planar imaging
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Franco Picciotto ◽  
Adriana Lesca ◽  
Luca Mastorino ◽  
Elena Califaretti ◽  
Luca Conti ◽  

Primary umbilical melanoma is rare tumor, representing about 5% of all umbilical malignancies.The lymphatic drainage from the tumor is challenging and can be to inguinal, axillary and retroperitoneal nodes. Dynamic and static lymphoscintigraphy with single-photon emission tomography/computed tomography (SPECT/CT) and sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is a widely validated technique in patients with clinically localized melanoma to search for and quantify nodal spread of cutaneous melanoma. Moreover, it offers the surgeon the preoperative information about the number and location of the sentinel lymph nodes (SLNs), which makes SLNB easier and quicker. This is the first report of an ulcerated thick melanoma of the umbilicus metastasizing only to an external iliac lymph-node without involvement of superficial inguinal SLNs. The preoperative high-resolution ultrasound (HR-US) examination of the regional lymph node field had been normal. This case-report shows how addition of SPECT/CT to planar imaging in a patient with clinically localized umbilical melanoma can help avoid incomplete SLNB when a deep SLN is not removed. A literature review of umbilical melanoma is also provided.

Jonathan Romsa ◽  
Ryan J Imhoff ◽  
Swetha R Palli ◽  
Richard Inculet ◽  
Sanjay Mehta

Aim: SPECT/CT has been found to improve predicted postoperative forced expiratory volume in one second (ppoFEV1) assessments in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: An economic simulation was developed comparing the cost–effectiveness of SPECT/CT versus planar scintigraphy for a US payer. Clinical outcomes and cost data were obtained through review of the published literature. Results: SPECT/CT increased the accuracy ppoFEV1 assessment, changing the therapeutic decision for 1.3% of nonsurgical patients to a surgical option, while 3.3% of surgical patients shifted to more aggressive procedures. SPECT/CT led to an expected cost of $4694 per life year gained, well below typical thresholds. Conclusion: SPECT/CT resulted in substantially improved health outcomes and was found to be highly cost-effective.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Leonardino A. Digma ◽  
Christine H. Feng ◽  
Christopher C. Conlin ◽  
Ana E. Rodríguez-Soto ◽  
Allison Y. Zhong ◽  

AbstractDiffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) of the musculoskeletal system has various applications, including visualization of bone tumors. However, DWI acquired with echo-planar imaging is susceptible to distortions due to static magnetic field inhomogeneities. This study aimed to estimate spatial displacements of bone and to examine whether distortion corrected DWI images more accurately reflect underlying anatomy. Whole-body MRI data from 127 prostate cancer patients were analyzed. The reverse polarity gradient (RPG) technique was applied to DWI data to estimate voxel-level distortions and to produce a distortion corrected DWI dataset. First, an anatomic landmark analysis was conducted, in which corresponding vertebral landmarks on DWI and anatomic T2-weighted images were annotated. Changes in distance between DWI- and T2-defined landmarks (i.e., changes in error) after distortion correction were calculated. In secondary analyses, distortion estimates from RPG were used to assess spatial displacements of bone metastases. Lastly, changes in mutual information between DWI and T2-weighted images of bone metastases after distortion correction were calculated. Distortion correction reduced anatomic error of vertebral DWI up to 29 mm. Error reductions were consistent across subjects (Wilcoxon signed-rank p < 10–20). On average (± SD), participants’ largest error reduction was 11.8 mm (± 3.6). Mean (95% CI) displacement of bone lesions was 6.0 mm (95% CI 5.0–7.2); maximum displacement was 17.1 mm. Corrected diffusion images were more similar to structural MRI, as evidenced by consistent increases in mutual information (Wilcoxon signed-rank p < 10–12). These findings support the use of distortion correction techniques to improve localization of bone on DWI.

