predictive validity
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Vian Ahmed ◽  
Sara Saboor ◽  
Ahmad Saad ◽  
Hasan Saleh ◽  
Nikita Kasianov ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Firanbon Teshome ◽  
Zewdie Birhanu ◽  
Yohannes Kebede

Abstract Background Preconception care helps to close the gaps in a continuum of care. It is of paramount importance to reduce maternal and child adverse pregnancy outcomes, increase the utilization of services such as antenatal care, skilled delivery care, and post-natal care, and improve the lives of future generations. Therefore, a validated instrument is required. The purpose of this study was to develop and validate the preconception care improvement scale (PCIS) in a resource-limited setting. Methods A mixed-method study was carried out from 02, March to 10, April 2019 in Manna district, Oromia region, Ethiopia to test the reliability and validity of the scale. Items were generated from literatures review, in-depth interviews with different individuals, and focused group discussions with women of reproductive age groups. A pretested structured questionnaire was used and a survey was conducted among 623 pregnant women in the district. The collected data were entered into EPI-data version 3.1 software and exported to SPSS version 23 software and data were analyzed for internal consistency and validity using reliability analysis and factor analysis. Results The PCIS has 17 items loaded into six factors: Substance-related behaviors, screening for common non-communicable and infectious diseases, micronutrient supplementation and vaccination, seeking advice, decision and readiness for conception, and screening for sexually transmitted diseases. Factor analysis accounted for 67.51% of the observed variance. The internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) of the scale was 0.776. Diversified participants of the qualitative study and experts’ discussions assured the face and content validity of the scale. Factor loading indicated the convergent validity of the scale. Three of the PCIS subscale scores had a positive and significant association with the practice of preconception care and antenatal care visits, which confirmed the predictive validity of the scale. Conclusion The PCIS exhibited good reliability, face validity, content validity, convergent validity, and predictive validity. Thus, the scale is valid and helps to improve preconception care, especially in resource-limited settings.

2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 328
Nuria Marín-Jiménez ◽  
Carolina Cruz-León ◽  
Alejandro Perez-Bey ◽  
Julio Conde-Caveda ◽  
Alberto Grao-Cruces ◽  

Motor fitness and flexibility have been linked to several health issues. We aimed to investigate the predictive validity of motor fitness and flexibility tests in relation to health outcomes in adults and older adults. Web of Science and PubMed databases were screened for studies published from inception to November 2020. Two authors systematically searched, evaluated, and extracted data from identified original studies and systematic reviews/meta-analysis. Three levels of evidence were constructed: strong, moderate, and limited/inconclusive evidence. In total, 1182 studies were identified, and 70 studies and 6 systematic reviews/meta-analysis were summarized. Strong evidence indicated that (i) slower gait speed predicts falls and institutionalization/hospitalization in adults over 60 years old, cognitive decline/impairment over 55 years old, mobility disability over 50 years old, disability in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) over 54 years old, cardiovascular disease risk over 45 years old, and all-cause mortality over 35 years old; (ii) impaired balance predicts falls and disability in IADL/mobility disability in adults over 40 years old and all-cause mortality over 53 years old; (iii) worse timed up&go test (TUG) predicts falls and fear of falling over 40 years old. Evidence supports that slower gait speed, impaired balance, and worse TUG performance are significantly associated with an increased risk of adverse health outcomes in adults.

Ana María Porcel-Gálvez ◽  
Regina Allande-Cussó ◽  
Elena Fernández-García ◽  
Alonso Naharro-Álvarez ◽  
Sergio Barrientos-Trigo

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-44
Marcus Credé ◽  
Michael Tynan

Grit is theoretically defined as the combination of perseverance and passion for long term goals. Both of these constructs are likely to be relevant for our understanding of how language acquisition occurs and for explaining between-person differences in the rate of language acquisition. Despite this relevance, there are methodological and theoretical reasons why language acquisition researchers should be cautious about studying “grit” as a construct that is predictive of or causally related to language acquisition. In this paper we discuss some of these reasons, with a specific focus on the problems associated with the aggregation of perseverance and passion into a single variable, and the lack of predictive validity for other important life outcomes. We also discuss and describe with examples other challenges involved in studying grit, passion, or perseverance. Finally, we offer suggestions for some potentially more fruitful ways in which perseverance and passion for long-term goals may be integrated into research on second/foreign language acquisition. For example, we discuss how the measurement of grit facets may need to be revised to be better aligned with the “persisting despite initial failure” theoretical definition of perseverance, and to also balance the negatively-worded and positively-worded item content of the scales. We also discuss how an examination of necessary-but-not-sufficient relationships between grit facets and language acquisition using Dul’s (2016) methodology may be particularly valuable. That is, perseverance and passion may both be required for successful language acquisition but be insufficient on their own because other variables also need to be present (e.g., opportunity to practice, feedback).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Daniela Gandolfi ◽  
Giuseppe Pagnoni ◽  
Tommaso Filippini ◽  
Alessia Goffi ◽  
Marco Vinceti ◽  

