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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 606-611
Sitti Syabariyah ◽  
Retno Anesti ◽  
Alya Nurhaliza ◽  
Wika Puspika Sari ◽  
Rekha Rahmanilah

Anemia in adolescent girls still shows a high prevalence rate. The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia at the age of 5-14 is 26.4%, 18.4% of patients aged 15-24 years, and women have a high risk of anemia, especially in adolescent girls. Adolescent girls with anemia will have changed the menstrual cycle. The importance of learning adolescent nutritional status will be strategic planning for decreased nutritional macro and micro deficiencies in women. This community dedication aimed to present information about the risk of anemia through student empowerment and hematological examination (hemoglobin-hematocrit). A piece of good and proper knowledge about balanced Nutrition is an essential point of anemia prevention in adolescents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (4) ◽  
pp. 201-214
Dobromiła Nowicka

Transition from republic to principate brought a meaningful alteration in the area of conceiving freedom of speech. Republican standards in this matter were not apt for the new regime as it was too fragile to withstand the republican dissidence. New restrictions and ad hoc measures needed to be applied. Among them burning of books was of particular importance. The article deals with incidents of book burning in the times of Augustus (cases of Titus Labienus and Cassius Severus) and Tiberius (those of Mamercus Scaurus and Cremutius Cordus), which, although not numerous, were of high significance for freedom of speech within the new regime. On the basis of analysis of selected ancient sources and scientific literature on the matter, an answer to the question about their political meaning is sought. Accordingly, the socio-political background of change in the area of freedom of speech in the context of passing from a republic to the authoritarian regime of a principate needs to be taken into account. Unfortunately, historical sources regarding the matter are deeply unequivocal and scientific interpretations seem strongly conditioned by tendencies to discern crimen maiestatis in every case of book burning from the times of early empire, even if it is not plainly attested by ancient authors. It appears that the subsequent popularity of maiestas charges could have influenced the erroneous interpretation of previous incidents, which appear to have been — at least formally — distant from the law of injured majesty, being ad hoc measures at least in the times of the reign of Augustus. However, the essential point of analysis concerns the grounds of the incidents of burning books that took place under August and Tiberius, showing a step-by-step process of supressing the republican freedom of speech. Although rare, book burnings reflect a common tendency in new authoritarian rulers’ politics, which at first tend to deal with opponents unpopular among the aristocracy, only to move on to managing adversaries originating from the Roman élite. Nevertheless, the undertaken measures were not suitable for annihilating the books in question, contributing to their growth in popularity. The answer to the core question about the aims of book burnings under Augustus and Tiberius seems to boil down to mere propaganda, showing that dissident books would not be tolerated, no matter the social status of their authors.

Antibiotics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Beatriz Fernández-Rubio ◽  
Paula del Valle-Moreno ◽  
Laura Herrera-Hidalgo ◽  
Alicia Gutiérrez-Valencia ◽  
Rafael Luque-Márquez ◽  

Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAThttp) programs have become an important healthcare tool around the world. Portable elastomeric infusion pumps are functional devices for ambulatory delivery of antimicrobial drugs, and their stability is an essential point to guarantee an appropriate infusion administration. We conducted a systematic review to provide a synthesis and a critical evaluation of the current evidence regarding antimicrobial stability in elastomeric pumps. Data sources were PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Sciences. The review protocol was registered on the Center for Open Science, and it was carried out following the PRISMA guidelines. Studies were eligible if the aim was the evaluation of the physicochemical stability of an antimicrobial agent stored in an elastomeric device. Of the 613 papers identified, 33 met the inclusion criteria. The most studied group of antimicrobials was penicillins, followed by cephalosporins and carbapenems. In general, the stability results of the antimicrobials that have been studied in more than one article agree with each other, with the exception of ampicillin, flucloxacillin, and ceftazidime. The antibiotics that displayed a longer stability were glycopeptides and clindamycin. Regarding the stability of antifungals and antivirals, only caspofungin, voriconazole, and ganciclovir have been investigated. The information provided in this article should be considered in patient treatments within the OPAT setting. Further stability studies are needed to confirm the appropriate use of the antimicrobials included in this program to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-122