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Jakub Jamárik ◽  
Lubomír Vojtíšek ◽  
Vendula Churová ◽  
Tomáš Kašpárek ◽  
Daniel Schwarz

Pathological changes in the cortical lamina can cause several mental disorders. Visualization of these changes in vivo would enhance their diagnostics. Recently a framework for visualizing cortical structures by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged. This is based on mathematical modeling of multi-component T1 relaxation at the sub-voxel level. This work proposes a new approach for their estimation. The approach is validated using simulated data. Sixteen MRI experiments were carried out on healthy volunteers. A modified echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence was used to acquire 105 individual volumes. Data simulating the images were created, serving as the ground truth. The model was fitted to the data using a modified Trust Region algorithm. In single voxel experiments, the estimation accuracy of the T1 relaxation times depended on the number of optimization starting points and the level of noise. A single starting point resulted in a mean percentage error (MPE) of 6.1%, while 100 starting points resulted in a perfect fit. The MPE was <5% for the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ≥ 38 dB. Concerning multiple voxel experiments, the MPE was <5% for all components. Estimation of T1 relaxation times can be achieved using the modified algorithm with MPE < 5%.

2021 ◽  
Anna I Blazejewska ◽  
Thomas Witzel ◽  
Jesper LR Andersson ◽  
Lawrence L Wlad ◽  
Jonathan R Polimeni

Accurate spatial alignment of MRI data acquired across multiple contrasts in the same subject is often crucial for data analysis and interpretation, but can be challenging in the presence of geometric distortions that differ between acquisitions. It is well known that single-shot echo-planar imaging (EPI) acquisitions suffer from distortion in the phase-encoding direction due to B0 field inhomogeneities arising from tissue magnetic susceptibility differences and other sources, however there can be distortion in other encoding directions as well in the presence of strong field homogeneities. High-resolution ultrahigh-field MRI typically uses low bandwidth in the slice-encoding direction to acquire thin slices and, when combined with the pronounced B0 inhomogeneities, is prone to an additional geometric distortion in the slice direction as well. Here we demonstrate a presence of this slice distortion in high-resolution 7T EPI acquired with a novel pulse sequence allowing for the reversal of the slice-encoding gradient polarity that enables the acquisition of pairs of images with equal magnitudes of distortion in the slice direction but with opposing polarities. We also show that the slice-direction distortion can be corrected using gradient reversal-based method applying the same software used for conventional corrections of phase-encoding direction distortion.

Jos J. M. Westenberg ◽  
Hans C. Assen ◽  
Pieter J. den Boogaard ◽  
Jelle J. Goeman ◽  
Hicham Saaid ◽  

Diagnostics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 2273
Shuyi Peng ◽  
Yihao Guo ◽  
Xiaoyong Zhang ◽  
Juan Tao ◽  
Jie Liu ◽  

To investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of high-resolution readout-segmented echo planar imaging (rs-EPI), diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) is used simultaneously with multi-slice (SMS) imaging (SMS rs-EPI) for the differentiation of breast malignant and benign lesions in comparison to conventional rs-EPI on a 3T MR scanner. A total of 102 patients with 113 breast lesions underwent bilateral breast MRI using a prototype SMS rs-EPI sequence and a conventional rs-EPI sequence. Subjective image quality was assessed using a 5-point Likert scale (1 = poor, 5 = excellent). Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), lesion contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) and apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) value of the lesion were measured for comparison. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed to evaluate the diagnosis performance of ADC, and the corresponding area under curve (AUC) was calculated. The image quality scores in anatomic distortion, lesion conspicuity, sharpness of anatomical details and overall image quality of SMS rs-EPI were significantly higher than those of conventional rs-EPI. CNR was enhanced in the high-resolution SMS rs-EPI acquisition (6.48 ± 1.71 vs. 4.23 ± 1.49; p < 0.001). The mean ADC value was comparable in SMS rs-EPI and conventional rs-EPI (benign 1.45 × 10−3 vs. 1.43 × 10−3 mm2/s, p = 0.702; malignant 0.91 × 10−3 vs. 0.89 × 10−3 mm2/s, p = 0.076). The AUC was 0.957 in SMS rs-EPI and 0.983 in conventional rs-EPI. SMS rs-EPI technique allows for higher spatial resolution and slight reduction of scan time in comparison to conventional rs-EPI, which has potential for better differentiation between malignant and benign lesions of the breast.

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