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked an intense debate about the hidden factors underlying the dynamics of the outbreak. Several computational models have been proposed to inform effective social and healthcare strategies. Crucially, the predictive validity of these models often depends upon incorporating behavioral and social responses to infection. Among these tools, the analytic framework known as “dynamic causal modeling” (DCM) has been applied to the COVID-19 pandemic, shedding new light on the factors underlying the dynamics of the outbreak. We have applied DCM to data from northern Italian regions, the first areas in Europe to contend with the outbreak, and analyzed the predictive validity of the model and also its suitability in highlighting the hidden factors governing the pandemic diffusion. By taking into account data from the beginning of the pandemic, the model could faithfully predict the dynamics of outbreak diffusion varying from region to region. The DCM appears to be a reliable tool to investigate the mechanisms governing the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 to identify the containment and control strategies that could efficiently be used to counteract further waves of infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Nathan Mentzer ◽  
Wonki Lee ◽  
Scott Ronald Bartholomew

Adaptive comparative judgment (ACJ) is a holistic judgment approach used to evaluate the quality of something (e.g., student work) in which individuals are presented with pairs of work and select the better item from each pair. This approach has demonstrated high levels of reliability with less bias than other approaches, hence providing accurate values in summative and formative assessment in educational settings. Though ACJ itself has demonstrated significantly high reliability levels, relatively few studies have investigated the validity of peer-evaluated ACJ in the context of design thinking. This study explored peer-evaluation, facilitated through ACJ, in terms of construct validity and criterion validity (concurrent validity and predictive validity) in the context of a design thinking course. Using ACJ, undergraduate students (n = 597) who took a design thinking course during Spring 2019 were invited to evaluate design point-of-view (POV) statements written by their peers. As a result of this ACJ exercise, each POV statement attained a specific parameter value, which reflects the quality of POV statements. In order to examine the construct validity, researchers conducted a content analysis, comparing the contents of the 10 POV statements with highest scores (parameter values) and the 10 POV statements with the lowest scores (parameter values)—as derived from the ACJ session. For the criterion validity, we studied the relationship between peer-evaluated ACJ and grader’s rubric-based grading. To study the concurrent validity, we investigated the correlation between peer-evaluated ACJ parameter values and grades assigned by course instructors for the same POV writing task. Then, predictive validity was studied by exploring if peer-evaluated ACJ of POV statements were predictive of students’ grades on the final project. Results showed that the contents of the statements with the highest parameter values were of better quality compared to the statements with the lowest parameter values. Therefore, peer-evaluated ACJ showed construct validity. Also, though peer-evaluated ACJ did not show concurrent validity, it did show moderate predictive validity.

Assessment ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 107319112110632
Tamara L. F. De Beuf ◽  
Vivienne de Vogel ◽  
Nick J. Broers ◽  
Corine de Ruiter

The Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START:AV) is a risk assessment instrument for adolescents that estimates the risk of multiple adverse outcomes. Prior research into its predictive validity is limited to a handful of studies conducted with the START:AV pilot version and often by the instrument’s developers. The present study examines the START:AV’s field validity in a secure youth care sample in the Netherlands. Using a prospective design, we investigated whether the total scores, lifetime history, and the final risk judgments of 106 START:AVs predicted inpatient incidents during a 4-month follow-up. Final risk judgments and lifetime history predicted multiple adverse outcomes, including physical aggression, institutional violations, substance use, self-injury, and victimization. The predictive validity of the total scores was significant only for physical aggression and institutional violations. Hence, the short-term predictive validity of the START:AV for inpatient incidents in a residential youth care setting was partially demonstrated and the START:AV final risk judgments can be used to guide treatment planning and decision-making regarding furlough or discharge in this setting.

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