Today, the human migration is one of the most important factors in the socio-economic territorial development. This process requires considerable attention on the part of federal, regional and municipal general government. The main trends that characterize migration in Russia at the present time is a population tightening and a high level of its concentration in the European part of the country, a significant outflow of population from towns, small cities, as well as rural settlements, migration inflow to large and highly developed territories, an increase in the socio-economic development polarization in territories, etc. These problems are also considered in the Concept of the State Migration Policy in the Russian Federation for 2019-2025. At the same time, despite the adoption of the Concept several issues remain unresolved, such as the lack of state attention to internal Russian migration, the definition of specific needs of the region and municipalities, as well as the lack of a quantitative assessment of targets, etc. It is necessary to clarify the main directions and mechanisms for implementing Russia's migration policy. It is promising to consider population migration from the point of view of meeting the various interests and needs of the main participants in this process - a person, business, territory (locality, region, country), in our opinion. An essential point in the development of such a mechanism is an adequate and scientifically based description of the characteristics of each agent., It is necessary to develop a set of proposals for improving the migration policy and measures for its implementation to achieve a balance of interests of these agents.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 281-292
Constance Boissin ◽  
Lucie Laflamme

Although they are a common type of injury worldwide, burns are challenging to diagnose, not least by untrained point-of-care clinicians. Given their visual nature, developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have sparked growing interest in the automated diagnosis of burns. This review aims to appraise the state of evidence thus far, with a focus on the identification and severity classification of acute burns. Three publicly available electronic databases were searched to identify peer-reviewed studies on the automated diagnosis of acute burns, published in English since 2005. From the 20 identified, three were excluded on the grounds that they concerned animals, older burns or lacked peer review. The remaining 17 studies, from nine different countries, were classified into three AI generations, considering the type of algorithms developed and the images used. Whereas the algorithms for burn identification have not gained much in accuracy across generations, those for severity classification improved substantially (from 66.2% to 96.4%), not least in the latest generation (n = 8). Those eight studies were further assessed for methodological bias and results applicability, using the Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies (QUADAS-2) tool. This highlighted the feasibility nature of the studies and their detrimental dependence on online databases of poorly documented images, at the expense of a substantial risk for patient selection and limited applicability in the clinical setting. In moving past the pilot stage, future development work would benefit from greater input from clinicians, who could contribute essential point-of-care knowledge and perspectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 10908
Mohammed Amin Benbouras ◽  
Alexandru-Ionuţ Petrişor ◽  
Hamma Zedira ◽  
Laala Ghelani ◽  
Lina Lefilef

Estimating the bearing capacity of piles is an essential point when seeking for safe and economic geotechnical structures. However, the traditional methods employed in this estimation are time-consuming and costly. The current study aims at elaborating a new alternative model for predicting the pile-bearing capacity based on eleven new advanced machine-learning methods in order to overcome these limitations. The modeling phase used a database of 100 samples collected from different countries. Additionally, eight relevant factors were selected in the input layer based on the literature recommendations. The optimal inputs were modeled using the machine-learning methods and their performance was assessed through six performance measures using a K-fold cross-validation approach. The comparative study proved the effectiveness of the DNN model, which displayed a higher performance in predicting the pile-bearing capacity. This elaborated model provided the optimal prediction, i.e., the closest to the experimental values, compared to the other models and formulae proposed by previous studies. Finally, a reliable and easy-to-use graphical interface was generated, namely “BeaCa2021”. This will be very helpful for researchers and civil engineers when estimating the pile-bearing capacity, with the advantage of saving time and money.

