher performance by quantifying every detail of teacher activity. This research results from a case study conducted for eight months in elementary school. The research focuses on the workload of primary school teachers. This research data collection through observation, interviews, and document review. This research was conducted at SD Negeri 18 Maroangin and SD Islam Terpadu Madan Insan Palopo City, South Sulawesi Province. The study results are as follows: (1) Based on the implementation time, to complete all tasks, the workload of elementary school teachers takes 17 hours a day. Therefore, it equates to 102 hours per week. In this case, the teacher experiences an "overload" workload. (2) The professionalism of primary school teachers is a challenge for education in Indonesia. In addition to the limited ability of teacher resources.

2021 ◽  
pp. 125-131
Оксана Михайловна Замятина ◽  
Дарья Андреевна Мозгова ◽  
Наталия Альбертовна Семёнова

Рассмотрен вопрос оценки уровня профессионализма и компетенций педагога, а также понятия «профессионализм педагога», «компетенции педагога», «технологии оценки». Представлен обзор технологий оценки профессионализма педагога, обозначены их достоинства и недостатки. Сделан вывод о перспективности необходимости оценивать работу педагога через анализ результатов учеников. Описаны этапы реализации технологии оценки компетенций педагогов через анализ результатов единого государственного экзамена с применением кластерного анализа. Приведены результаты реализации технологии на примере результатов общеобразовательных организаций Томской области по предметам «Русский язык» и «Профильная математика» (с 2015 по 2019 г.). The issue of assessing the level of professionalism and competencies of a teacher in secondary education is discussed in the paper and the concepts of “teacher professionalism”, “teacher competence”, “assessment technologies” are presented as well. Factors indicating the need to update approaches to assessing professionalism of teacher’s are indicated. Analysis of literature review on subject “teacher’s competence” has been carried out and connection between the level of teacher’s professionalism and level of his/her professional competencies has been established. The present-day assessment technologies have been analized and described. The technologies have been categorized into 4 groups according to the method of interaction, advantages of each group have been considered. The problem has been revealed, that is the above technologies do not consider the connection between the assessment of professionalism of teaching staff with students’ learning results, thus making assessment not complete and objective. The newly developed technology using cluster analysis for assessing competencies of teachers via analysis of students’ learning results of some subjects in Unified State Exam has been presented. The following stages of the technology implementation have been described: firstly, Dataset formation for the research of students’ learning results in different subjects in different educational institutions (secondary schools); calculation of average result for each subject under study; formation of a table of average results; implementation of clustering algorithms; sorting out educational institutions into clusters according to clustering results; analysis of final results of assessment procedures within each cluster and lastly determination of teachers’ deficits. The results of the implementation of the technology have been presented in the paper on the example of the results of Tomsk region educational organizations (secondary schools) in subjects “Russian”, “Mathematics (profile level)” within the period from 2015 to 2019. The findings revealed that more than 30 % of students could not cope the above exam assignments. Later the assignments were compared with the specifications of the USE test measuring materials and «complex for students» assignments were identified for each cluster. The research results make possible identification of teachers’ difficulties in teaching different subjects, and therefore formation of an individual teacher refresher training trajectory for enhancing professional skills, especially on the part of outlining and working out the needed competencies necessary for effective operating in class within one academic discipline, the latter ultimately should affect both personal professional development of teachers and quality growth of students’ learning results.

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