2021 ◽  
Vol 77 (2) ◽  
Martin Rothgangel ◽  
Ulrich Riegel

A look at history showed that theology always has to face contemporary demands in terms of its scientific character. At present, processes of pluralisation and secularisation challenge the existence of theology at universities not only against the background of religious studies, which are independent of the churches, but also, for example, in relation to innovative life sciences or cognitive sciences. In this context, an essential point to consider was that theology – like social systems in general and science in particular – is characterised by an increasing differentiation. This differentiation of science implied an increasing specialisation of research, which could also be observed in the field of theology and its sub-disciplines. This article accordingly addressed the question of how, in the face of increasingly specialised research studies, the unity of theology can be justified beyond abstract and sweeping determinations. The present contribution suggested that in this respect a model of research designs developed in religious didactics might prove useful. This model of research design could essentially be understood as consisting of three research dimensions (topics, reference theories and methodologies) that define a research space, in which the research study on the didactics of religion can be located in the three-dimensional space by the research goal as a formatting factor. The three dimensions of this model (topics, reference theories and methodologies), including the research goal, seemed to be broad enough to be tested in other sub-disciplines of theology as well to see whether their research can be more closely defined with them.Contribution: Accordingly, the contribution of this article was to raise the question, in view of an increasing specialisation of theological research, to what extent a model of research designs developed in the didactics of religion could be transferred to other sub-disciplines of theology. Should this succeed a new approach to justifying the unity of theology could become available, which is able to take into account the current differentiation of theology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 49-52
Esti Pamularsih ◽  
Dyah Siti Septiningsih

Marriage is a developmental task for individuals in the early adult phase. Normatively for a single man will choose a spouse as a single woman. This research aims to examine the decision-making of single men to marry single-parent women. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection was carried out by semi-structured interviews using Miles and Huberman model data analysis techniques, namely the interactive model. The credibility of this research uses triangulation of sources, namely using the closest person to the informant to obtain valid data. There are several findings in the study, the first regarding the criteria of a partner, the second consideration before marriage, the third considers single-parent women as great women, and the fourth is responsibility. This is an essential point as an excuse for single men to marry single-parent women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (209) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Eduardo de Souza Canterle ◽  
Vitor Carlos Rodrigues de Oliveira

The importance of the social housing right for society is due to the fact that it is essential for it to be fair, free, equal and democratic. This article aims to analyze the effectiveness and applicability of the right to housing in Brazilian society by examining its explainingthe importance of this right for the dignity of the human person. Social Rights are provided forin art. 6 of the 1988 Federal Constitution and are characterized as content of the social order. They are related to fundamental freedom and equality, which guarantee individuals material conditions necessary for their dignified survival, consisting of essential assumptions for the exercise of citizenship and for the Democratic Rule of Law. The method used in this project was bibliographic research. Based on the constitutional provisions, which ensure the social right to housing as an essential point of this study, always interpreting them based on the concept of human dignity. We also use the best doctrines on the topic, using Constitutional Law manuals and articles to support our conclusions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  

Cultural reflection is the mirror to improve international relations as well as to develop social culture. Our research seeks the meaning of intercultural interaction through the authentic manuals of French Langue Etrange in Iraqi universities. The receiver/transmitter obtains through these manuals a detailed view of the French world such as mores and traditions and the way of life in French. The content of authentic FLE manuals is a reflection of French culture and civilization; through them, the student gets knowledge of the history of France. The authentic FLE manuals that we used in this research show us the progress of France from the old centuries till today. We find in Le Nouveau Sans Frontières a glance of the events from the beginning of the centuries before the Christian Jesus, and the contemporary life of the French families as a mirror of the French culture in detail is the first thing arrives at the head by the title of La France en Direct, also, in G. Mauger we observe the cultural variation reflected by the individuals traveling to another place where the culture is very different from that of his country. The person will know other cultures so he is capable to announce his own culture. This shows us the interculturality is the essential point in the content of authentic FLE manuals in our universities which allow the student a chance to discover and know another culture which is different. Keyword: Cultural interaction, education, authentic manual, social context, sender/ receiver

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